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NFL 2016 Week 6 - I'm Going to Go Home and Sleep With My Wife


When the Colts cut Peyton and hired that good ole boy as GM, I stopped following them. Now I'm just laughing at the Colts and enjoying the panic of their fans who applauded the management until the bottom fell out. They need to get rid of that GM and Coach and get somebody competent in there which I have been saying since they got hired. This Colts team has relegated me to watching Redzone, with no team (with Peyton retired).

Us cutting Peyton was one of the best things to ever happen to him. Let's just hope we don't take long to free Luck from this hell. Maybe he can take TY with him.

Remember when people were saying that Grigson had the team completely rebuilt 2 years ago?


It was rebuilt from the Peyton days. WITH a foundation of Irsay's finest cocaine and walls made out of shit, piss, vomit, and beach sand.

Remember when everyone thought Grigano was getting fired and they both walked out with extensions? Good times.


Good morning all. Glad to see the Skins won, after I sadly had to engage with my family yesterday instead of watching football. I've scoured this thread to bask in the bitter tears of the Eagles delegation. I'm now ready to attack the day.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Funny hearing all these analysts talking about green bay like they are still good.... They make it sound like it was a miracle Dallas won lol.

They must not watch football.

Above average defense and a top 5 offensive line!

Too bad we have the worst QB in the league.

edit: I admit we're kinda spoiled. Favre had 3 or 4 really, really bad seasons also.


I don't care how bad the Colts D is, Texan's are always destined to lose in prime time. Especially against Indy. Still can't believe it.
Hey the Giants won a game


against a one-legged Ravens team

Edit: Damn the entire AFCN lost?


McCarthy will fall back on the "we're 3-2" excuse similar to how he fell back on the "we won 10 games" excuse when the Packers were stinking it up the second half of last year, because McCarthy has problems acknowledging that his team has problems and he really has a problem acknowledging when he's fucking up. The reality is the Packers are a 3-2 team that could easily be 1-4. Jacksonville and Detroit could have easily stolen wins from Green Bay since McCarthy and company were practically giving those games away at the end.

Ted Thompson also desperately needs to look at the free agency pool and pick up a few cornerbacks since ours are dropping like flies (and the ones we are missing aren't that good in the first place)


Sorry, brother. Injuring Ben before his game against the Pats... almost makes the win not worth it. And it wasn't even Suh!
It was not a dirty hit.

I think it just got twisted in that scramble.

I don't hold it against the Dolphins. The trumps are going to smash us next week but hopefully someone can beat them in the playoffs and more importantly I don't want to see them win the election in November. I really don't want us to all get Patriot tattoos as will likely be required if they win the election. I also like people of color and they are going to the first ones to go if the Pats get their way.


Another thing that sucks about living in Boston is that because the Pats win all the time there's never any of these deals for free shit at fast food places. The only thing there is is like 60 cents off Dunkin Donuts coffee and who wants that
It was not a dirty hit.

I think it just got twisted in that scramble.

I don't hold it against the Dolphins. The trumps are going to smash us next week but hopefully someone can beat them in the playoffs and more importantly I don't want to see them win the election in November. I really don't want us to all get Patriot tattoos as will likely be required if they win the election. I also like people of color and they are going to the first ones to go if the Pats get their way.
I hope Ben comes back healthy and leads the Steelers over the Pats in the playoffs. Someone has to be the hero of this story.

I am pretty sure we would be required to get Patriots logos tattooed across the entirety of our backs with a barcode inside so that we can always be tracked. Could this be the mark of the beast that the Biblical prophecies foretold of?
Another thing that sucks about living in Boston is that because the Pats win all the time there's never any of these deals for free shit at fast food places. The only thing there is is like 60 cents off Dunkin Donuts coffee and who wants that
You don't deserve it anyway

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
McCarthy will fall back on the "we're 3-2" excuse similar to how he fell back on the "we won 10 games" excuse when the Packers were stinking it up the second half of last year, because McCarthy has problems acknowledging that his team has problems and he really has a problem acknowledging when he's fucking up. The reality is the Packers are a 3-2 team that could easily be 1-4. Jacksonville and Detroit could have easily stolen wins from Green Bay since McCarthy and company were practically giving those games away at the end.

