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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck

lol at people in that WC thread getting mad because Algeria fans are booing and whistling while Germany have the ball.

They wouldn't cut it watching American sports, especially college football and basketball.

I can't say that in there though, because anytime the letters U S and A get brought up, the quality of the thread instantly drops about six levels and it gets filled with intercontinental warfare.


Life is a Swamp

Gata's a traitor to his Jaguars kin,
He kisses his sister and plies her with gin.
No deed too demented for this slow-minded sap,
He picks up an animal to prop up on his lap.

The rest of the story is too grisly to tell,
Too difficult to describe with no words that can weld,
the sentences needed to construct such a tale.

Busy with his work the Gata did grunt,
For once in his life he was not the runt.
He tried to explain that his wants weren't so bad,
His thoughts were something all good people had.

The Gata was wrong,
The mob did deride.
The silly little Gata nearly cried,
before sipping some Mad Dog and calling up Jak,
No answer on IRL,
He gave his keys a whack.

"Will somebody please say it is okay to breed,​
With a sister or two or maybe three,​
A dog that I nursed from birth to fulfill my needs​
Won't somebody please listen to me.​
A Gata needs friends that let Gata be free.​
Puppies and kitties are equals to me,​
Any reasonable person knows that a pet could agree,​
To play with a Gata,​
Let a Gata rub its belly,​
Leave a Gata be,​
Please leave a Gata be."​

Exiled and alone,
the Gata did weep.
His bottle of gin thrown down at his feet,
as empty as his soul shattered on the floor.
The Gata called out for help,

Go Algeria!

Sorry Mich, never forget

Ian Rapoport ‏ @ RapSheet 1h
Memo: The @ NFL has banned non-standard and overbuilt facemasks, barring medical exemption, based on research. 4 players wore them in 2013.

Ian Rapoport ‏ @ RapSheet 1h
Story is posting on @ NFL.com now. Troy Vincent explained to teams non-standard facemasks more regularly fail safety tests, aren’t as safe. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap2000000362461/art icle/nfl-prohibiting-nonstandard-facemasks

Ian Rapoport ‏ @ RapSheet 1h
Now illegal facemasks characterized by “more bars, smaller spaces between the bars, and a generally larger coverage area,” Vincent wrote
German fans smh

Wienke, Squicken and Dodger all endorsing racism :(

Whoa what racism did I endorse?

I said America is my only team left so I'll go with the rest of my GAF bros

If you recall my words

Mexico's out, and besides for rooting for USA I no longer have a dog in this race.

I will side with NFL-GAF and support my brethren's favorite teams.

Don't lump me in with those yahoos. Save that shit for Gata
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