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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck


Also I very much enjoyed Mark Wahlberg in place of stupid Shia or however you spell it. He annoyed the hell out of me. This movie didnt have the stupid toilet humor and dumb bullshit. I am going to rewatch this one on bluray probably. Honestly it was lengthy but fun. I recommend it even if the first movies pissed you off because I haaaaaaaaated those.
Hey guys, how's it going this fine Saturday evening...

*sees last page*



I have shitty level 1 guns.

Seriously, the people on this game are morons.

Tons of jet skis to quickly get to the islands? Take the chopper and crash it into a control point!
Yea always be careful of helicopter pilots, some of them are awful people. Use the attack boats if they are available because they are insanely awesome.

Also level up your DMRs,they destroy in hardcore.


Yea always be careful of helicopter pilots, some of them are awful people. Use the attack boats if they are available because they are insanely awesome.

Also level up your DMRs,they destroy in hardcore.

I run support. Love me some LMG action but the one you get to start with is meh. Not as shitty as that crappy AK the assault class starts with.....cant hit shit with it.

Can never get an attack boats. Idiots on my team grab em, park off the shore of a control point and shoot towards the land while not moving at all. yeah just ignore the enemy on the beach to your right with an RPG aimed at you.


Yea those people are the worst, you'll be happy to have me as a teammate brother! I can get on in 15 if you are gonna be on


Persecution Complex
I'm LTTP but by the football Gods holy fuck is True Detective amazing. I saw all the great impressions everyone here was posting but just couldn't watch it due to work at the time. I just finished two episodes and I can't believe how great it is. No spoilers please I'm about to start episode 3.

Tom Penny

I'm LTTP but by the football Gods holy fuck is True Detective amazing. I saw all the great impressions everyone here was posting but just couldn't watch it due to work at the time. I just finished two episodes and I can't believe how great it is. No spoilers please I'm about to start episode 3.

Episode 2 was pretty gud...



Jak you're complaining about heat and drinking hot coffee.

Well, if I dont drink coffee i'll be a zombie for the day. Also its mostly the humidity. The air temp is only 75

Konka's act of desertion isn't nearly as bad as BlackGhost's shocking act of betrayal

We're still feeling the proverbial shockwaves from BG's promiscuity.

I forgive him, its soccer after all. Completely meaningless sport.

This is false, Pittsburgh is pretty hated. Have I ever told you guys of how hated the Steelers was and how much ribbing I took while in Ohio for being an admitted Steelers fan. This one old timer hated the Steelers so much at my last job that he was willing to go 2-14 every year, if those 2 wins were against the Steelers.
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