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NFL 2016 Week 6 - I'm Going to Go Home and Sleep With My Wife

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
$499! Launch Bundle!

And I don't have the PC to run good VR games, so PSVR was the easiest gateway to VR for me.

Ah yeah that's different.

It's harder sell at like ~$2000.

How much are they paying you?

And can I get in on it?

I wish they were. I don't think I'm alone in the sentiment but because of the cost factor, probably not many people have actually tried it.

It's like the BMW M4 of gaming right now if PC gaming was already like driving a luxury car.
Ah yeah that's different.

It's harder sell at like ~$2000.

I wish they were. I don't think I'm alone in the sentiment but because of the cost factor, probably not many people have actually tried it.

It's like the BMW M4 of gaming right now if PC gaming was already like driving a luxury car.

BMW drivers are almost exclusively dickheads, why would you want to join that club?


Friend DM, let me know what you think of it. I'm kind of interested in VR but man it reeks of being the next big gaming gimmick

It's only really a gimmick when implemented poorly.

For flight sim and driving sim stuff, it's already a revelation if you have the high-end hardware for it.
Thoughts on the game...

That was the most Reid like game yet in terms of playcalling by Pederson.

It was just so bizzare but first of all we might win if not for the 10+ penalties. Some of them were no calls in my book and was infuriating to see big play after big play called back because the refs called questionable holds whereas I didn't see the same when Redskins held.

Of course some of the calls they deserved and were boneheaded. I don't know what the hll Cox was thinking when he hit Cousins late and gifted the Skins a TD at the end of the half.

That's 2 games in a row the Eagles have had 10+ penalties and 2 straight they have lost. Another 2 in a row - the D has gone from best in the league to can't get off the field, cant tackle, and can't maintain gap integrity when playing the run. Holy shit that was terrible. The commentators even mentioned it. Its like I was watching a completely different team. Even when they would have the players wrapped up they kept slipping and missing tackles.

A lot can be said about the piss poor playcalling and the offense overall but they were barely on the field cause the D couldn't get off. Just rushing 4 doesn't work when the DEs aren't getting pressure. Schwartz has to switch it up. Barwin hasn't made a play all year he looked washed up or a completely out of place is a 4-3 where as he thrived in the 3-4.

Offense - i don't get it. You have a rookie RT against one of the better pass rushers and they think its ok to not help him? He shouldn't have even started at RT, let him play guard first. Wentz had no time and when he did, he refused to run as if they drilled in his head that he can't take off.

And what about the short dink and dunk passes of the WCO? Where was the screen game? It seemed like they never countered. RT was getting abused, so they did what? Why not counter with some screens to Burton? WR screen? Sweep plays for Huff?

This was the most conventional looking plays they called all year and it required Wentz to look deep on most drop backs instead of short designs.

So frustrating because both the Lions and this game were in reach or in hand and if they just did 1-3 things differently its a win.

Vikings are going to destroy them and then the season hinges on a week 8 SNF game against the cowboys.

I am still so angry at what a terrible job Schwartz and dougie did on Sunday. You are right about that looking like a bad Andy Reid game. 2 weeks in a row the D comes out totally flat. Mills was a complete disaster, every time the Skins need a completion that went at him. It would have been much worse if Djax had caught that easy TD as well. The worst thing by far though was dougie totally fucking up the end of the game. Eagles have a 4th and long and all three timeouts with like 1:40 left, they take a timeout and then punt. It is beyond belief how much trouble NFL coaches have with such simple situations. When they called the timeout I was sure that they were going to go for it, but no they still punted. Howie really fucked up giving Vinny curry that big contract, he is terrible again this year. So many of the Redskins big runs were toward his side since he kept crashing inside and not maintaining his gap responsibilities. I really think this team will be lucky to get to 500 now. D is nowhere near as good as they looked to start the year, and the WRs are fucking terrible. The play calling is a fucking joke to. The OL cant block so lets have Wentz take 5 and 7 step drops all game and try to hit deep passes, yeah that will work.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
BMW drivers are almost exclusively dickheads, why would you want to join that club?

The ones in their 20s definitely are.

Depends if you're buying for the badge or for the driving experience. Most buy for the badge judging by the shortage of manual BMWs available.

PC gamers can be dicks too though.

It's only really a gimmick when implemented poorly.

For flight sim and driving sim stuff, it's already a revelation if you have the high-end hardware for it.

I haven't looked it up but I bet there's setups worth several thousands of dollars with Project Cars and Vive. Probably the same thing with Elite Dangerous also.


