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Someone snapped a pic of bionic at the Y.




Don't think he supports trump, he just dosent like Hillary.

Thank you.

I don't like either one.

They're both garbage.

Comey found significant evidence that she was extremely careless and basically provides that she's incompetent.

I gave the indictment a 50/50 chance, and it panned out the opposite. A far cry from being a nothingburger or having my head firmly in denial.

Like I've said before I've voted Democrat since the Gore election, and worked for Obama at one point. I can't support a candidate like Hillary or like Trump.

I was wrong and if you want to drink tears, that's fine. In my heart of hearts, I just want better for America than an incompetent sellout or an orange racist.

Yet, here we are again having to sift through straight garbage for the leader of our country.

None of us should accept that.

See you guys when training camp starts up. Otherwise send me a message on Twitter.

Go America, Go Broncos!
Construction out the ass.

The 44th and probable 45th Presidents of the United States in the same place.

Stragglers returning from holiday

Jeez Charlotte traffic is a disaster today
Man fuck everything about cars and motor vehicles. We need to get rid of manual controlled vehicles entirely.

My dad's uncle was hit by a truck when he was taking his dog out for a walk and killed. He was in his 80s. Lived through so many health issues and crazy things in his life and was killed walking his dog. People shouldn't be getting hit by cars in this day and age, it's inexcusable. Now the last family member of that generation of my family is gone. Two brothers lost in WWII, my grandfather gone the month before my wedding, and now the last brother dead from a car accident. It's so frustrating.
Man fuck everything about cars and motor vehicles. We need to get rid of manual controlled vehicles entirely.

My dad's uncle was hit by a truck when he was taking his dog out for a walk and killed. He was in his 80s. Lived through so many health issues and crazy things in his life and was killed walking his dog. People shouldn't be getting hit by cars in this day and age, it's inexcusable. Now the last family member of that generation of my family is gone. Two brothers lost in WWII, my grandfather gone the month before my wedding, and now the last brother dead from a car accident. It's so frustrating.

Damn man that sucks, RIP and I see so many morons driving everyday I'm amazed I don't see car accidents every day on my way to and from work...people can be complete idiots.


Eeny Meenie Penis
Man fuck everything about cars and motor vehicles. We need to get rid of manual controlled vehicles entirely.

My dad's uncle was hit by a truck when he was taking his dog out for a walk and killed. He was in his 80s. Lived through so many health issues and crazy things in his life and was killed walking his dog. People shouldn't be getting hit by cars in this day and age, it's inexcusable. Now the last family member of that generation of my family is gone. Two brothers lost in WWII, my grandfather gone the month before my wedding, and now the last brother dead from a car accident. It's so frustrating.
): sorry to hear that. What happened to the pup?
Given the gaps between salaries among the major 4 sports, I'm surprised there isn't more talk of a strike in the NFL by the player's union.


I'm going to get on PEDs before it's too late.
Its worked so well for so many pro wrestlers. I am pretty sure most PED users live to 100.

Thank you.

I don't like either one.

They're both garbage.

Comey found significant evidence that she was extremely careless and basically provides that she's incompetent.

I gave the indictment a 50/50 chance, and it panned out the opposite. A far cry from being a nothingburger or having my head firmly in denial.

Like I've said before I've voted Democrat since the Gore election, and worked for Obama at one point. I can't support a candidate like Hillary or like Trump.

I was wrong and if you want to drink tears, that's fine. In my heart of hearts, I just want better for America than an incompetent sellout or an orange racist.

Yet, here we are again having to sift through straight garbage for the leader of our country.

None of us should accept that.

See you guys when training camp starts up. Otherwise send me a message on Twitter.

Go America, Go Broncos!
I was hoping we got a moderate Republican to calm their base the fuck down. We need to move towards the middle and get rid of the right wing extremists that have taken over the Republican party. Instead we got fucking Donald Trump.

