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NFL 2017 Training Camp/Preseason |OT| - If you don't like it, you should have made it

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Bionic you asked the other day about houses damaged or destroyed in Houston. Number right now in Harris County alone is 44k. That doesnt include the counties that houston extends into.


It is estimated that 70% or 1300 sq miles of Harris County's 1800 sq miles was covered with 1.5 ft of water #houwx #hounews #txwx

Hope all is well. I doubt it, but you wouldn't happen to know what agency is actually keeping track of all this data?
QB wins are the only stat that is important. A Measured Response.

The “Injury Prone” years

The Schwartz Years

The Caldwell Era

Some quick things I noticed

Stafford stats against non-winning teams


I'm failing to find the analysis here that leads to a vast majority of the losses he listed not being stafford's fault. In most of those losses Stafford's numbers aren't any better than what I'd expect out of a backup QB. Those stats hardly look good for a QB in the mid 90's, let alone a post Peyton-era QB, where everybody's finding ways to play uber efficiently and without making terrible mistakes.

In a lot of those losses the excuse seems to be "well why couldn't his defense keep the points down?". How can his defense keep up when he's throwing interceptions and keeping low completion rates and/or low YPA rates, likely giving the other team short fields to work with? And "his defense sucks" seems to be the response too often when playing teams like the Saints, who's defense also sucks. You can't go +1 TD vs ints and expect to beat a team like the Saints in their best years. Or even the past 3 years.

At the end of the day, his stats against losing record teams isn't even that good. A 2/1 TD/INT ratio is NOT good enough in the modern NFL. Brady threw 14/1 last year. Rodgers was like 7/1 in a year where he wasn't very good the first half of the year. Matt Ryan's ratio was 5/1 and, up until last year, nobody considered him markedly better than Stafford. Even in one of his most inefficient years, Brees threw better than 2/1. It's 2017, not 1997. Stafford's stats straight up aren't good enough. And his playoff stats are laughable. Even if his team is bad, he needs to be better than that.

We can sit here and play the "his teams sucked"/"it's a team game" card forever, but every great QB in the history of the league has elevated their team's play to be a contender for at least a few seasons. Stafford was a #1 overall pick. He currently lays claim to the biggest Contract in the league. He HAS had years where there was decent enough talent around him.

If Stafford was to have a more modest contract I would be willing to cut him some slack. But if you're going to get paid like you're the best player in the league, you better PROVE it. Stafford has done nothing to prove he's an elite QB. I'm not sure he's even top 10 in the league right now. You can't take up that big of a chunk of your team's salary cap and then throw your hands up and say "my teams not good enough to win!". If that's the case then you need to cut your salary in half so your team can fucking afford some better players.


Hope all is well. I doubt it, but you wouldn't happen to know what agency is actually keeping track of all this data?

Heard the number said during a press conference with the mayor and county judge.

Im good. Went back to work today finally. I got nothing (damage wise) in comparison to a lot in the Houston who lost almost everything. The fact that shelters in town today were turning down volunteers because they had too many makes me damn proud to be a Houstonian.


We are now BFF s again BG


DM's boy



Fear of a GAF Planet

So does Ross Cockrell make the team?

He's the guy I'd cut. Or try to trade for a late pick. I'd keep Burns, Haden, Sensabaugh, Gay, Hilton and Sutton. Maybe even keep Allen over Gay if Sutton shows he can play the slot.

I'd also keep Terrell Watson over Knile Davis and Fitzgerald Toussaint.
Whatever you say, man.

Just don't come complaining when the Brady/Rivers/Ben/Eli wave retires and there are five decent QBs left in the NFL.

There's no rivalry. Just someone that is interested in better QB play and someone who thinks it's unfixable.


Garoppolo if he winds up being the real deal
Teddy if he can come back and continue to progress

Those 6-7 guys all look like they'll be able to pick up the torch just fine.

All these guys will be under 30 by the time Brady/Brees/Ben/Rivers/Eli retire. Rodgers/Ryan will probably take over as the "olds that can still go" guys when they're gone, and guys like Russ/Cam/Stafford/Dalton/Tannehill/Cousins will still be early 30s, and I'm sure at least two of those last 4 will find a way to have a similar spike in play like Matt Ryan did last year. And this all isn't even counting some younger guys that look promising, like Wentz or Trubisky, who just haven't been around long enough yet to judge. Or how the incoming 2018 draft class has 4 guys in it that look like potential stars.

Honestly, it'll be just as good as any era has been. We're heavily spoiled right now because so many QBs are finding ways to stay healthy late into their careers. In previous eras we'd be talking about when guys like Rodgers/Ryan/Smith are gunna hang it up by now, but each one of them could be around another 5-7 years. But this will likely be the norm going forward, with QBs taking less hits and schemes being built around protecting them.



Haters will bring up the Lions but that is FAKE NEWS

Here's a REAL fact: Teams who go undefeated in preseason are 90% more likely to go 8-8



Some quick thoughts on DeAndre Hopkins extension:
New Money APY of ~$14.61m is 2nd highest behind Antonio Brown, topping Julio Jones. (1/..)

Total guarantee of $49m would top all the WR's on the market. Dez Bryant was top at $45m.

Hard to compare this segment against Antonio Brown due to the way Pitt structures deals; providing virtual guarantees.

Nuk got the money
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