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NFL Offseason 2: Free Agency or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Squicken

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The whole Spikes - Pats fans 'twitter-battle' bullshit going on right now is the fucking worst.

Spikes is acting like a complete classless fucking asshat, but the Pats fans on Twitter aren't being any better.

Him having any hatred towards the Pats and especially Bill is fine, fuck do I care, but there are plenty of fans who rooted for the guy when he played for us, bought his jersey and loved having him on the team. He could at least show them some respect instead of calling every fan a Masshole an blocking them all on Twitter.


Call on me. Call me.


It seems your QB may be a rapist.

When news broke that Colin Kaepernick was involved in a police investigation in Miami, TMZ was on the story first, saying that Kaepernick was being investigated for an alleged sexual assault. But a police spokesman later said TMZ’s report was based on information that was taken out of context, and Kaepernick has slammed TMZ’s report as “completely wrong.”

For its part, TMZ is standing by its story. Sort of.

The top headline now at TMZ is, “Colin Kaepernick: Cops confirm investigation is ‘sexual in nature.’” The story under that headline cites a “well placed official at the Miami Police Department” as saying that Kaepernick is a suspect in an investigation that is “sexual in nature.”

It’s not clear what “sexual in nature” means, exactly, but while TMZ appears to be trying to stick with what it previously reported in the face of Kaepernick’s strong denial, the new TMZ report does not say specifically that Kaepernick is being investigated for a sexual assault, which is what the initial TMZ report said.

The fact that a police spokesman has said publicly that there’s no evidence of a sexual assault strongly suggests that neither Kaepernick nor anyone else is suspected of a sexual assault — the police aren’t normally in the business of saying publicly that there’s no evidence of a crime if they’re still investigating whether a crime has been committed.

All we know for sure is that a woman says that after drinking with Kaepernick, 49ers receiver Quinton Patton, and Seahawks receiver Ricardo Lockette, she went to bed and the next thing she knew she was waking up in a hospital. That certainly fits the description of a “suspicious incident,” as the police have called it. But while TMZ insists that the police are privately confirming that the investigation is sexual in nature, that’s not what the police are saying publicly.

foles maybe a rapist. you maybe a rapist. what's that? you aren't being investigated for rape? neither is kaepernick so why not groupl everyone together. we may ALL be rapists! it's possible!


intangibles, motherfucker
foles maybe a rapist. you maybe a rapist. what's that? you aren't being investigated for rape? neither is kaepernick so why not groupl everyone together. we may ALL be rapists! it's possible!

Foles gets all the ladies by just being the Pro Bowl MVP that he is.


Ben was never charged with rape but we all know that he raped some fat ugly cows. Ray was never convicted but we all know he stabbed a man to death.

FMT same rules apply to Kap. Dude is a rapist scumbag. And he is even worse than Ray and Ben because at least those guys were champions.

Texas rules brah. Rape is wrong unless you win the football game.


intangibles, motherfucker
Reader Email
Yo Stool,
I have friends that went to U of A when Nick Foles was there. Supposedly his nickname on the football team was “Footlong Foles” cuz he had a huge dick.



Previously we had weird posters talking about how attractive their qb is (or the whore they are with) or the amount of swag exhibited.

Now people are bragging about the size of genitals? Even though this is a topic no Pat fan is ever going to get involved in I am still not comfortable with this line of thinking.
Ben was never charged with rape but we all know that he raped some fat ugly cows. Ray was never convicted but we all know he stabbed a man to death.

FMT same rules apply to Kap. Dude is a rapist scumbag. And he is even worse than Ray and Ben because at least those guys were champions.

Texas rules brah. Rape is wrong unless you win the football game.

all those players had rape allegations against them. kap has none at this point and the girl confirms she didn't have sex with kap. why would he rape her if she was more than willing to fuck him (and had already fucked him in the past)?

the only thing kap is guilty of is suckin' dong in the last NFC title game and superbowl!
all those players had rape allegations against them. kap has none at this point and the girl confirms she didn't have sex with kap. why would he rape her if she was more than willing to fuck him (and had already fucked him in the past)?

the only thing kap is guilty of is suckin' dong in the last NFC title game and superbowl!

Probably why she said no this time!


all those players had rape allegations against them. kap has none at this point and the girl confirms she didn't have sex with kap. why would he rape her if she was more than willing to fuck him (and had already fucked him in the past)?

the only thing kap is guilty of is suckin' dong in the last NFC title game and superbowl!

I agree that he is probably innocent, but he needs to clean up his act and spend more time grinding tape and visiting sick children in the hospital like Russ does, and less time having gang bangs with his loser friends in Florida


Hannibal is sooooo good. Such a good time for TV. GoT, The Americans, Hannibal, with Mad Men and Fargo coming up. Almost makes up for no football
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