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NFL 2017 Training Camp/Preseason |OT| - If you don't like it, you should have made it

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Elliott is a fucking idiot, so am I for defending him on that incident I admit that, I was out of line and pathetic. No defending what a moron he is. If he expects to get that suspension reduced by saying shit like that and using the old classic "she fell down the stairs" then there is something messed up in his head.
4th-rounder the price for Sheldon Richardson?

According to the New York Post, a fourth-round pick is "about as much" as the Jets can hope for in exchange for DE Sheldon Richardson.

This jibes with what has been reported, especially since the Eagles acquired DT Timmy Jernigan by merely exchanging third-round picks with the Ravens. One possible hangup is Richardson's contract-year status and word he's seeking a $100 million extension, laughable considering his off-field past and down 2016 season. A fourth- or fifth-rounder may be all that's offered, and GM Mike Maccagnan will have to weigh whether it's enough.

But the Jets could be motivated to move on from Richardson. He was suspended to start the 2015 season (drug policy violation) and the 2016 season (personal conduct policy violation). Coach Todd Bowles benched him to start the Dolphins game in November last year for being late repeatedly.

Then, there is Richardson's on-field production. He had just 1.5 sacks last year and was invisible at times, though the coaching staff had him playing out of position at times.



Can't believe the Seahawks would trade away Super Bowl 49 Hero Jermaine Kearse

did they see that catch he made!?
Elliott is a fucking idiot, so am I for defending him on that incident I admit that, I was out of line and pathetic. No defending what a moron he is. If he expects to get that suspension reduced by saying shit like that and using the old classic "she fell down the stairs" then there is something messed up in his head.

Listening to the radio today they were saying that elliots camp is gearing up for a court battle and that they think they can win there, rather then win with the arbiter.


Damn Hawks are going for it. Only have a few years left in their window
Lol Jermaine kearse is garbage


Eh if it's a 2nd rounder I guess it's ok for the jets. I don't understand why the seachickens continue to ignore the OL though
They've drafted a bunch of OL, they just suck at developing them


Elliott is a fucking idiot, so am I for defending him on that incident I admit that, I was out of line and pathetic. No defending what a moron he is. If he expects to get that suspension reduced by saying shit like that and using the old classic "she fell down the stairs" then there is something messed up in his head.

I am seriously confused why all the sportswriters are out there acting like Elliott has been wronged in some way.

I understand the "Fuck the NFL" mentality, but if your defense is "she bumped into tables as a server" and "she may have fell down a flight of stairs" when you were with her that day and their are verified witnesses and pictures of bruising around her neck arms and legs. You have to have a better excuse than that.

And those were just hypothetical theories.


That's a huge fucking steal for the Hawks, wow.

not really.

If the jets didn't trade him they would release him and take the 3rd rounder comp.

Dude is such a fuckup off the field. He was loyal to Rex but Bowles isn't his type of coach

Bowles isn't anyones type of coach.


not really.

If the jets didn't trade him they would release him and take the 3rd rounder comp.

Dude is such a fuckup off the field. He was loyal to Rex but Bowles isn't his type of coach

Bowles isn't anyones type of coach.

Ehhh Richardson is one bad decision away from getting Josh gordon'd. You are right if he plays up to his potential and stays out of trouble.

Pretty low risk-high reward trade.

Kearse is just another receiver and a 2nd or 3rd pick for one of the most dominant defensive lineman in the game? Yeah, I'm doing that every time even if the player is a giant turd off the field.


Persecution Complex
I'm pretty livid that the Lions missed out on Richardson. Still though the Seahawks gave up a solid WR and possibly a 2nd rounder.

Our secondary is solid af but it means naught if you don't have a defensive line applying pressure.
Pretty low risk-high reward trade.

Kearse is just another receiver and a 2nd or 3rd pick for one of the most dominant defensive lineman in the game? Yeah, I'm doing that every time even if the player is a giant turd off the field.

Richardson is one of the most dominant dl in the league?


From Reddit User jasoncongo and the full lawsuit


Some tidbits (will continue to update as I go and will try to leave opinions out):

page 11 states NFL requested bills & relevant phone records from Zeke and Zeke was reluctant to share, and when he finally did shared incomplete information (for example shared 3 pages of a 26 page bill). None of what was provided contained much substance such as text messages or call logs.

