Oh I totally see that now. I'll be honest I thought that BEFORE the switch, and around the time of "project neo" rumors there were also rumblings about switch not garnering any significant attention at all from devs. I don't know what happened though, but at some point when I saw them sort of consolidating everything in terms of their studios from handhelds all into console/handheld hybrid, I really thought they'd be able to set the console world on fire and gain back 3rd party. I was incredibly dumb to think that in retrospect, because once it was fully unveiled I was like... "yep, that's definitely a nintendo console". It's too bad because I really do think if they had done it right they could've got their mobile market, their handheld market, their first party which is arguably the best, and now 3rd party all into the mix to make it a return to form. At the end of the day they honestly have no idea what they're doing. They have no feel for where the market really is at.
edit- as to the last comment about the market, that's not to say they don't know how to make money... which they do. They just have no feel for the console market and haven't in years.