Hey remember first person mode in NFL 2K5? PSVR has me curious what a VR mode would be like in Madden. Do to the difficulty of movement, maybe just a QB in the pocket mini game. You can move around the room a little bit with PSVR. I almost tripped over a chair flinching away from a shark.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Hey remember first person mode in NFL 2K5? PSVR has me curious what a VR mode would be like in Madden. Do to the difficulty of movement, maybe just a QB in the pocket mini game. You can move around the room a little bit with PSVR. I almost tripped over a chair flinching away from a shark.

Madden VR might be complicated

You're kinda stuck in a box when you do VR so you might have a mode where you're the quarterback and you can throw but you can't run out of the pocket. Or maybe if you run in place you'll move forward?


It's been 2 weeks everyone. Relax.

I think the hot start boosted your confidence too much. This was never a super bowl team. We have weaknesses throughout the roster, a rookie HC, a new defensive scheme, and a rookie QB.

Wentz played another pretty good game given the circumstances, and he isn't dead. That makes this a good week.


Guys I'm seeing a trend here:

1. Cowboys are good again and dominate the Packers
2. Red Dead Sequel is teased

I'm not saying there's something going on here but
there's something going on here

There are a lot of smart players on the Packers. We should look into that.


It's been 2 weeks everyone. Relax.

I think the hot start boosted your confidence too much. This was never a super bowl team. We have weaknesses throughout the roster, a rookie HC, a new defensive scheme, and a rookie QB.

Wentz played another pretty good game given the circumstances, and he isn't dead. That makes this a good week.

Pretty much where I'm at. Before the season I thought it would take 3 years for this to be a SB team. I thought it would take that long for Wentz to develop, and that would coincide with Cox hitting his prime and BG and curry being on the tail end of theirs. Wentz is obviously further along than I expected, but the rest of the roster isn't. Plus that would give us 2 draft/FA periods to fill out the roster. Those first 3 games, especially the Steelers game, really warped expectations.

Still can't figure out why the D looks so different tho
It's been 2 weeks everyone. Relax.

I think the hot start boosted your confidence too much. This was never a super bowl team. We have weaknesses throughout the roster, a rookie HC, a new defensive scheme, and a rookie QB.

Wentz played another pretty good game given the circumstances, and he isn't dead. That makes this a good week.
Saw your post in the RL thread. You sir, are a god. I made it to Champ in 2s then instantly lost 3 games and got demoted. :(




ESPN Stats & Info ‏@ESPNStatsInfo 12h12 hours ago
Texans are 1st team to overcome 14-point deficit in final 3 minutes since Tim Tebow and Broncos did it in Week 7 of 2011 vs Dolphins

Oz is Tebow. They both have the same horrible throwing motion
Offense - i don't get it. You have a rookie RT against one of the better pass rushers and they think its ok to not help him? He shouldn't have even started at RT, let him play guard first. Wentz had no time and when he did, he refused to run as if they drilled in his head that he can't take off.

You know, I was thinking about going off on Big V too, but actually it's not as clear cut as it seems. Wentz was sacked 5 times, right? The first sack was given up by Celek, not Vaitai. The second was all on Vaitai. The last two sacks? Those were on Wentz. He held on to the ball forever on both of those and protection broke down across the entire offensive line, not just on Vaitai's side. Wentz needed to throw the ball away or move out of the pocket on both of the final two sacks. So the sacks were Celek, Vaitai, ?, Wentz, Wentz in responsibility. The third one I don't remember clearly if it was Vaitai at fault or another offensive lineman.

What I will say is that Vaitai was much better in the second half than he was in the first half. I think the kid can learn and improve. Even if Vaitai was at fault for the third sack, Lane Johnson gave up two sacks to the Chiefs in his third game as a rookie. It's going to happen to rookie tackles.

Vaitai did give up a lot of pressures that didn't end with sacks though. It felt like there was constant pressure on Wentz from the right side for the entire first two or three drives. Vaitai was afraid of getting beat around the sides for those three drives and was voluntarily walking backwards giving up the pressure on almost every play. He cleaned that up a bit in the second half to my eyes, and stood his ground better. I think Vaitai will learn from the experience and look better in a few short games. The problem is the Vikings have a better pass rush than Washington, and if they intend to keep him at that position he's going to have it rough there. That said, I think they did a poor job of helping him with playcalling. Not many screens, not many short passes, no RB help, and not enough TE help on that side. The help they did give was essentially to run the ball to the LT side, but all that did is let the Washington D know where running plays were going to go so they could focus coverage on that side.