Maybe not relevant to the case (page 12/13), however, they claim on 3/1/16 he started paying for her apt and car, and on 3/10/16 she discovers she is pregnant - apparently with twins. She miscarried one and then aborted the other.

Page 13/14: Zeke says she was never his g/f but texts seem to indicate otherwise (See Exhibits 13-18).

Page 14: Basically he said/she said in regards if they ever lived together and definitions of living together might be the reason for differences. League doesn't care if they did/didn't as they were without a doubt in an intimate relationship.

Page 15: Alleged incidents prior to employment with NFL, not considered for punishment, but for the relationship that TT & Zeke had. One incident alleged Zeke pulled her by the arms and her face hit a wall. She facetimed and texted a picture to a friend (McKaila Blades - MB). That picture/text was not recovered and therefore could not be verified. MB also said she didn't want to be involved in the investigation but denied the facetime had occurred. MB also mentioned that she received pictures (Exhibit 1A & 1B - metadata not verified) via text of bruises on her wrists, but no mention of face.

Page 16: Medical Examiners (MEs) concluded 1A bruises could be consistent with grab marks. 1B has bruising but no mention of potential cause. TT's mom states that TT told her she ran into something, then changed it to Zeke picked her up. Also states TT told her of a bruise on her cheek, but mom couldn't see it due to makeup, TT told her mom it was from Zeke grabbing & pushing her against a wall.

Page 17: Text between TT & Aunt Elaine Glenn (EG) states TT ended things with Zeke b/c he was jealous on social media despite him sleeping with other girls and they fought, he pulled her by the arms, she pulled away and hit her jaw on the wall. (Exhibit 13) MEs said described bruises on face could be consistent with hitting wall or other mechanisms of injury, such as contact with hard object. TT also claims another incident where Zeke went to grab her in the bathroom and pushed her enough to where she fell into the tub soap dish. She went to the hospital the next day due to fever/nausea and they told her she was concussed (Exhibit 22).

Page 18: TT's mom says TT told her about the concussion, but insisted that she had fallen into the tub. Months later TT told her Zeke had pushed her. TT's dad recalled the incident occurring in April 2016, not Nov 2015. TT had told him she fell down stairs and eventually claimed Zeke pushed her into the tub. EG says TT told her Zeke & her were doing drugs and TT broke a heel and fell down steps. EG texted friend about concussion and how it happened (Exhibit 98). TT never told EG that Zeke pushed her into the tub. No pictures of incident. MEs agree a concussion can be caused by hitting your head.

Page 19: TT alleges Zeke pushed her into a wall and elbowed her in Florida. Police were called, no charges, no arrest. Exhibit 23 has transcript of the call.

Page 20: TT was examined, no visible injury, left her with an ice pack. Zeke claims TT became upset b/c he asked her to leave after an argument and grabbed him by the wrist and he pushed her off. Police report (Exhibit 24) states no arrest was made due to no visible injuries and conflicting statements. MEs agree you can have pain without bruising. They also say Zeke would have to stoop down or have his arm lower than 90 degrees to strike her with his elbow (due to height differences). Zeke told league investigators in July 2016 he was not aware of TT ever calling police on him prior (obviously untrue).

Page 21: TT called her mom while police were en-route and told her Zeke laid his hands on her. TT's dad claims she called him after police left and told him that Zeke had choked her. EG was called during the incident and could hear arguing - including Zeke telling her to leave. TT later told EG Zeke pushed her (Exhibit 25). TT says to Zeke her mom was abused when she was a child but never did anything about it (Exhibit 26).

Page 22: TT tells friend B Shook in July that abuse has happened since Feb incident (Exhibit 79). Zeke & TT's Aunt (EG) text quite a bit about TT's situation at home (with parents) not being good for her and he agrees to pay for an apartment for her (Exhibit 27). TT & Zeke start talking again in March and TT discovers she is pregnant with twins. Zeke wants her to abort, TT at first says she wants to keep them. EG encourages her to keep them. TT miscarried one and aborted the 2nd in April via medication.

