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NFL Offseason 2: Free Agency or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Squicken

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Hannibal is sooooo good. Such a good time for TV. GoT, The Americans, Hannibal, with Mad Men and Fargo coming up. Almost makes up for no football

Is Mad Men still good? Last time I watched I think was season 4 (?) when
don married that lady from his office
, I remember feeling it was kinda declining, but maybe it's gotten better, I dunno!!

Other gaffer+me+sanjuro



From this point on, I'll just be posting the last 5 update links. As you go through the older posts, you can find links to earlier updates there.

Previously, in NFL-GAF Prison Chronicles:

NFL-GAF Prison part 28.
NFL-GAF Prison part 29.
NFL-GAF Prison part 30.
NFL-GAF Prison part 31.
NFL-GAF Prison part 32.


Released: Cloudy
Released (Parole): Tom Penny, Slo
Missing/Escaped: None
Missing/Escaped & Recaptured: Godslay
Dead: None

We start researching Contraband in the Security branch.

With prison policy unlocked, we can adjust the penalties for prison violations. We set automatic searches to occur after any escaoe attempt or discovered contraband.

We go ahead and fix Fantomex's bugged solitary punishment and, given that his old cell has long since been given to someone else, he's escorted to the Holding Cell.

Speaking of the Holding Cell, Grover Cleveland apparently has needs beyond food and hops onto WedgeX's bed. The guard on shift, tired from the long day, doesn't seem to be paying attention.


Fantomex takes a long while on the toilet, taking care of several weeks of pent up needs. Depending on how long those other needs take to come back down, his suppression status may not last long enough to prevent him from another explosion of rage.

Given the long queue for Behavioral Therapy, we decide to open another psychologist session. We also open another Kitchen Safety class.

Oddly enough, a shower is not something Fantomex seems to want. We may have another Kave situation.

Ninja Scooter never takes the bandana off apparently, even in the shower.

Meanwhile in the Cell Block C shower room, Sanjuro's about to be surprised by a...err..."hungry" ConradCervantes.


All Kave_Man cares about is food. 31 days straight now!

Those maximum security inmates are some dirty motherfuckers, given how grimy the shower room is afterwards.

Delirious from lack of sleep, the trio of Futurevoid, Grover Cleveland, and Godslay take a quick nap during Free Time.

LJ11 and DeaconKnowledge try to look for sports news on the television.

Somehow snesfreak's son gets separated and lost from his mother during their prison visit. A guard has to escort him from the admin wing out to the visitation room.

Looks like we have a female teacher in for this morning's remedial education course.

The kitchen trainees continue their lessons. Sanjuro, Kayotix, and Greg are unlikely to pass it seems.

Over in the workshop safety session, Bowser decides he wants to join in and tries to hog Konka's station.

It would seem the female teacher got more people interested in joining the remedial education session. Suddenly we have a bunch of newcomers to class: Ninja Scooter, NomarTyme, Jason "jakncoke" Bay, Tabris, LJ11, eznark, and Kastrioti have joined the class for the first time.

When the training workshops end, both sf2fanatic and vas_a_morir have passed and can join the kitchen crew.

Lunch rush really feels like a rush now with our larger inmate population.

The laundry crew was so hungry they just left all their work on the floor and ran out.

Later on in the afternoon work shift, we see another kitchen safety course start up. Russell "rando14" Wilson, Narag, Chris Trejo, and BigAT are giving it a go. Lunchbox would also arrive a bit later.

SpinDasher has the afternoon psychologist session.

Meanwhile in the GED course, Frankman joins for the first time. I'm guessing word of the female teacher spread at lunch time.

Doomsayer is busted once again for having cigs.

Meanwhile in the workshop, Alligatorjandro, Konka, and bionic77 have passed the workshop safety course.

cajunator continues his Carpenter Apprenticeship.

Later during Yard Time, DM has a quick meeting with Buckethead and Frankman before the rest of inmates arrive.

During evening Free Time, FMT waits for Lunchbox for a game of pool they wagered on earlier at Yard Time. No word on what they're playing for, but maybe that's for the best.

DM and some of his crew decide to sit in the Canteen and see how Greg's group reacts. Not much happesn given the two guards keeping a close eye on things.

The battle for Holding Cell beds continues as inmates quickly claim beds long before assigned sleep time. Doomsayer's back in due to his earlier solitary stint for getting busted with cigs, meaning he's lost his old cell.

No shenanigans the next morning in the Cell Block C shower room.

Day 32 for Kave.

A quick look at our Contraband report we unlocked after wrapping up the research for it.


We readjust the regime schedule and make shower time just one hour. We increase the AM work shift by one hour.

The morning kitchen safety course has two rejects retaking the class, Sanjuro and Kayotix, along with newcomer MrBob.

In the workshop we have another safety course starting up with some guys who failed the class the last time, this time wienke and Bowser, along with newcomer Chanhuk. ConradCervantes would run in late. No sign of tmdorsey who also failed last time.

The workshop crew convince the young gullible Alligatorjandro that he needs to deliver logs over to the forestry area.


Looks like Greg has also decided to retake the Kitchen course. Despite coming in late, he seems to be doing okay, likely because of his time in the last class.

Alligatorjandro, after realizing he was tricked, complains to a guard. Frankman ends up taking the fall, and is forced to bring back the logs Alligatorjandro dropped off back to the workshop.


As everyone heads off to lunch, a worker brings another completed bed from the workshop to the export area.

Lunch time now is a mess of bodies, a spread of people who manage to get in early and finish their lunch before latecomers manage to make it in and start theirs. We are still always a bit short each meal session and never have enough food made in time for everyone.

