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Can a NVIDIA Tegra handle a maxed out WiiU game?

If that is the case I am impressed. I have never seen anything on mobile tech other then trash or old games.

I can't imagine playing Zelda U on a really small screen though. Too much shit going on at the same time. Handheld games need simpler graphics.
Can a NVIDIA Tegra handle a maxed out WiiU game?

If that is the case I am impressed. I have never seen anything on mobile tech other then trash or old games.

I can't imagine playing Zelda U on a really small screen though. Too much shit going on at the same time. Handheld games need simpler graphics.

Tegra X1 is stronger than Wii U, but closer to Wii U than a Xbox 1 in power. The Tegra X2 which many are expecting this to have in the end, is expected to be about on par with current gen consoles.


Welp, the NX is a hybrid.
I'm not sure how to feel about this....but gives me better vibes then the first info leak for the Wii U.

That's interesting, this is honestly what I wanted even though I gave up on it when they seemed to deny it. I think it's the only way they'll stay relevant since getting into a spec arms race with Sony and MS would be a disaster. Happy to see cartridges return though. We'll see what happens.


Fear of a GAF Planet

Dat Lacy diet.


Tegra X1 is stronger than Wii U, but closer to Wii U than a Xbox 1 in power. The Tegra X2 which many are expecting this to have in the end, is expected to be about on par with current gen consoles.
I assume that Zelda U must have been designed to run on the platform, which is impressive considering how much physics it displayed.

Did not know the chip was that capable.

I assume it is cheap as fuck to buy as well which means Nintendo might be able to put this out for $200.
I assume that Zelda U must have been designed to run on the platform, which is impressive considering how much physics it displayed.

Did not know the chip was that capable.

I assume it is cheap as fuck to buy as well which means Nintendo might be able to put this out for $200.

The NX's brain (the handheld screen) is likely to be cheap, the base on the other hand could be quite a bit expensive ($200-$300 just for it) and will likely be separate or in its own bundle if they do what their latest patents are trying to pull off. The base is by far the most interesting part, and will either make or break the concept of the NX if they don't do it right.


The NX's brain (the handheld screen) is likely to be cheap, the base on the other hand could be quite a bit expensive ($200-$300 just for it) and will likely be separate or in its own bundle if they do what their latest patents are trying to pull off. The base is by far the most interesting part, and will either make or break the concept of the NX if they don't do it right.
Eh, none of that tech seems very expensive. Tegra, wireless controllers, etc. All of that stuff is dirt cheap. Unless there is something else I am missing on the base.

I think for it really work they need a bigass screen but that takes away from portability and makes it more expensively.

I bet it costs them less than 200 (not including R&D) to make and they sell it for 300 the first year and get it down to 200 in less than 18 months.

Honestly for a lot of people I would think that this is going to be appealing but it never really worked for PS cross play so let's see how the public reacts to this.
The 2015 season for the Broncos was a strange one. As the best offense became the best defense.

Still, some offensive stars shined like Emmanuel Sanders.

The greatest gift the Pittsburgh Steelers have given us in a long time.

Thanks, dude


The greatest gift was the fumble at the end of the Divisional Round Playoff game. Thanks scrubs!


So Nintendo is making a handheld into a console. Meh.
This makes a lot of sense with current tech.

ARM chips are dirt cheap and not far behind what consoles give us (which are also gimped).

PC GPUs are still miles ahead if you spend but that market is tiny. Makes more sense to make midrange games that can be played on everything.
Healthy Steelers would have wrecked he Broncos.

Thank that thug Burfict for that win.

Burfict is my nomination for honorary Bronco this year.

But I know how it is to lose a game you were so certain you would win. The 2012 Broncos should have won the Super Bowl. The 1996 Broncos should have won the Super Bowl.


This makes a lot of sense with current tech.

ARM chips are dirt cheap and not far behind what consoles give us (which are also gimped).

PC GPUs are still miles ahead if you spend but that market is tiny. Makes more sense to make midrange games that can be played on everything.


