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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck




Man I woke up this morning to jog 3 miles, and boy do I feel like shit. I now understand why Stafford skips conditioning and why most of GAF can't even walk a mile, I can't believe how out of shape I am. I had to stop to walk 1/3 of the way, and picked it back up on the final third. As a former star-athlete* in high school who sort of has the build of a Kenyan runner but not really, this is a disappointment.

You guys might need to look for a new back up QB, even though fat fucks like Stafford can pass as a pro QB. And fat boys like Big Ben can win SBs.
I ran three miles the other day.
I almost died.

I ran track in high school.

What has college and finance done to me in 6 years?


Fuck your guys running. Jesus i seem pathetic sweating out a ocean after just a single walk. I wasnt tired, just sweated an ocean. Sign of being unhealthy i think. Core not being able to keep cool or something?


Put me in the "I don't know why people do this for fun" camp in regards to running.

It wouldn't say fun is the best word to describe it, it's like I really enjoy being able to just shut out everything else that's going on and just run, it's liberating.


Persecution Complex
Kevin Kolb has been arrested for impersonating an NFL quarterback boating while intoxicated.

I remember a few years back SquallASF, when Kolb was the Cards QB, saying that Kolb was a better NFL QB than Stafford. Shit like that is why you guys have to understand why I get so defensive.

And finished True Detective last night, It topped The Sopranos as my all time favorite TV show but I don't know if they're in the same category. TD was an 8 hour long movie. Brilliant.


Burritos with beans is a bit too much. It's just too filling.

I have to say the decision for me to try to eat during Episode 8 was such a bad choice, but I had no idea what I was getting myself into.
The incest scenes between the brother and sister almost had me throwing up.


I ran three miles the other day.
I almost died.

I ran track in high school.

What has college and finance done to me in 6 years?

I was part of the track & field team, and the cross country team in high school. It is amazing how much your body fucks you over when you don't respect it.

It was like every unhealthy decision I made since I stopped any sort of exercising was coming back and ganging up on me. Thankfully I made it through, and pretty much collapsed when I got back to my room. After drinking water of course.

Put me in the "I don't know why people do this for fun" camp in regards to running.

It is not just for funs breh, there are a lot of benefits to it, and it is really easy to do. Taking 20mins out of your day to run or jog can do wonders if you approach the right way.


Persecution Complex
Pretty interesting poll on ESPN front page:

Which would you rather happen?

1.) Your favorite pro/college team win a title?

2.) The U.S. win the World Cup

It was a tough one for me, but I obviously went for option 1.

New Hampshire was the only state too vote for the U.S. to win the World Cup.

Tom Penny

Pretty interesting poll on ESPN front page:

Which would you rather happen?

1.) Your favorite pro/college team win a title?

2.) The U.S. win the World Cup

It was a tough one for me, but I obviously went for option 1.

New Hampshire was the only state too vote for the U.S. to win the World Cup.

How about a real poll

1) Your favorite team win a title
2) One night with your dream fuck
Pretty interesting poll on ESPN front page:

Which would you rather happen?

1.) Your favorite pro/college team win a title?

2.) The U.S. win the World Cup

It was a tough one for me, but I obviously went for option 1.

New Hampshire was the only state too vote for the U.S. to win the World Cup.

Number 1 easily, fuck the world cup, fuck soccer, fuck the us soccer team. Yeah I said it.

How about a real poll

1) Your favorite team win a title
2) One night with your dream fuck

Again number 1,


Pretty interesting poll on ESPN front page:

Which would you rather happen?

1.) Your favorite pro/college team win a title?

2.) The U.S. win the World Cup

It was a tough one for me, but I obviously went for option 1.

New Hampshire was the only state too vote for the U.S. to win the World Cup.

Maybe the internet location is skewed. I believe they counted Vermont's votes for NH.


Persecution Complex
Yoooo Kas I never saw the update man, how did the date go!! Did you try any sweet moves!!

It went great dude, I actually did post an update about 10 pages back, but we hit it off real well and have been texting everyday since. Round 2 should be the next few days. I'll edit this and link to it.

How about a real poll

1) Your favorite team win a title
2) One night with your dream fuck

Fuck #2, I'll jack off to some pics of my dream fuck then go to a bar and find a nice girl.

A Detroit Lions Superbowl ring would roar through the echoes of eternity.
Kas if the dates every go sour let me know I'll show up to wherever you are and make a scene so you can escape, unless you guys are in a hotel room or something doing the nasty and she pulls a knife/gun on you, then you're own your own.
On the one hand, the US winning the World Cup would probably be the final straw for GAF.

That would be it. The freedom ejaculation combined with the salty tears of Euros (no offense to my brothers from another continent in this thread) would finally break the servers for good. IRL, it would be amazing for a month and then people will go back to not giving a shit because this country is full of uncultured hillbillies.

On the other hand, I wouldn't know how to act if the Panthers won a Superb Owl or the Hornets won the NBA finals.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Pretty interesting poll on ESPN front page:

Which would you rather happen?

1.) Your favorite pro/college team win a title?

2.) The U.S. win the World Cup

It was a tough one for me, but I obviously went for option 1.

New Hampshire was the only state too vote for the U.S. to win the World Cup.

Option 1 and I didn't even hesitate. The Packers are Americas Team anyway.

How about a real poll

1) Your favorite team win a title
2) One night with your dream fuck

#2 easily because my thirst is real. Plus that's a bit more "real" to me rather than something I'm only tangently apart of.

Also, if being German and rooting for Germans is racist, I don't want to be right.


Pretty interesting poll on ESPN front page:

Which would you rather happen?

1.) Your favorite pro/college team win a title?

2.) The U.S. win the World Cup

It was a tough one for me, but I obviously went for option 1.

New Hampshire was the only state too vote for the U.S. to win the World Cup.

#1, no question. Just a matter of whether I'd rather see the Bucs or the Mets win it all.


It would be an amazing social experiment for Philly to see the 76ers win five straight titles, and have the rest of the teams all miss the playoffs each year.
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