Its crazy, the Republicans had it laid out for them to win with Hillary. And they are going to nominate one of the few people in this country that is an underdog to her. She is also going to make them more bitter and disenfranchised when we need to move towards the middle together.

Honestly getting a little worried about the direction the world is moving. Hopefully this move to the right that seems to be worldwide (except Canada which zigged left and coincidentally thanks to BG my citizenship was just accept) is just temporary.


Given the gaps between salaries among the major 4 sports, I'm surprised there isn't more talk of a strike in the NFL by the player's union.

I'm not.

The NFL Players Union is toothless as most of the players are fucked if they miss one paycheck. DMS tried, and he got his handed to him because of it, in the last CBA.


Given the gaps between salaries among the major 4 sports, I'm surprised there isn't more talk of a strike in the NFL by the player's union.
They are paid less for a reason.

There are a lot more players and it is incredibly easy to replace almost every position in the NFL. There might be like 30-40 franchise guys in the league at various positions (pulling a number out of my ass). Most of which are qb's, pass rushers and corners/safeties. Other than that it is really fucking easy to replace almost any position if you get lucky in the draft.

Don't like it, thats tough because they can replace you in a second in the NFL. You can't say the same about NBA player (though the scrubs are vastly overpaid).


My fucking word. Left the keys to my house and my wedding ring on the front porch cause I was tired of my wife's shit only to have some bitch at the bar question my Eagles cred as I am sitting and wallowing in misery

Man fuck everything about cars and motor vehicles. We need to get rid of manual controlled vehicles entirely.

My dad's uncle was hit by a truck when he was taking his dog out for a walk and killed. He was in his 80s. Lived through so many health issues and crazy things in his life and was killed walking his dog. People shouldn't be getting hit by cars in this day and age, it's inexcusable. Now the last family member of that generation of my family is gone. Two brothers lost in WWII, my grandfather gone the month before my wedding, and now the last brother dead from a car accident. It's so frustrating.

Sorry to hear man...an incredibly rough patch for you.
Sorry to hear man...an incredibly rough patch for you.

Eh, it was just one big fight with the wife and I got mad. We made up already, I was just super pissed at the time, as mad as I can remember, but I forgive and forget really easy so that wasn't that big a deal. Long story short we got into an argument and she stormed off while we were in the middle of the city at night. I was wandering around for like an hour trying to find her in the cold and the rain and then she texts me telling me she is at home and I need to come because she didn't bring her keys to get into the house. I flipped shit basically. You don't just fucking leave someone in the rain and cold and disappear in the middle of a city cause you're upset.

Losing my granduncle is super sad though.
Its worked so well for so many pro wrestlers. I am pretty sure most PED users live to 100.

I was hoping we got a moderate Republican to calm their base the fuck down. We need to move towards the middle and get rid of the right wing extremists that have taken over the Republican party. Instead we got fucking Donald Trump.

Its crazy, the Republicans had it laid out for them to win with Hillary. And they are going to nominate one of the few people in this country that is an underdog to her. She is also going to make them more bitter and disenfranchised when we need to move towards the middle together.

Honestly getting a little worried about the direction the world is moving. Hopefully this move to the right that seems to be worldwide (except Canada which zigged left and coincidentally thanks to BG my citizenship was just accept) is just temporary.

The next Republican candidate will probably be worse than Trump. The Republicans need Super Delegates to move to the middle.
The next Republican candidate will probably be worse than Trump. The Republicans need Super Delegates to move to the middle.

What they need to do is just kick the super conservative members out of the party. The Whigs did it to John Tyler. Don't support the extreme right wing candidates at all, don't appoint them to committees, don't fund them, essentially disavow them. Would be better for the party if the tea party just split off entirely.
They are paid less for a reason.

There are a lot more players and it is incredibly easy to replace almost every position in the NFL. There might be like 30-40 franchise guys in the league at various positions (pulling a number out of my ass). Most of which are qb's, pass rushers and corners/safeties. Other than that it is really fucking easy to replace almost any position if you get lucky in the draft.