I can't blame it all on Doug's playcalling though. The offense wasn't even on the field long enough in the first half for them to even have seen enough to make second half adjustments. The defense just never got off the field. Wentz had a total of 22 attempts. If Wentz got anywhere near his normal time on the field it would have been a different story. It would have been another 250 yard game for him at the rate he was at, even if he was less accurate than usual. The defense let the team down hard.

If Billy Davis had two of these performances in a row we would rightly be calling for his head. Jim Schwartz needs to be held to the same level of accountability. This defense has been putrid since the bye.


Feeling good about the loss last night.

If we lose the division come in last, no way we don't clean house in the off season.

Oh wait nvm, I forgot we have Irsay running the show.


Saw your post in the RL thread. You sir, are a god. I made it to Champ in 2s then instantly lost 3 games and got demoted. :(
Haha thanks. As I try to make it in the pro scene, I still feel like I kinda suck. Not exactly a good feeling being one of the best teams outside of RLCS. It's like spending your whole career on the Browns. :(
Haha thanks. As I try to make it in the pro scene, I still feel like I kinda suck. Not exactly a good feeling being one of the best teams outside of RLCS. It's like spending your whole career on the Browns. :(
It's okay, you're just saving it for Season 3 when the prize pool is massive thanks to all the key and crate $ale$. I believe!


"Have a glass of scotch and chill out a little bit [and] watch the film," Rodgers said. "I'm my biggest critic, and I look at this as finely as I look at every other game and improve."


When he said that I was thinking... Your getting worse every game.

If the Packers can't put up over 300 yards passing against the Bears then I dunno what to even say at this point.
You know, I was thinking about going off on Big V too, but actually it's not as clear cut as it seems. Wentz was sacked 5 times, right? The first sack was given up by Celek, not Vaitai. The second was all on Vaitai. The last two sacks? Those were on Wentz. He held on to the ball forever on both of those and protection broke down across the entire offensive line, not just on Vaitai's side. Wentz needed to throw the ball away or move out of the pocket on both of the final two sacks. So the sacks were Celek, Vaitai, ?, Wentz, Wentz in responsibility. The third one I don't remember clearly if it was Vaitai at fault or another offensive lineman.

What I will say is that Vaitai was much better in the second half than he was in the first half. I think the kid can learn and improve. Even if Vaitai was at fault for the third sack, Lane Johnson gave up two sacks to the Chiefs in his third game as a rookie. It's going to happen to rookie tackles.

Vaitai did give up a lot of pressures that didn't end with sacks though. It felt like there was constant pressure on Wentz from the right side for the entire first two or three drives. Vaitai was afraid of getting beat around the sides for those three drives and was voluntarily walking backwards giving up the pressure on almost every play. He cleaned that up a bit in the second half to my eyes, and stood his ground better. I think Vaitai will learn from the experience and look better in a few short games. The problem is the Vikings have a better pass rush than Washington, and if they intend to keep him at that position he's going to have it rough there. That said, I think they did a poor job of helping him with playcalling. Not many screens, not many short passes, no RB help, and not enough TE help on that side. The help they did give was essentially to run the ball to the LT side, but all that did is let the Washington D know where running plays were going to go so they could focus coverage on that side.

I can't blame it all on Doug's playcalling though. The offense wasn't even on the field long enough in the first half for them to even have seen enough to make second half adjustments. The defense just never got off the field. Wentz had a total of 22 attempts. If Wentz got anywhere near his normal time on the field it would have been a different story. It would have been another 250 yard game for him at the rate he was at, even if he was less accurate than usual. The defense let the team down hard.

If Billy Davis had two of these performances in a row we would rightly be calling for his head. Jim Schwartz needs to be held to the same level of accountability. This defense has been putrid since the bye.

Man you are so right about the calling for Billy Davis head after 2 games like this. The whole defense is basically Cox. If he is busting through getting pressure and swallowing up several blockers then everything else works great. If he isnt causing havok though then QBs can take their time and rip this terrible secondary apart. One thing that is really funny to me was all the articles about how the defense was tackling better this year thanks to Dougs hard hitting training camp, unlike what Chip would do. The last 2 weeks they are missing tackles all over the place, so many chances to stop guys short on third down and they cant do it. I really wonder if the front 4 continue to get little to no pressure will they be forced to blitz.
Everyone knew Zack Sanchez's fatal flaw in college was that he could be easily fooled by double moves. Literally every single scouting report I read on him listed that as major negative. When he was asked about it in his post-draft presser, Dave Gettleman said (and I quote), "so he likes to bite on double moves, I like to drink a milkshake sometimes too"


That's Brandin Cooks, that's a double move, and that's 7 points for the bad guys

Just like Cam's dabbing, there's certain things you can and can't do and can and can't say when you're not winning. Getts can't charm his way out of the fact that he fucked up this offseason.