Right there Bionic. See right there is where you done messed up. You're thinking Nintendo has Kojima levels of graphics sorcery. They don't. And if the first party games look passable at best on the big screen, I think the third party games will be even worse. I am not even optimistic about this. I'm not falling for this hardware that hinges on amazing developers to make it shine. I'm bracing for the worst. Like I just ate at Taco Bell.

Tom Penny

This makes a lot of sense with current tech.

ARM chips are dirt cheap and not far behind what consoles give us (which are also gimped).

PC GPUs are still miles ahead if you spend but that market is tiny. Makes more sense to make midrange games that can be played on everything.
All it is is mobile gaming that can be played on your tv too. Pretty basic and not all that innovative. More like a if this works we will have great profit margins move aka trying to pull off a Wii 2.


Nintendo is the dumbest, successful company I've ever seen. They have the best gaming IPs in the world but continue to gimp themselves with horrible hardware decisions.

Why make yet another handheld? Nearly 90% of people in the developed world already own a handheld gaming device. It's called a smartphone. Just make games using your IPs for these devices and you'll start printing money (see: Pokemon Go). They don't even need to be good games! (again, see: Pokemon Go). Now you've conquered the casual gaming crowd.

Want to reach hardcore gamers now? Build a cutting edge home console with a traditional dual analog stick controller that can run most/all third party games. Then put your powerhouse IPs on there as well (Mario, Zelda, etc.). Now you've conquered the hardcore gaming crowd.

This hybrid idea is dumb because no casual gamer is going to want to buy an expensive-as-shit handheld device that only plays games, when they already own a smartphone. And no hardcore gamer is going to want to buy a gimped home console that only has a handful of decent first party games on it. It's going to be a total flop.


Benjamin Allbright, member of Denver media, goes on 610 Mad Radio this morning and drops some truth bombs about the Oz contract



1) Had an 18.5 million offer ready but Brock didnt take their call
2) Elway wasnt too concerned and though it was a no brainer OZ would re-sign.
3) College roommate with Elways son and stayed at the Elway house when he arrived in Denver
4) Brock felt the team transitioned to him as starter and was completely caught off guard with the benching after the SD game.
5) Franchise tag was never considered for Brock since Elway was confident he would re-sign
6) Texans have been trying to trade for Brock the past 1.5 years and were shot down every time


Benjamin Allbright, member of Denver media, goes on 610 Mad Radio this morning and drops some truth bombs about the Oz contract



1) Had an 18.5 million offer ready but Brock didnt take their call
2) Elway wasnt too concerned and though it was a no brainer OZ would re-sign.
3) College roommate with Elways son and stayed at the Elway house when he arrived in Denver
4) Brock felt the team transitioned to him as starter and was completely caught off guard with the benching after the SD game.
5) Franchise tag was never considered for Brock since Elway was confident he would re-sign
6) Texans have been trying to trade for Brock the past 1.5 years and were shot down every time

Those are all interesting facts. But is Joe Flacco elite?


Needless to say, Nintendo's console was the one thing they explicitly said it wouldn't be.

Ayup, it's pretty funny.

Nintendo is the dumbest, successful company I've ever seen. They have the best gaming IPs in the world but continue to gimp themselves with horrible hardware decisions.

Why make yet another handheld? Nearly 90% of people in the developed world already own a handheld gaming device. It's called a smartphone. Just make games using your IPs for these devices and you'll start printing money (see: Pokemon Go). They don't even need to be good games! (again, see: Pokemon Go). Now you've conquered the casual gaming crowd.

Want to reach hardcore gamers now? Build a cutting edge home console with a traditional dual analog stick controller that can run most/all third party games. Then put your powerhouse IPs on there as well (Mario, Zelda, etc.). Now you've conquered the hardcore gaming crowd.

This hybrid idea is dumb because no casual gamer is going to want to buy an expensive-as-shit handheld device that only plays games, when they already own a smartphone. And no hardcore gamer is going to want to buy a gimped home console that only has a handful of decent first party games on it. It's going to be a total flop.