Don't like it, thats tough because they can replace you in a second in the NFL. You can't say the same about NBA player (though the scrubs are vastly overpaid).

What if those "30-40" guys refuse to play unless they get more money? Then, the NFL doesn't have shit. Those guys are not replaceable.


Fear of a GAF Planet
Given the gaps between salaries among the major 4 sports, I'm surprised there isn't more talk of a strike in the NFL by the player's union.

Like, you do realize that the NFL salary cap is 60% higher than the NBA cap? The NFL pays 1700 players vs 384 in the NBA, hence the discrepancy. The NBA players should strike to get rid of that communistic individual cap.
Like, you do realize that the NFL salary cap is 60% higher than the NBA cap? The NFL pays 1700 players vs 384 in the NBA, hence the discrepancy. The NBA players should strike to get rid of that communistic individual cap.

The NFL has almost three times the revenue of the NBA, and $200M more in revenue per club. The cap should be close to three times higher than the NBA, not just 60% higher.
The NFL has almost three times the revenue of the NBA, and $200M more in revenue per club. The cap should be close to three times higher than the NBA, not just 60% higher.

Exactly, that money should be going to the players. They are inflicting permanent damage upon their bodies.

Aaron Rodgers should not make less money than Demar DeRozan.


Like, you do realize that the NFL salary cap is 60% higher than the NBA cap? The NFL pays 1700 players vs 384 in the NBA, hence the discrepancy. The NBA players should strike to get rid of that communistic individual cap.

Yeah, the individual cap is stupid. Not just for the players but for the fans as well. It basically guarantees the consistent creation of super teams. If every team in the league is willing to give you a max deal, why not go to the one where you have the best chance of winning a ring?


Some dude brought up how terrible the franchise tag is in the Durant thread, it's bad but it only gets used 1 year and then the guy is gone if you don't resign him, no teams use it for year 2 or even 3, not with the escalators currently in place. Max Salary is worse imo. You're basically telling Lebron he's worth as much as Carmelolololol in dollar terms. Sorry, that's fucking garbage. Unfortunately, the only players that find a problem with the current system is the superstars, because the regular NBA Joes get the surplus value created by capping Lebron, Durant, and all the other true superstars.


Fear of a GAF Planet
Some dude brought up how terrible the franchise tag is in the Durant thread, it's bad but it only gets used 1 year and then the guy is gone if you don't resign him, no teams use it for year 2 or even 3, not with the escalators currently in place. Max Salary is worse imo. You're basically telling Lebron he's worth as much as Carmelolololol in dollar terms. Sorry, that's fucking garbage. Unfortunately, the only players that find a problem with the current system is the superstars, because the regular NBA Joes get the surplus value created by capping Lebron, Durant, and all the other true superstars.

I'm just shocked that the owners are ok with it. There should be 1 owner for it this year and 29 against it.
What they need to do is just kick the super conservative members out of the party. The Whigs did it to John Tyler. Don't support the extreme right wing candidates at all, don't appoint them to committees, don't fund them, essentially disavow them. Would be better for the party if the tea party just split off entirely.

This issue is, their socially conservative side has devoured their moderate republicans leaving us with the diseased rotting body we see today. There is no detaching the extremism when it controls enough of the body, really its just a matter of time rather than if, for when the party finally fractures and falls apart. What will form from this fracture is anyone's guess, hopefully its a much more moderate central party, since allowing any party to have unchallenged power never ends well.


I honestly don't understand the model at all, maybe someone smarter than me can explain it.

They're probably not happy, but he's a free agent and he played by their rules. It's not equatable to Chris Paul to the Lakers, since the Pelicans was owned by an NBA then.