Aside: Cooks is a bad man. Roll it back to the 2014 NFL Draft and my top 3 potential wide outs for the Panthers to draft at 28 were

1) Absolute pipe dream that OBJ falls that far. If he was there, I would have broken my neck running to the podium to get my pick in, I knew dude was going to be a superstar

2) Cooks

3) Benjamin

4)The rest of the dudes (Woods, Matthews, Lattimer...)

I guess Philly Brown coming in and not being atrocious kind of filled the void of shifty, small fast dude, though, so I'm OK with taking the WNBA player instead.


When he said that I was thinking... Your getting worse every game.

If the Packers can't put up over 300 yards passing against the Bears then I dunno what to even say at this point.

Rodgers has definitely regressed but I still think the problem is coaching. Oddly enough, Aikman made an interesting point during the game yesterday when he was talking about Rodgers and the offense. He basically said the reason they passed so much a few years back, and did it so well, was because they had no run game. Then they drafted Lacy and became more balanced, but the pass game regressed as a result.

I've said for a while now that, while I like Lacy, drafting Lacy was one of the bad things to happen to this offense because it allowed McCarthy to try to reshape the offense into something he wanted more so than what the actual identity of the team was. Even late last year, the offense looked a lot better when they were doing 4 and 5 man spreads and just gunning it everywhere and basically saying fuck the run.
I'll probably jump onto the VR bandwagon when the second generation of headsets/controllers is released, I don't want to spend that kind of money only to settle for headsets with screen door effects or sub standard controllers.

By that time devs will have figured out how to make good use of VR, what works and what doesn't. Almost pulled the trigger on the Oculus but managed to talk myself out of it, aren't enough games that make it worthwhile for me.


Rodgers has definitely regressed but I still think the problem is coaching. Oddly enough, Aikman made an interesting point during the game yesterday when he was talking about Rodgers and the offense. He basically said the reason they passed so much a few years back, and did it so well, was because they had no run game. Then they drafted Lacy and became more balanced, but the pass game regressed as a result.

I've said for a while now that, while I like Lacy, drafting Lacy was one of the bad things to happen to this offense because it allowed McCarthy to try to reshape the offense into something he wanted more so than what the actual identity of the team was. Even late last year, the offense looked a lot better when they were doing 4 and 5 man spreads and just gunning it everywhere and basically saying fuck the run.

Rodgers sounded like he wanted the 5 wide spreads back in his post game interview yesterday too. Might get his wish if we have no RBs. I'd like to think that would help the WRs get open also.
Man you are so right about the calling for Billy Davis head after 2 games like this. The whole defense is basically Cox. If he is busting through getting pressure and swallowing up several blockers then everything else works great. If he isnt causing havok though then QBs can take their time and rip this terrible secondary apart. One thing that is really funny to me was all the articles about how the defense was tackling better this year thanks to Dougs hard hitting training camp, unlike what Chip would do. The last 2 weeks they are missing tackles all over the place, so many chances to stop guys short on third down and they cant do it. I really wonder if the front 4 continue to get little to no pressure will they be forced to blitz.

They actually did blitz a lot more noticeably yesterday than they had previously. It didn't work. I actually think a lot of it has to do with the way they were playing the Wide 9. The DEs and LBs were not respecting the run. The LBs felt like they had to cover because the CBs played poorly, so they were more concerned with pass defense. The DEs had poor gap discipline and just got run around. I actually thought the DTs play was fine. Their job is to get to the passer or clog up the middle during runs. Even with Bennie Logan out, Beau Allen was able to do that. The defense as a whole was just atrocious and it needed to be adjusted. Did you see LBs fading into coverage once the entire game? I didn't. The LBs needed to be behind the defensive line until they were sure there wasn't a run, then they need to fade back into coverage. Instead they all went into pass coverage immediately and were nowhere to be seen for run defense. The early strikes to the Washington receivers made Schwartz lose confidence in the CBs entirely or something. I just didn't like how they played the game.


That bye week came at just the right time. After a win we've had plenty of time to recuperate and...
Rick Stroud ‏@NFLSTROUD 2h2 hours ago Tampa, FL

#Bucs RB Doug Martin, DT Gerald McCoy, DE Robert Ayers, DT Clinton McDonald not practicing this morning. WR Vincent Jackson off as well.
Damn it all to hell.
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