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Colin Cowherd playoff predictions for this season. Its some type of football discussion.

I guess....
Again with the Colts?


Still, this doesn't really matter. Brock felt betrayed as he was the clear better QB on the roster and leading the team to victories. Why would he go back to a team that didn't value him the way Houston did.


So, I cued up the final game of the regular season against the San Diego Chargers. It was arguably Osweiler’s worst game of the season, or so the narrative went. I knew the story from a 30,000 foot view - Osweiler struggled in the game, Peyton Manning took over and led the Broncos from there to Super Bowl 50 and the organization’s third NFL championship.

But, when I turned on the game, the narrative didn’t match the play on the field. Sure, Osweiler threw two interceptions, but neither was his fault. The first one was dropped by Jordan Norwood on a sure first down throw. The other came about as Osweiler’s arm was hit by an unblocked Chargers pass rusher. After C.J. Anderson’s fumble led to a Chargers touchdown that gave them the 13-7 lead, Manning was reinserted and the rest is history.

The winner of the AFC South is going 8-8, and likely isn't the Colts on top of that.

Division winner will be 10-6/11-5 and the chance is high for two playoff teams. IMO of course

In my honest opinion there isnt much separating the AFC right now. So many things happening or happened. Brady suspension, Steelers losing two important pieces to suspension, Raiders are still young and JDR, Jets have no QB, etc... its close to a crapshoot right now at predicting


There's even less room for handheld gaming devices. Smartphones have completely changed the game. Who is going to want to buy a (probably) $200 device that only plays games? Something with less functionality and less powerful hardware than their smartphone? Oh, and you'll also have to carry around a bunch of cartridges with it to actually play the games. How quaint!

The whole concept of a gaming handheld is just hopelessly outdated in 2016. You have people walking around already with a $600-$800 device. Just release your games for that! Instead they are going to make a gimped device to keep the costs down. Oh, and as an added bonus, it will also be a gimped home console as well. Brilliant plan!
Mobile games are mostly garbage and not even Nintendo can change that because capacitive tough is only good at consuming media. It sucks balls for games. Even if you put Mario on a iPhone it is still going to be shit. I have kids and while they would love to play free shit games on a mobile phone, they will also drop it in a nano second if someone gave them a real handheld or console. There is no substitute for buttons. The thing that handhelds offer is convenience. You always have it so it is often going to be the gaming default.

Most kids I see with iPads are not playing games on them. They are usually using them to watch videos on YouTube. That is the real enemy to gaming even more than mobile phones. There are just so many entertainment options now that everything is getting diluted and people are happy enough with the lowest common denominator.

No matter what console Nintendo releases they are going to have to deal with that reality of infinite entertainment that is almost always accessible. I think their plan makes a ton of sense because they might have enough juice to support a console by themselves. They clearly could not do a handheld and console at the asme time and compete with Sony and 3rd parties. That doesn't mean it will succeed, but where the market is this is probably the smartest move for them.


There would be room for a Nintendo console that plays the first party IPs and a bunch of the big third party titles as well. Many people would likely make it their single console of choice.

1. The console market has contracted as a result of mobile as well. Look at home country Japan, where even the PS4 doesn't sell that well. The 3DS is a mild sucesss (just not wildly successful like the DS, and not a complete disaster like the Wii U).

2. Western third consoles wouldn't touch a nintendo console and they're not going to touch this as well.

Nintendo really had two options, stay with mobile/handheld or go mobile only. What the handheld works for is that it can target B tier Japanese developers and it will be an Indy Game dream machine.
Still, this doesn't really matter. Brock felt betrayed as he was the clear better QB on the roster and leading the team to victories. Why would he go back to a team that didn't value him the way Houston did.

Brock's feelings were hurt and he didn't return the Broncos' calls. That's not a good look on him.

I don't care that he left for Houston. I got all that was needed out of him and I still am only left with regrets that Elway didn't draft Russell Wilson instead.



Colin Cowherd playoff predictions for this season. Its some type of football discussion.

I guess....

Can't see the Colts winning that division, and swap out the Jets for the Bengals/Ravens. Otherwise yeah doesn't seem that shocking. Maybe flip Raiders and Chiefs
Wii U says you're wrong.

Pretty much, Nintendo has been boxed out of the console market since the N64. The Wii was able to carve out a new area in the market, but that area has already been engulfed by mobile. Going hybrid allows them to sit in the weird area of being both a handheld and a console, something that can (if Nintendo plays their cards right) allow Nintendo coexist within the consoles and mobile markets. Hardware wise this was/is their best bet, it could fail but it seems like the best choice with how things are going.


Pretty much, Nintendo has been boxed out of the console market since the N64. The Wii was able to carve out a new area in the market, but that area has already been engulfed by mobile. Going hybrid allows them to sit in the weird area of being both a handheld and a console, something that can (if Nintendo plays their cards right) allow Nintendo coexist within the consoles and mobile markets. Hardware wise this was/is their best bet, it could fail but it seems like the best choice with how things are going.

