Hanging out in line at a Walmart with about 15 people in front of me hoping to snag a SNES Classic, trying to watch the game on my phone. Good thing the game wont be over before midnight.
No because Cutler was actually good
Romo seems like he'd be a backseat driver.
And talk about what's happening on screen during a movie.
Romo melting down lol
Glennon Looked more surprised than anyone that he threw TD
Score seems way too close all things considered
Crowd sourced crime solving...
crowd source crime fighting is the stupidest idea in the fucking world
like, holy shit, who wants to watch that shit?
.Is there a network TV show that isn't cringeworthy?
crowd source crime fighting is the stupidest idea in the fucking world
like, holy shit, who wants to watch that shit?