The afternoon kitchen course continues. Trejo, rando, BigAT, and Lunchbox all have a good chance at passing. Narag at this point has a 50/50 chance.

Greg and Tragiccomedy clean up in the morgue. Greg, one of the few inmates to have failed multiple courses (remedial education and kitchen safety though he's retaking that course) looks bored out of his mind.

bionic joins cajunator in the Carpenter Apprenticeship course.

The kitchen crew is busy with washing the massive piles of dirty trays we have to deal with now given all the prisoners we have eating.

On his way to the yard, Fantomex gets to close to a patrol and the guard dog barks repeatedly at him.

He's found to have both cigarettes and medicine on him.

After DM showed up in his normal spot the night before, Greg decides to return the favor and commandeer DM's usual spot, this time with a number of max security guys. And wienke, who seems to be using the group as protection.

DM though anticipated the retaliation and has been chilling in his cell the whole Free Time period.

After sleeping the night before, Doom decides to sit in bed and stay awake. No idea what happened the previous night, I didn't catch what happened.


Training status
Kitchen certification
Failed: Dutch Patriot, MechDX, Greg, Sanjuro, Kayotix
Current attendees: Greg (attempt 2), Sanjuro (attempt 2), Kayotix (attempt 2), MrBob, BigAT, Narag, rando14, Lunchbox, chris.trejo
Passed: chuckddd, JABEE, unknownstranger, Batman, squicken, Dutch Patriot (on attempt 2), MechDX (on attempt 2), sf2fanatic, vas_a_morir
Workshop certification
Failed: cajunator, wienke, Bowser, ConradCervantes, tmdorsey
Current attendees: wienke (attempt 2), Bowser (attempt 2), Chanhuk, ConradCervantes (attempt 2)
Passed: RBH, Nori Chan, WedgeX, cajunator (on attempt 2), Cloudy, Alligatorjandro, Konka, bionic77
Carpenter apprenticeship
Failed: cajunator
Current attendees: cajunator (attempt 2), bionic77
Passed: WedgeX
Foundation Education course
Failed: Greg, RBH, chuckddd
Current attendees: chuckddd (attempt 2), RBH (attempt 2), FrenchMovieTheme, The Artful Dodger, Bread, Grover Cleveland, Squall ASF, jakncoke, Kastrioti, LJ11, Tabris, Ninja Scooter, NomarTyme, eznark
Passed: DMzcaf, Cloudy, Frankman, yankeehater, Tragiccomedy, Godslay
General Education course
Failed: None
Current attendees: DMzcaf, Frankman
Passed: None
Behavioral Therapy
Failed: None
Current attendees: Futurevoid, SpinDasher
Passed: None

Time for another vote.

We have a big population, somewhat stable income, and decent security. We can easily start degrading conditions to make the prisoners more likely to riot by simply forcing them to stay in their cells all day, but that would be easy. We need to be more creative! So I plan to remove Free Time from the schedule and go back to super long work shifts, and reduce meal quantity and quality.

As for the vote, I've been playing with Fog of War disabled so I can see everything and take interesting screenshots. This makes the CCTV system redundant. Should we:

A) Turn fog of war back on.
B) Leave fog of war off.

With FOW on, the only visible areas will be anywhere we have security staff and whatever the security cameras capture. So if something goes wrong in a corner with no coverage, we may end up discovering dead bodies out of nowhere.


Reminder - For anyone wanting to see the master list of who's in the game and info on how to get your name on the list or more info for your character, go to this post:


And as always, all images and posts are being archived here: https://xianaphryz.imgur.com


Remove bathrooms and beds. Leave everything else as-is.

Cells are required to have at least a bed and toilet to be recognized. Otherwise all the prisoners will get thrown into the holding cell.

If we're going to go straight up Sims style of "throwing people into a swimming pool with no ladder," at Yard Time we could always remove the doors and close off the fence and see who's the last man standing.

Heh, that would be a fun side what-if thing we can do from time to time actually.
My cousin the pats fan is here with his family for the weekend....I hope I don't stab him in my sleep, just a natural instinct I feel when I'm near a pats or jets fan.
Wtf is going on in here ya drunks? Add me to the drunk list.

Man, I do not get the appeal of hookups. I was talking to this young lady for about ten minutes and it took all I had not to tell her narcissistic dipshit ass to shut the fuck up. No diners for her. Seems like I'm doomed to be a serial monogamist. Oh well. At least I don't feel compulsed to make a topic every time I get out of a relationship like some Gaffers.

Who did Gata snitch on?

My vote for Nfl Prison is to reduce the meals and take out the recreation equipment. Also Power Drills for everyone.

Mech, how are you the leader of Pats-Age? Is whoever has squicken'd the most recent automatically the leader? If so, I'm switching to the Browns

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Every time I see this thread on the second page of topics, I'm upset and don't care about what time it is.

You people!

I've been playing a lot of Persona 4G on Vita finally. Pretty awesome game, I'm working through the "epilogue" I suppose you could call it.

I also don't get the feeling that FMT loves Kaep like he did small hands. His defense of Kaep's recent allegations seems weak and forced, almost like he has to say something because it's expected. Maybe if it was Patrick Willis or Frank Gore he'd care more.


Ok, replace all cells with holding cells then.

I dunno if that would quite work out either. I realize what you're trying to suggest though - keeping them awake and forcing them to either soil themselves or randomly go take care of business somewhere else.

Remove all the work out benches.

Wouldn't necessarily affect too much as those inmates will just run laps instead.


I am confused.

Check the training status section at the end of the last update.

What is my prison bio and what did I go to jail for?

It's posted in the part 30 update.


Working on this beautiful Saturday. sigh. I guess I wouldn't be doing much else anyway, might as well make money doing nothing.
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