Page 23-25: TT alleges Zeke grabbed her forcefully and repeatedly at a club, then later that night was upset with her and forced her to unlock her phone by grabbing her hair and yanking her head back. He went through the phone and then destroyed it physically and with water (Exhibit 32). Zeke allegedly pushed her into sofa & coffee table when she tried to leave. She took pictures of her injuries later that day and NFL says the metadata confirms this. Pictures (Exhibits 2A-2D) show bruising on wrist, arms, and leg. MEs have a lot to say about this (mostly 24&25) TL/DR is that some bruises appear recent but others do not.

Page 25-26: EG messaged MB (Exhibit 34) about incident stating TT sent EG messages with pictures of the injuries. TT & Zeke attended the draft, were off/on relationship from late April to late June (Exhibit 35).

Page 27 & 28 is some back/forth texts between Zeke and TT, not much in there except Zeke is sorry and she is sorry and they still love each other. Zeke wants to get back with her and she is reluctant. More talk of Zeke not providing full phone records, but only relevant ones between him & TT. He may have also left off text records (not actual messages) or it may be how AT&T does billing.

Pg 29: July 17th early morning (first incident NFL is considering for punishment). Zeke & TT return after night out and Zeke gets a call from a girl in Dallas. TT alleges this started an argument where Zeke pulled her out of bed, pushed her against a wall and started choking her, and hits her in the arm (defensive block). TT told NFL investigators she was not drunk that night. Exhibit 95 shows she texted MB saying she was "drunk as duck" and took Molly. Zeke agrees he received the call but says it did not result in an argument, much less physical fight.

Pg 30: Unclear on timing of full text messages, but TT texted EG 'Abusive' and other things about this and the next alleged incident (July 18th). NFL claims 6 unique photos were sent and metadata reflects they were taken July 18th between 330-415 pm. Photos show bruising on arms, neck, and shoulders (Exhibit 3A-3F).

Pg 31-33: Police report stuff that we've known for a while. Also TT is messaging a friend Shiela Lee (SL) who repeatedly questions truthfulness of TT claims of abuse (all, not just the one incident). TT insists she's not lying. Other stuff mostly already known/read about.

Pg 34-36: MEs testimony on 3A (elbow)- Some differing of opinions, one says bruises in this photo are 7-10 days old. Other agrees some of the bruises are a week or so old, but others look like day old. 3B (unclear)- doctors said it is either an old bruise or possibly just a shadow in the picture. There were red marks that the drs thought to be bug bites (but could be something else). 3C (upper right arm/shoulder)- older bruise, fresh scratch marks, healing abrasion (scrapes) - likely from fingernail, and recent bruise. 3D - fresh scratch. 3E - long explanation, but a bite mark and a hickey it sounds like. Bite mark (human teeth) is thought to be 7-10 days old. Zeke admitted to giving her a hickey. Exhibit 8C also shows the bite mark and the injury looks fresh (no mention of when 8C was taken). 3F - Bruise is 1-2 weeks old, could not have happened in past 2 days.

Pg 37-40: Inconsistencies about if there was an argument about Zeke being locked out of his apt. TT texted him mentioning he threatened her and that's why she acted a certain way. Also worth noting TT had most likely deleted texts between her and Zeke between July 16 & July 18th. Since Zeke didn't share his phone we don't know that for sure, but there were no texts for just over 2 full days between them. Zeke also mentions he was trying to stay at Jeffie's place because TT kept putting her hands on him. Police report also states TT said Zeke choked her this night, but to the league she only says he grabbed her arm. Her recorded statement matches what she told league investigators though. Other stuff about what Zeke & her argued about and their sides of the story.

Pg 41: Pool party - Matthew White (MW) signed an affidavit stating TT was wearing equivalent of a bikini and they were talking and in close proximity and he noticed no bruises, etc... TT states she was wearing leggings and tank top. She also claims to have talked to a friend and showed her the bruises. That friend was unable to be interviewed. TT was thrown into the pool by MW <there are texts not in this report that show MW texting presumably Zeke claiming exactly that - and they also state she took her clothes off afterwards>. Due to MW's statement disagreeing with pictures 3A-3F and he admitting to not liking TT due to lying and generally being a bad worker (they had worked together previously) the NFL discredits his statements about no bruising.

*Note: My page numbers are based off the 'SCRIBD' page number which does not align with the actual report page number.

Full Lawsuit Filed by the NFL PA and Elliott



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