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Trump is a clown with zero policy credentials or actual constructive views. Cruz is a true believer in the insane shit he spouts. A far more dangerous candidate if you ask me.

Cruz would've been worse than Trump. Trump will still be awful though.


Gotta do what you gotta do
Watching YouTube videos, Panthers vs Giants was one of my favorite games of the season. It even had that wack wwe storyline feeling with OBJ and Norman just being stupid.


Watching YouTube videos, Panthers vs Giants was one of my favorite games of the season. It even had that wack wwe storyline feeling with OBJ and Norman just being stupid.

A testy game between the undefeated Panthers and the #1 market Giants scored a multi-year high on FOX.

The Week 15 NFL singleheader window, featuring Panthers/Giants in 52% of markets, drew a 15.3 overnight rating on FOX Sunday afternoon — up 24% from last year (12.3) and up 42% from 2013 (10.8), both of which aired on CBS. The 15.3 is the highest for the singleheader in five years, since CBS drew a 15.4 in Week 16 of the 2010 season
Did you just call me bread!??!

I had a brain fart and it's hot and my ac sucks.. Sue me,

Floyd is complete doo-doo because he's a Cena hatin' Jabroni.

I don't hate Cena.. I'm indifferent.

Floyd looked up to bionic too
Ninja just might become my new role model..

But you'll always be his son.. :)

Is Floyd one of your little imaginary friends? Don't be afraid to tell us if Bionic let you down. We all know he has done it so many times before.
I'm a real person Jabee.. Words hurt :(
Denard Robinson drove his car into a retention pond early Sunday morning, but the police determined he was not drunk.
In a truly baffling story, Robinson and a female companion drove a car into a pond and "fell asleep." The police, who arrived at 4:20 AM, struggled to wake Robinson upon their arrival. It's nearly impossible to believe this could happen to a person who wasn't intoxicated, alas, miracles apparently happen. This should be the end of the story.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
y'all just now figured out bionic voted Republican in the past?

He has been lamenting Trump for a while now because it's reaching a breaking point where he wants to vote Republican probably because he'll pay way less in taxes (which is why most people vote republican, let's not kid ourselves) but Trump is a bigot. So what do you do when you want less taxes but your candidate is an asshole?


y'all just now figured out bionic voted Republican in the past?

He has been lamenting Trump for a while now because it's reaching a breaking point where he wants to vote Republican probably because he'll pay way less in taxes (which is why most people vote republican, let's not kid ourselves) but Trump is a bigot. So what do you do when you want less taxes but your candidate is an asshole?

Ive always wondered how my political perspective will change as I get older. As a young stallion in the prime of his youth, I've always been a democrat, big fan of change, gay rights, etc all that.

BUT as I get older, like you said... people vote republican because they want to pay less taxes. That's basically the biggest selling point to a person who doesn't make jack shit for income... hmmmm we'll see!! Someday I won't be broke, who knows!!

I can sympathize w Bionic being a Republican but not wanting to vote for the Trumpster. Hell if this election was Romney vs Hillary it might be quite a tough choice for me.....
I'm 33....I'm staying democrat, I don't mind paying more taxes and I live in So. Cal. (of course I make decent money living here) Some things are more important than money, but I've worked in fiance long enough to know how to save properly and spend wisely so I totally understand those that prefer low taxes etc, I won't judge.


y'all just now figured out bionic voted Republican in the past?

He has been lamenting Trump for a while now because it's reaching a breaking point where he wants to vote Republican probably because he'll pay way less in taxes (which is why most people vote republican, let's not kid ourselves) but Trump is a bigot. So what do you do when you want less taxes but your candidate is an asshole?
I have been voting democrat since I could vote.

But I am not a slave of one party. I am socially progressive and will continue to vote democrat but I put the country before a party. It is not good for the country to get this shit from the Republicans. We need a serious Republican Party and not the childish bullshit we currently have. It's bad for the country.

That said I would love to be able to vote R for lower taxes without the war and racism but I have never had that choice in my lifetime.
y'all just now figured out bionic voted Republican in the past?

He has been lamenting Trump for a while now because it's reaching a breaking point where he wants to vote Republican probably because he'll pay way less in taxes (which is why most people vote republican, let's not kid ourselves) but Trump is a bigot. So what do you do when you want less taxes but your candidate is an asshole?

Bruh, lawyers are the most consistently Democratically voting rich people in the United States.


Ez at home mowing his lawn



It's good to see Buckner on this Cards show, was a solid player, but seems like a great motivator. That fucking rant in episode 3, one of the best you can hope for when watching a show like this. "You'll all be in Canton, because of that run." BAHHAHAHAHA
Ninja and Floyd = Frank and Charlie
I.. Don't know what this means?

Ez at home mowing his lawn

Can't be.. That's Doesn't look like a John Deere tractor.

I have been voting democrat since I could vote.

But I am not a slave of one party. I am socially progressive and will continue to vote democrat but I put the country before a party. It is not good for the country to get this shit from the Republicans. We need a serious Republican Party and not the childish bullshit we currently have. It's bad for the country.

That said I would love to be able to vote R for lower taxes without the war and racism but I have never had that choice in my lifetime.
For that to happen.. The Republicans need their version of Bill Clinton. Let's be realistic.. That will not develop in 4 years or maybe even 8 years. They are going to even crazier most likely given the success of trump. Teddy will mostly likely be back as well as Tom Cotton who is also nuts. Marco is probably done in the presidential category thanks to Jabee's boy Chris Christie.

They also need to stop going to the well of the Southern Strategy and winning strictly white voters which they can't afford to/ won't because they win midterms that way.

They also.. Well.. Grandpa needs to kick the bucket to possibly lower their influence due to demographics. Sad to say I don't see this changing until the business interests ditch the GOP (which they won't) or ditch the social conservatives (which seems even less likely given the present circumstance.)

So.. In order to make us feel better.. Let's laugh at BobanMs country some more :D
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