-There was (145) seven minute drives during the 2015 season.
Washington (10) & Cleveland (9) lead the league in such drives.
-All of Washington's drives ended with a FG/TD. Two of Cleveland's drives ended with a turnover.
2 teams had no such drives:
-Philadelphia and Miami
6 teams with just two such drives:
-Buffalo, Houston, Oakland, San Francisco, St Louis, and Tennessee.
Only one drive over 7 minutes ended because of the end of half or game.
-Detroit stalled on their opponent's 3 yard line after a 7min31s drive that took them 66 yards over 18 plays; the game ended.
Highest play count: 25
Lowest play count: 12
Longest Drive: 104yds (Houston, touchdown)
Shortest Drive: 35 yds (Tied: Cinci INT - Min PUNT)
Best starting field position: Denver (started at their own 49 yard line, drove for 7m18s, but ended with a FG)
Breakdown of drive endings:
-Field Goals: 60
-Touchdown: 57
-Interception: 8
-Turnover on Downs: 6
-Fumble: 5
-Punt: 4
-Blocked FG: 2
-Missed FG: 2
-End of game: 1