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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck


Mech used to be someone I respected on here. He stood up for himself and his team. Then, he became the worst Patriots fan on here. I still can't believe it.

Mech's downfall began when he betrayed the Lions-Texans alliance and started to floppity flop everywhere. It's really sad.
I'm so excited for this.

Wait a minute Trejo, I'm reading in that futbol thread, apparently there is some sort of USA and Mexico rivalry... and I rooted for Mexico today?? Have you betrayed me!! :(

I had no idea :( I don't follow soccer...I mean it's soccer who cares? It's ok though I'm rooting for USA too, think of it this way, Soccer is like the special Olympics, sure you could pick a team but in the end isn't it better if we root for all of them?
So guys, which of these is more logical?

1. Dutch deserves to see his team win the World Cup for having to watch the Patriots go 18-1.

2. Dutch deserves to see all his teams lose for the rest of his life for being a Patriots fan.



Why must we fight? Can't you see that nations and ethnicity are lines in the sands so that we are herded like sheep.


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