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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck


There's no diversity because there are legions of fanboys willing to fight each other to the death to defend their favorite company's games, instead of making those companies earn their business through competition, innovation, and quality production.

Yeah but why do black people not care about baseball?


Mario Kart is for Gs yo.


Finding my Wii U a little meh so far but that's partly because of me being a moron and spending about an hour going through settings. Played a bit of New Super Mario Bros U and I hate how short the timer is for levels. Keep almost running out of time because I'm trying to explore. Haven't tried Mario Kart 8 yet but I started downloading Wind Waker HD.


New Super Mario Bros U is the best one. I'm pretty picky when it comes to 2D Mario but I like that game. I prefer my Mario to be of the 3D variety though.


Finding my Wii U a little meh so far but that's partly because of me being a moron and spending about an hour going through settings. Played a bit of New Super Mario Bros U and I hate how short the timer is for levels. Keep almost running out of time because I'm trying to explore. Haven't tried Mario Kart 8 yet but I started downloading Wind Waker HD.

LEGO City Undercover.



O'Brien has been a Texan for five months. He has overhauled the coaching staff, turned an unyielding belief of team-first into a rebuilding squad's 2014 mantra, endured Johnny Manziel-mania to emerge from the draft with Clowney and Tom Savage, and based the Texans' intriguing upcoming season around an old-school defense and an unpredictable veteran quarterback.

O'Brien accomplished this while significantly changing the culture of a franchise long accustomed to the temptation of promise and denial of fulfillment.

The biggest takeaways from O'Brien Stage One as the Texans enter their third era since their 2002 inception: He is not Bill Belichick. He's a world removed from Gary Kubiak. He is most definitely his own man.

"He doesn't beat around the bush," Pro Bowl left tackle Duane Brown said. "He's going to tell you straight up what he thinks is wrong. … The way he delivers it, you're going to have to have some tough skin. But we all know it's with good intentions. We all learned that from day one."

Last paragraph verifies he isn't "No accountability" Kubiak.

But O'Brien has yet to unload upon or talk down to a reporter. Belichick is deeper, warmer and funnier than his media stereotype. O'Brien has broken his supposed mold in just five months, with his New England-roots sarcasm and one-of-the-guys background shining through via media interactions and practice one-liners that can't be repeated in print.

"He's tough on the outside and F-bomb this, but down deep he cares," said John Harris, an analyst for the Texans, whose friendship with O'Brien dates to an Economics 111 class at Brown.

That's why individual images were erased from the interiors of NRG Stadium. That's why the Segways disappeared and at times me-first players such as Ed Reed, Ben Tate and Antonio Smith became buried in a 2013 season that O'Brien has turned into a boundary marker.

The old Texans ended there. The new Texans begin here.

"He gets the message across that everything he does, everything he tells us, is with the intent to win. We've all bought in to that," said Brown, a locker-room and on-field leader. "But he also has a great relationship with the players. He talks to us all as young men and he's very one-on-one, and I like that about him."

Doesn't sound like Belichick in the least.


Did you not play Borderlands?

Good gams Larry, sorry I was so drunk.

I only played a little bit of Borderlands. I have to go back and play them. I know I got Borderlands 2 for Free with PS Plus. I also have the original. I'm going to miss using the DS4 though.
I only played a little bit of Borderlands. I have to go back and play them. I know I got Borderlands 2 for Free with PS Plus. I also have the original. I'm going to miss using the DS4 though.

Destiny feels like BL1 to me. BL2 is so much better. To bad you didnt join up with us tonight.


Any of you guys know about extensions for gamer pads for pc? I want to hook mine up to my tv, but I am not sure I can extend my N52 8 feet.
No that is me. We did good the last 2 games. Sucks shit was so unbalenced at first. My daughter was a cold so we were trying to get her to sleep and that is why I wasnt talking on my headset.

Makes more sense that it was you. Didn't think SNES could afford a PS4.

Those tanks were ridiculous. They were just annihilating us. That one dude was 20/0 that game just riding along and blasting everyone away. They need to fix that.
Makes more sense that it was you. Didn't think SNES could afford a PS4.

Those tanks were ridiculous. They were just annihilating us. That one dude was 20/0 that game just riding along and blasting everyone away. They need to fix that.
Yeah they have a lot of problems and vehicles are at the top of the list.


Setec Astronomer
Quiet you I haven't played any Mario Kart in over a year and wanted to learn the courses on something easier.
If you want to learn a course, do Time Trial. First figure it out without any mushrooms, then either try to get the best spot or explore other possible spots for mushroom use. Mushrooms and stars are really limited in MK8 so their main use is for shortcuts.
Happy Father's Day!

Got to stay up late sans kids and finished up Watch Dogs.

Played about three hours of Destiny. I'm all in for it but I don't want to play anymore until the final game is out.
Happy Father's Day, NFL-GAF dads.

Steeler jersey, Johnnie Walker Platinum, Steam funds, Funko Pops are among highlights.

That and a big breakfast. Perfect.
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