Ted Thompson also desperately needs to look at the free agency pool and pick up a few cornerbacks since ours are dropping like flies (and the ones we are missing aren't that good in the first place)

Feels like Aaron Rodgers has been broken in some capacity since the NFCCG.

The team isn't that horrible but something is off between the receivers, quarterback, and playcalling. This defense would be fine most years and I doubt there's anyone in free agency worth the money this late in the season.

McCarthy needs to go because they need a change of culture. The problems are largely mental and I think they've lost faith in their coaching staff. Some team will pick up McCarthy right away and he'll probably do well somewhere else. He's right when he says that every year the team is different but it's not different enough to wash away the stink of several years of heartbreaking losses. But ultimately I don't believe the faults of the offense as a whole is solely on McCarthy because the whole system is built around Rodgers.

All that said, like I said earlier, I'm just going to keep reminding myself that Favre had several super shitty years.


Feels like Aaron Rodgers has been broken in some capacity since the NFCCG.

The team isn't that horrible but something is off between the receivers, quarterback, and playcalling. This defense would be fine most years and I doubt there's anyone in free agency worth the money this late in the season.

McCarthy needs to go because they need a change of culture. The problems are largely mental and I think they've lost faith in their coaching staff. Some team will pick up McCarthy right away and he'll probably do well somewhere else. He's right when he says that every year the team is different but it's not different enough to wash away the stink of several years of heartbreaking losses. But ultimately I don't believe the faults of the offense as a whole is solely on McCarthy because the whole system is built around Rodgers.

All that said, like I said earlier, I'm just going to keep reminding myself that Favre had several super shitty years.

Rodgers hasn't been the same since Denver crushed him, and to a lesser extent since his no-interception streak got snapped. I wouldn't be surprised if a rift between he and McCarthy started after the NFCCG though, Rodgers did kind of call McCarthy out after that game.

Regarding Favre - the Favre era Packers had some bad years but Favre wasn't exactly the problem with them from my memory. (I'm assuming you're talking about the Mike Sherman era Packers? Or are you talking about the early Holmgren era?)
Another thing that sucks about living in Boston is that because the Pats win all the time there's never any of these deals for free shit at fast food places. The only thing there is is like 60 cents off Dunkin Donuts coffee and who wants that
The good thing about Ohio is that when the Browns win it's a state wide holiday. Can't wait for the 8-8 parade

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Rodgers hasn't been the same since Denver crushed him, and to a lesser extent since his no-interception streak got snapped. I wouldn't be surprised if a rift between he and McCarthy started after the NFCCG though, Rodgers did kind of call McCarthy out after that game.

Regarding Favre - the Favre era Packers had some bad years but Favre wasn't exactly the problem with them from my memory. (I'm assuming you're talking about the Mike Sherman era Packers? Or are you talking about the early Holmgren era?)

Pretty much the years where he couldn't even get into the 80s passer rating under Rhodes and Sherman (looking at the stats anyway)

Probably not exactly the problem but I think I'd quantify those as a pretty bad slump statistically. I remember Packer fans (my whole family) wanting to move on for a few years but then 2007 happened.

Someone might have a better memory than mine since I was a casual fan from like 1998 to 2007 before I got back into football again.


The Bears let Erreneous Benn score a touchdown on them. They should cut the entire defense.

Is the colts front office and coaching staff fired yet?
It's like every time the pressure is really being put on McCarthy they play the Bears or Lions and it's all good.

Also refresh my memory but wasn't Rodgers pretty good in the playoffs last year?
So I know Giants fans were rightfully giving Coughlin shit for the running back by committee situation last season. I think Ben isn't doing much better in that regard in these last two games.

