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NFL Off-Season Thread 5 - Everybody Do The Flop


He has already been in one.


no lie this is the only wrestling game Ive ever bothered to play and I legit loved it.


Saints fans, I'm booking my trip to NO for the Ravens game, which area of the city should I look for? Do I need to rent a car?

Last year, Talon gave a thorough and incredibly useful breakdown of Chicago...where to go, what to eat.....it made for a great trip.

Just saying, let's see what you got Cajun.

Thanks again Talon

Stay with Cajun and do a Larry Special in the crapper. See if he squeeeees you afterwards


I think what Nintendo should do (or someone else) is release the unified hardware for mobile and home and make it incredibly cheap.

I really think someone is going to make a <$100 console that has good enough graphics and is relatively open that is going to destroy everything one day. When I look at how cheap the mobile chipsets are and how powerful they are getting I could see this happening in the next 2 years.

Make the home version under $100 and make the mobile ~$150 depending on the price of the screen and battery (the closer to $100 the better though). I bet it would have graphics that are close to the WiiU.

Basically an Apple TV or Roku on steroids.

Nintendo's next consoles are rumored to be something a little more interesting, I've seen a few threads about it on Gaming Side. They are going to be unifying their home and handheld divisions. Sort of like how Apple or Android devices can share the same content.

Their home and handheld console will be able to share the same games. That's the jist of it, but it sounds interesting and would prevent droughts of content, and save them a lot of resources.


no I mean our LUS connection offers this tier for 100$/month
I just dont think theres a real use for 1 gigabit internet yet. Its kind of a gimmick. I might get it just for the hell of it but it might be wasting money.

Come here, you'll be playing more than $100 a month for the shittiest of speeds.


Persecution Complex
My younger brother got me The Tree of Life last Christmas. I've tried watching that movie at least 4 times now and it puts me to sleep every single time.

I'm trying to like it, I'm trying my best but I just can't seem to get past 30 minutes. I joke with my brother that its a great movie to put me to sleep.

Plus I hate Sean Penns smug, pretentious, douche ass so that doesn't help.
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