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pic includes chuck and bionic doing shady lawyer stuff.
Neither the Steelers ownership nor its qb have come out and publicly endorsed Trump.

That is telling because our qb has had several serious brain injuries and even then he still can see that racism, facism and demagogues should stay in Europe where they belong. We found a war in the 40s to keep that garbage in Europe. We let some of it come over to the US in New England, but its time to take out the trash and return it to sender, in Euroland.


I never golf and did 9 holes back to back days. Interesting learning experience..
9-12 holes is the perfect amount of time for golf but it is impossible for me to stop at 9 holes. The temptation to play more was always too great (especially if I ate shit on the front 9).

Tom Penny

9-12 holes is the perfect amount of time for golf but it is impossible for me to stop at 9 holes. The temptation to play more was always too great (especially if I ate shit on the front 9).

I'm terrible in total learning faze. Luckily the range near me has grass. Hitting off a mat does not help unless it's a driver. It's not the same at all.


Aldon Smith periscoped himself smoking a blunt.

Among the 31 video segments archived and publicly available is an installment entitled “Fire up session,” where Smith never appears on camera but his voice, unmistakable when compared to other videos where he talks directly to the camera, has a conversation with an unidentified female about a hand-rolled cigarette shown on screen.

The video is posted above. Here is a transcript of the exchange:

Female: (Expletive deleted), I’m not (messing) with you.

Male: I don’t give a (care). Ain’t nobody (messing) with us. We’ve got zero followers. Where is the ashtray at?( to audience) This is what you call a fire up session.

Female: (Expletive deleted), you shouldn’t even be posting that.

Male: (coughing) (Expletive deleted), do you see my face?

Female: No, but what if…

Male: They don’t have my name. This is just a fire up session.

Female: So, if you just put it on there...it’s just doing it? It’s live? That’s hella stupid.

Male: Shut up. You hella stupid. You trying to smoke, fam? Is this the ashtray?

Female: Yeah. You ain’t using it no more, right?

Male: I’m using it.

Female: Oh, that’s a (expletive deleted) (inaudible)? Oh, a (inaudible)?

Male: You’re stupid. You’re tripping. (Expletive deleted), they don’t know it’s me. It’s not like I put “Aldon Smith”…

Hunter S.

Anyone who needs to smoke a blunt by themselves to get high must smoke A LOT. Aldon has a high tolerance for sure. He is smoking Cali bud after all.

Hunter S.

If there's an alcohol question, ask Grovo. If there's a weed question, ask Blunter.
Lol, one of my roommates/step-brothers works at a medical pot shop in Colorado Springs. I know more about the legal and illegal side of the mj business than most other people in Colorado.

I also work in a library office...


God poltics this year is horrid to follow.

I really wish fucking Hilary never ran. 30 plus years of political baggage combined with the fact that her consiliares got into every spot of the dnc.

Am orange reality tv star is gonna be the next president because the Warrens, Bookers, and Daytons got boxed out.


Say what you want about Weed and Aldon Smith being stupid, but I feel like we are going to look back on this all and laugh at how stupid people are about marijuana.

You can drink as much alcohol and pop as many painkiller as you want to self-medicate and get on the field for game day, but weed is a big no-go. It seems really stupid.

The league should address real issues impacting the health of players during and after football. The drug program seems like a PR thing. It's a tough on crime, dragnet thing. It's something the league was able to bargain and test for. I wonder if they will get rid of it in the new CBA.

I imagine the NFL owners don't want to lose some of their most promising/exciting talent Josh Gordon, LeVeon Bell to marijuana suspensions. Also, after you get hit with a suspension, your career can be basically ended with a second test.

I think the NFL needs to consider whether this testing actually does anything for the league or if it is hurting the product. The morality aspect of it is frankly a joke to people who were born after the Reagan Years.


Say what you want about Weed and Aldon Smith being stupid, but I feel like we are going to look back on this all and laugh at how stupid people are about marijuana.

You can drink as much alcohol and pop as many painkiller as you want to self-medicate and get on the field for game day, but weed is a big no-go. It seems really stupid.

The league should address real issues impacting the health of players during and after football. The drug program seems like a PR thing. It's a tough on crime, dragnet thing. It's something the league was able to bargain and test for. I wonder if they will get rid of it in the new CBA.

I imagine the NFL owners don't want to lose some of their most promising/exciting talent Josh Gordon, LeVeon Bell to marijuana suspensions. Also, after you get hit with a suspension, your career can be basically ended with a second test.

I think the NFL needs to consider whether this testing actually does anything for the league or if it is hurting the product. The morality aspect of it is frankly a joke to people who were born after the Reagan Years.

Look back?

We already are laughing at how dumb it is.
Star Trek was fucken awesome :D I want to see it again, maybe next week and I got a free poster after the movie!!! And I got to see the uniform for Kirk and the villain, today was a good day :D
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