To be fair, its obvious the team is missing Shane Vereen and his pass catching abilities. The problem is they don't seem to be actively working to replace the production. They've worked Bobby Rainey in and he's been a journeyman but the rest of the snap distribution if perplexing. Look, I like Rashad Jennings. Good dude, consumate professional and he can be productive but it boggles my mind that we're still putting this guy out there when Orleans Darkwa is the same type of runner with less wear and tear and is a better north/south back.

Aside from that, I know it's always a crap shoot putting a rookie out there in pass protection but Paul Perkins needs to get more snaps now. The limited snaps he's had have been impressive and yet he got a total of 8 snaps on a day when the team average 2.2 yards per carry against a hobbled Ravens defense. Orleans Darkwa? Zero snaps.

So I know Giants fans were rightfully giving Coughlin shit for the running back by committee situation last season. I think Ben isn't doing much better in that regard in these last two games.

To be fair, its obvious the team is missing Shane Vereen and his pass catching abilities. The problem is they don't seem to be actively working to replace the production. They've worked Bobby Rainey in and he's been a journeyman but the rest of the snap distribution if perplexing. Look, I like Rashad Jennings. Good dude, consumate professional and he can be productive but it boggles my mind that we're still putting this guy out there when Orleans Darkwa is the same type of runner with less wear and tear and is a better north/south back.

Aside from that, I know it's always a crap shoot putting a rookie out there in pass protection but Paul Perkins needs to get more snaps now. The limited snaps he's had have been impressive and yet he got a total of 8 snaps on a day when the team average 2.2 yards per carry against a hobbled Ravens defense. Orleans Darkwa? Zero snaps.

Darkwa was an UDFA who couldn't even grab a roster spot in Miami. Maybe he's just not that good?
Darkwa was an UDFA who couldn't even grab a roster spot in Miami. Maybe he's just not that good?

Rashad Jennings - 40 carries, 117 yards. 2.9 YPC, 0 TD's

Orleans Darkwa - 30 carries, 111 yards, 3.7 YPC, 2 TD's.

Like I said, he's the same type of north/south running back with better production. His history with Miami is inconsequential here. Do I think he's the future of the Giants at RB? Of course not. We drafted Paul Perkins for a reason.....8 snaps though.


Free McNuggets, monster taco, Firehouse sub, half off at Papa John's, buy one get one at Fuddruckers, and fuck yeah 40% off at Palais Royal!!

Texans are also at 4-2 which is cool I guess.
Fuck Yeah still in play to get another banner!

This win doesn't even feel real. It's like they got a temporary stay in getting bodied / bodying themselves at night, and there's still three more stupid night games...

Rashad Jennings - 40 carries, 117 yards. 2.9 YPC, 0 TD's

Orleans Darkwa - 30 carries, 111 yards, 3.7 YPC, 2 TD's.

Like I said, he's the same runner with better production. His history with Miami is inconsequential.
Sample size is small enough there to be basically meaningless.

How is his history with other teams inconsequential? Guys get judged for that all the time and it's useful info. If a player couldn't make it with one team, particularly at a position of weakness, it probably says something about their overall potential. There are exceptions of course but the odds say Darkwa is just another guy.
Sample size is small enough there to be basically meaningless.

How is his history with other teams inconsequential? Guys get judged for that all the time and it's useful info. If a player couldn't make it with one team, particularly at a position of weakness, it probably says something about their overall potential. There are exceptions of course but the odds say Darkwa is just another guy.

I'm not really arguing otherwise. We have "just another guy" STARTING and he's less productive even in that small sample size. Not sure where you're missing that point. I'm not calling Darkwa the future of the running back position for the Giants. I'm calling for him to see more snaps alongside Paul Perkins to grow that sample size. What I am saying is that Rashad Jennings isn't the answer and the snap distribution between these guys has not made much sense.
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