Agreed, the biggest thing though to me is that this means they only have one console to develop for. The Wii U and 3DS actually had a high number of games, it was just that development was often split between them. And you got these years where it seemed like it was one or the other (2013 being a god-tier 3DS year while being an alright Wii U year, and 2014 being a great Wii U year and a weak 3DS year). Add in that they won't have to double up on franchises (Mario 3D Land/World, Mario Kart 7/8, SSB Wii U/3DS) means that there should be a healthy flow of games and hopefully cut down on drought. If they sell enough, 3rd parties will put their games on the console, regardless of its power

It’s going to be pretty ironic in 2020 when Johnny Manziel is the homeless drunk guy giving advice to Jimmy Haslam on which QB we should draft that year.
The Cavs just won Cleveland’s first big-league championship in a generation. The positive vibes were absolutely everywhere, and it was so predictable how good and mellow and just happy everybody would be that the police didn’t need to round up abandoned couches. (Ahem.) And believe it or not, the Indians are actually a team to beat this year. What if they win the World Series? Would Cleveland turn into one of these cities full of constantly-victorious teams whose spoiled dipshit fans just expect trophies every year? With this strange “winning” sensation Cleveland’s got all of a sudden, I find myself with a new, unfamiliar mindset: I’m unable to care about the Browns. I want to but I sincerely don’t. I bet Joe Thomas feels the same way.
After some brief research I noticed that in the past 17 seasons, the Jags have finished at the bottom of their division three times, while the Browns have NOT finished last in their division four times.
Back in 2014 the Browns blew a late game lead against the Indianapolis Colts, capped off by an interception from Brian Hoyer. As I walked out of the bar an irate Browns fan/delivery man from one of the local chicken wing joints, still in his work uniform with a delivery in-hand, sprinted into the bar, delivered a box of food to one of the customers and spent about two minutes screaming obscenities about Brian Hoyer and the team, and how Manziel needs to be the starter, to the TV sets before hopping back into his car and continuing on his route. Manziel made his first start the following week against Cincinnati and got shut out.
We spent $100K on study that said we should take Bridgewater and our literal crook owner vetoed it to take Johnny Fucking Football. That somehow doesn’t even crack our Top 25 worst moments since coming back to town.
Theoretically, the Browns will eventually run out of ways to stun, disappoint, dismiss, mock and destroy their fans and the very concept of football. After that, theoretically, there’s nothing left for them to do but to be good at the sport. But they’re so damn creative and efficient in their fuckups that I and everyone I know will be long dead by the time they sleep through the draft while pissing their pants on live TV, finally exhausting all possible shittiness.
The Cleveland Browns ended their 2015 on January 3, 2016. There has not been a single moment since when we have been given any reason to think that the 2016 product would be an improvement from last year’s team, which went 3-13. But it does not matter, because right now Cleveland is the city with the shortest drought in major sports championships.


Adam Schefter ‏@AdamSchefter 3m3 minutes ago
Former 49ers, Ravens and Cardinals' WR Anquan Boldin plans to sign a 1-year deal with Lions, per sources. Two sides now finalizing deal.

Fire up the Kas signal!!


I think the Wii gamers stopped playing games once they left the Wii. And I don't think they were playing games before the Wii.

I could be wrong but I feel even with mobile games they are relying on a small group of people who are willing to pay for the game or purchase in app garbage. My wife played the Wii and doesn't play anything anymore. She uses her phone for texting and Facebook. That to me is what replaced the Wii.

Not sure those people are ever coming back to games.


Mobile games are mostly garbage and not even Nintendo can change that because capacitive tough is only good at consuming media. It sucks balls for games. Even if you put Mario on a iPhone it is still going to be shit. I have kids and while they would love to play free shit games on a mobile phone, they will also drop it in a nano second if someone gave them a real handheld or console. There is no substitute for buttons. The thing that handhelds offer is convenience. You always have it so it is often going to be the gaming default.

Most kids I see with iPads are not playing games on them. They are usually using them to watch videos on YouTube. That is the real enemy to gaming even more than mobile phones. There are just so many entertainment options now that everything is getting diluted and people are happy enough with the lowest common denominator.

No matter what console Nintendo releases they are going to have to deal with that reality of infinite entertainment that is almost always accessible. I think their plan makes a ton of sense because they might have enough juice to support a console by themselves. They clearly could not do a handheld and console at the asme time and compete with Sony and 3rd parties. That doesn't mean it will succeed, but where the market is this is probably the smartest move for them.

Yeah, there are a bunch of shitty games on mobile. But there are a lot of really good games as well. Touch screen controls can be great when done well. And doesn't Nintendo pride themselves on coming up with innovative games based on non-traditional control inputs? I'm sure they could come up with some amazing touch screen based games. Plus smartphones have a bunch of other stuff that you can incorporate into games as well like the GPS, gyroscopes, accelerometer, camera, etc. Pokemon Go showed that smartphone games can be very innovative when they make use of all of a smartphones capabilities. And Niantic is a tiny dev team with little game development experience (and it shows). Imagine what Nintendo's experienced devs could do on smartphones?

