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NFL Off-Season Thread 5 - Everybody Do The Flop


This is so good I didn't even truncate it.

Are you finally level 3 yet?

After a long night of licking sour cream off of your mom, you probably need it!

"Ted Washington is rated a 40 in agility. He is listed at 365 pounds. If Ted Washington tied a white lady up and made her wear a metal bikini, he'd look just like Jabba the Hut."



Neogaf and their over hype engine at it again. Lego Movie was pretty decent. No where near legendary status like people led me to believe.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I drink an absurd amount of Diet Coke. It's my only real vice since I'm more of a social drinker.

Neogaf and their over hype engine at it again. Lego Movie was pretty decent. No where near legendary status like people led me to believe.

GAF hates most things and hypes up others. You should ask people here for reviews on things and get an honest opinion.

For instance, Big Trouble in Little China is one of the most manly films of all time. You shouldn't watch it if you are a Pats fan or wear lipstick with your skinny jeans.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Neogaf and their over hype engine at it again. Lego Movie was pretty decent. No where near legendary status like people led me to believe.

I think it had to do with expectations. Like, the concept of a movie based on Legos is something The Onion would have came up with, but like Pirates of the Caribbean, it made the most of the license. It was a cute movie.


My twitter all buzzing this morning because of this nonsense:


The Texans report for training camp Friday. Johnson doesn't need to be there, but he should be. First-year coach Bill O'Brien wants him there. His teammates would benefit from him being there. McNair should make sure he is there.

After a cheesy move to deny Johnson a $1 million bonus this summer, the Texans should guarantee Johnson's contract for the 2015 season. They say they want him to retire as a Texan, so they should prove it by committing to him.

I love Dre. My first Texans jersey was a Steel Blue #80. When the team was shitastic in the mid 2000's we always at least had Dre. But the facts are: he is a 34 year old WR who has suddenly become an entitled, typical prima donna NFL WR. He wants one last guaranteed payday and the ONLY team he has any leverage with is the Texans and they wont budge. They gave him a new contract a few years ago when he felt underpaid when they didn't have to.

Cant think with your heart but with what is best for the teams future. Watt and Kareem Jacksons contracts due after this season.


any of my fellow nfl-gaf looking for a destiny beta code? i think i have 1 ps4 and 1 ps3 available. I'm not sure if they are used or not. If anyone would like it, feel free to pm me.
I drink an absurd amount of Diet Coke. It's my only real vice since I'm more of a social drinker.

GAF hates most things and hypes up others. You should ask people here for reviews on things and get an honest opinion.

For instance, Big Trouble in Little China is one of the most manly films of all time. You shouldn't watch it if you are a Pats fan or wear lipstick with your skinny jeans.

Three facts of Neogaf Cinema Critics Club:

Transformers is the worst thing to happen in the history of mankind and Michael Bay is the Antichrist

Nolan movies are loved unconditionally for a week and then hated relentlessly for the rest of time. (shoutout to DM)

Relatively obscure Japanese anime films are the GOATs


You brehs gotta make sure and check out The Man from Nowhere on Netflix. Better than Snowpiercer, which everyone is jacking right now


Speaking of Bay, someone in the netflix thread claimed Pain & Gain was the worst movie he has ever seen. I know i like the movie more than most but if thats the worst you've had to sit through then you're really lucky or simply dont watch much movies.

You brehs gotta make sure and check out The Man from Nowhere on Netflix. Better than Snowpiercer, which everyone is jacking right now

Its been on my radar for like ages. Will finally get to it later
Orange is the new Black is okay, but something about it rubs me the wrong way. People are way too cheery and clever for being in prison. It needs more Oz.

this is true. and i like the show but i liked season 1 better. the new asian american girl in season 2 is probably the best looking girl there. i guess it would be a battle between her and piper.

as for house of cards, i liked both seasons but thought season 1 was better. there are certain points in season 2 where you say "uhh... come on, how are you buying what he's selling?" but it is still entertaining.

Being banned sucks. Especially when it's because a mod has reading comprehension issues.

you want another banning BOY!?
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