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NFL Off-Season Thread 4 - The Bears Still Suck


gamertag = Bumcrease

In the UK so time zones would normally be a problem but exams are finished so I'm free to stay up all night and piss about playing games as much as I desire. Except tonight, it's 3:30am and I should have been in bed hours ago because I've got to be up early for a physio appointment.

Going back to school when you're old really makes you appreciate the truly great things in life, little hatchlings like gata don't know how good they have it.
ok well I have classes nightly for the next month so I'll only be able to play with you on weekends, but I will send you a request tonight.l
Just photoshop "denied" on this guy's shirt and post the gif in response every time:


I love this post.


What the fuck am I reading?


True but again why would I befriend someone I have nothing in common with tech wise? Beats audio is like club thumping stuff. I am a high-end audio kind of guy. HD800s are my thing. Beats audio just seems so..... not my thing. It's for the masses and the masses and me have very little in common.


I can agree mostly. I don't have a problem with choosing aesthetics. It's a personal thing for me that I can't agree with people choosing beats for sure. I think people should be look at facts and comparisons before choosing tech that you hear or see but that is just me. The stupid part to me still stands though. People with diminished mental capabilities also tend not to make any kind of rational decisions with technology. Buying headphones for aesthetics only is simply not rational to me.

I'm also still having a hard time accepting the subjective part on Beats. They look okay. I'll give you that. As far as comfort and weight and everything else they just don't fit the bill subjectively speaking for me. I also don't trust people who say they are subjectively okay because I have done my own personal research. They are low quality headphones produced for the masses and marked up 300% plus. If someone subjectively prefers Beats to HD800s then I think subjectively they are useless to me.
I like Valkyria Chronicles' battle system more than any SRPG battle system. More than any RPG battle system period.

But Fire Emblem wins in everything else. That metagame!
Yeah, that's kind of how I feel about it. VC has some amazing core combat mechanics but it isn't too deep in terms of supporting systems. I eat that stuff up in games like FE and Tactics Ogre.
Is it on 3DS?

Worth playing if you are diehard FE fan?

I want Pacers to lose. Fuck this team...
It's an older PS3 game. It's hard to describe how it compares to FE, it's very unique for a SRPG in terms of gameplay. Your best bet is to look up a gameplay video or two. I think you'd enjoy it.
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