1. The console market has contracted as a result of mobile as well. Look at home country Japan, where even the PS4 doesn't sell that well. The 3DS is a mild sucesss (just not wildly successful like the DS, and not a complete disaster like the Wii U).

2. Western third consoles wouldn't touch a nintendo console and they're not going to touch this as well.

Nintendo really had two options, stay with mobile/handheld or go mobile only. What the handheld works for is that it can target B tier Japanese developers and it will be an Indy Game dream machine.

Yeah and I'm saying they should have gone mobile only. It is the only smart choice given the current climate. If building a handheld was "better" because it appeals to Indie devs and B-tier Japanese devs, well that says it all right there, doesn't it?

Wii U says you're wrong.

Wii U didn't have a traditional dual analog controller and as a result did not get very many big third party games ported over to it AFAIK.
Randy Gregory had another violation of NFL’s substance abuse policy and is now facing a longer suspension, sources tell @toddarcher and me.



I think the Wii gamers stopped playing games once they left the Wii. And I don't think they were playing games before the Wii.

I could be wrong but I feel even with mobile games they are relying on a small group of people who are willing to pay for the game or purchase in app garbage. My wife played the Wii and doesn't play anything anymore. She uses her phone for texting and Facebook. That to me is what replaced the Wii.

Not sure those people are ever coming back to games.

Lol. Losers!

I spend 2 bucks on Pokeomon Go backpack. Help me.
Wii U didn't have a traditional dual analog controller and as a result did not get very many big third party games ported over to it AFAIK.


Third parties didn't ignore the Wii U because of controls. They ignored the Wii U because it has been proven that Nintendo gamers don't play 3rd party titles. Why would they, when they have THREE more powerful options available to them with more flexible online ecosystems?

Nintendo has to differentiate - being an also ran console maker isn't going to cut it. Being a me too smartphone developer isn't going to cut it. Just ask Sega.


I think the Wii gamers stopped playing games once they left the Wii. And I don't think they were playing games before the Wii.

I could be wrong but I feel even with mobile games they are relying on a small group of people who are willing to pay for the game or purchase in app garbage. My wife played the Wii and doesn't play anything anymore. She uses her phone for texting and Facebook. That to me is what replaced the Wii.

Not sure those people are ever coming back to games.

Mobile gaming is entirely subsidized by whales.


Just jumping in to say Randy Gregory is a dipshit, and one who I wish stays where he is going. I'm done pulling for that kid, time to wash our hands away from that shit he has slapped on them

So Kave's first name is Shawn.
Fuck you Jimmy Haslem and Fuck you Johnny Football. AND SUPER FUCK YOU TO THE HOMELESS GUY WHO TOLD JIMMY HASLEM TO DRAFT HIM. I didn’t re-up this year and I’m so happy I won’t need to see RGIII get turned into a vegetable live and in person.

Anyway, Derek Anderson was the best quarterback the Browns have had since our return and we deserve this misery for letting him go. #LongLiveDA
Beat writers are responding saying the team hasn't

I Want To Believe. If even the Racists are like "fuck Greg Hardy", his career's over

Speaking of careers being deservedly over, Ray Rice said if a team signed him for even a year, he'd donate the whole salary to an anti-domestic violence charity. Still no team's budged. wellbye.gif

Replacing Junior Galete with Greg Hardy is kind of perfect though.


Beat writers are responding saying the team hasn't

I Want To Believe. If even the Racists are like "fuck Greg Hardy", his career's over

Speaking of careers being deservedly over, Ray Rice said if a team signed him for even a year, he'd donate the whole salary to an anti-domestic violence charity. Still no team's budged. wellbye.gif

Still think the news of the Jags interest and now Washingtons is being purposely leaked so the team can gauge public reaction if they sign him


There's even less room for handheld gaming devices. Smartphones have completely changed the game. Who is going to want to buy a (probably) $200 device that only plays games? Something with less functionality and less powerful hardware than their smartphone? Oh, and you'll also have to carry around a bunch of cartridges with it to actually play the games. How quaint!

The whole concept of a gaming handheld is just hopelessly outdated in 2016. You have people walking around already with a $600-$800 device. Just release your games for that! Instead they are going to make a gimped device to keep the costs down. Oh, and as an added bonus, it will also be a gimped home console as well. Brilliant plan!

3DS has existed during the smartphone dominance and I think it did fine.

Look at how the Wii U did with just PS4 and XB1 on the market this gen, shit, it got a head start and still didn't do shit.
Beat writers are responding saying the team hasn't

I Want To Believe. If even the Racists are like "fuck Greg Hardy", his career's over

Speaking of careers being deservedly over, Ray Rice said if a team signed him for even a year, he'd donate the whole salary to an anti-domestic violence charity. Still no team's budged. wellbye.gif

Rice wasn't exactly lighting the league on fire the year he was suspended. In fact he was one of the worst RBs in the league at the time. He'll also be 30 in January.
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