The other thing with the NBA is that the best best players make more of out endorsements than they do out of the NBA contract.
What they need to do is just kick the super conservative members out of the party. The Whigs did it to John Tyler. Don't support the extreme right wing candidates at all, don't appoint them to committees, don't fund them, essentially disavow them. Would be better for the party if the tea party just split off entirely.

The problem is that the most active members of the Republican party are Tea Party members. They are so well financed by people like the Koch Brothers that any deviation from the party on a "major" issue by a centrist member of the Republican party will find themselves facing an extremely well financed challenge in their respective primary. Literally every Republican member of the House has signed a pledge to never vote for a raise in taxes. Moderate Republicans today have no wiggle room or they will find themselves out of a job.

Just get ready for it. The next person the Republicans trot out to try to win a presidential election will be worse than Trump because the powers that be want it that way.


The problem is that the most active members of the Republican party are Tea Party members. They are so well financed by people like the Koch Brothers that any deviation from the party on a "major" issue by a centrist member of the Republican party will find themselves facing an extremely well financed challenge in their respective primary. Literally every Republican member of the House has signed a pledge to never vote for a raise in taxes. Moderate Republicans today have no wiggle room or they will find themselves out of a job.

Just get ready for it. The next person the Republicans trot out to try to win a presidential election will be worse than Trump because the powers that be want it that way.
I don't think we can get worse than Trump without becoming Afghanistan or North Korea.


The problem is that the most active members of the Republican party are Tea Party members. They are so well financed by people like the Koch Brothers that any deviation from the party on a "major" issue by a centrist member of the Republican party will find themselves facing an extremely well financed challenge in their respective primary. Literally every Republican member of the House has signed a pledge to never vote for a raise in taxes. Moderate Republicans today have no wiggle room or they will find themselves out of a job.

Just get ready for it. The next person the Republicans trot out to try to win a presidential election will be worse than Trump because the powers that be want it that way.

I could see it happening, but I think the GOP is heavily going to look into implementing superdelegates to prevent a candidate like him in the future. There's also the hope that if he loses by the margin he's expected to, the GOP can show the crazy voters that when they got their guy, he lost in spectacular fashion. But they've screwed themselves over, they have spent the last 8 (really 20) years working these people into a frenzy about the government, and now they've finally had it with the GOP constantly scaring them with all these boogeymen but never actually doing anything about it.


Man fuck everything about cars and motor vehicles. We need to get rid of manual controlled vehicles entirely.

My dad's uncle was hit by a truck when he was taking his dog out for a walk and killed. He was in his 80s. Lived through so many health issues and crazy things in his life and was killed walking his dog. People shouldn't be getting hit by cars in this day and age, it's inexcusable. Now the last family member of that generation of my family is gone. Two brothers lost in WWII, my grandfather gone the month before my wedding, and now the last brother dead from a car accident. It's so frustrating.
Sorry to hear that man.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Eh, it was just one big fight with the wife and I got mad. We made up already, I was just super pissed at the time, as mad as I can remember, but I forgive and forget really easy so that wasn't that big a deal. Long story short we got into an argument and she stormed off while we were in the middle of the city at night. I was wandering around for like an hour trying to find her in the cold and the rain and then she texts me telling me she is at home and I need to come because she didn't bring her keys to get into the house. I flipped shit basically. You don't just fucking leave someone in the rain and cold and disappear in the middle of a city cause you're upset.

Losing my granduncle is super sad though.

Yeah that's definitely worth flipping out about from many angles.

This will be kind of a rant but that's the kind of shit my ex-wife would do and just disappear for a few hours away from the house. It was always kinda worrying because she was also suicidal at the time and never in the best mental state during those knock out drag out arguments.

By comparison I'm definitely loving this new chick I've been with for the last 9 months. She insists that she's crazy because she's a neat freak. Oh no. The horror of having to keep stuff clean which is way worse than your wife locking herself in the bathroom with razors.

Anyway yeah, peaceing out like she did and leaving you wondering what the fuck is going on is never a good move.
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