Nintendo Handhelds sell well enough and they control the ecosystem, IOS and Android getting 30% is a huge cut.

Doubling down on console games would be, when Sony owns that environment with an iron fist right now.
Smartest move by Nintendo in while. The biggest barriers for me from buying their games the last couple of generations was that their game output was spread between two pieces of hardware, and that one of those pieces of hardware was super dated tech with shitty displays. If this means the end of the DS line that will be alright with me.


All it is is mobile gaming that can be played on your tv too. Pretty basic and not all that innovative. More like a if this works we will have great profit margins move aka trying to pull off a Wii 2.
It is not innovative but it makes sense with current tech. Especially for Nintendo as now they only have to support one platform. They actually have enough talent to support one platform in a way that might exceed what you see on the other consoles. They still have to pull it off but it makes sense.

May he go out in a blaze of glory against Pittsburgh should this scenario arise.
I am hoping the Ravens do the deed so they retaliate against them. Burfict has a lot of blood on his hands. I would be surprised if he makes it through the season.


Those are all interesting facts. But is Joe Flacco elite?
I was always a huge fan. Maybe not as big of a fan as BLarry but he was one of the few Ravens that did not make me want to throw up.

Except for that one year where he beat us he was always very fair and generous to the Steelers. Not like the criminal scumbags who normally play for that team.



I assume that Zelda U must have been designed to run on the platform, which is impressive considering how much physics it displayed.

Did not know the chip was that capable.

I assume it is cheap as fuck to buy as well which means Nintendo might be able to put this out for $200.

I'm gonna guess it goes for $200 that is what handheld consoles should go for, $250 is the absolute max and I think this is where this thing will land.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I'm waiting for the gimmick from the NX. I'm not sure if I believe a future is coming where Nintendo just goes standard controls and that's it. I fucking hated the waggle for the kinds of games that I like to play but I just know that there's something yet to be unveiled here.


People getting mad about Michelle calling USA the greatest country in the world

we made tom brady bitches, we are the greatest country in the universe!


Nintendo is the dumbest, successful company I've ever seen. They have the best gaming IPs in the world but continue to gimp themselves with horrible hardware decisions.

Why make yet another handheld? Nearly 90% of people in the developed world already own a handheld gaming device. It's called a smartphone. Just make games using your IPs for these devices and you'll start printing money (see: Pokemon Go). They don't even need to be good games! (again, see: Pokemon Go). Now you've conquered the casual gaming crowd.

Want to reach hardcore gamers now? Build a cutting edge home console with a traditional dual analog stick controller that can run most/all third party games. Then put your powerhouse IPs on there as well (Mario, Zelda, etc.). Now you've conquered the hardcore gaming crowd.

This hybrid idea is dumb because no casual gamer is going to want to buy an expensive-as-shit handheld device that only plays games, when they already own a smartphone. And no hardcore gamer is going to want to buy a gimped home console that only has a handful of decent first party games on it. It's going to be a total flop.

Pokemon GO is just the beginning of Nintendo smartphone games. Pokemon is more of a second party IP. Mario is on his way to smartphones as well.

3DS wasn't the juggernaut that the DS was but it was still and is still considered pretty successful.

The home console market just doesn't seem to have room for another platform imo. This is the best way for Nintendo to be that second console option while still doing what they've always been best at. Making and supporting a handheld platform. No one has come close to dominating that market like they have (sans smartphone games), which is a totally different beast all together. They don't need to get into power wars with Sony and MS. I think this is a good move if the tech is good.
Benjamin Allbright, member of Denver media, goes on 610 Mad Radio this morning and drops some truth bombs about the Oz contract



1) Had an 18.5 million offer ready but Brock didnt take their call
2) Elway wasnt too concerned and though it was a no brainer OZ would re-sign.
3) College roommate with Elways son and stayed at the Elway house when he arrived in Denver
4) Brock felt the team transitioned to him as starter and was completely caught off guard with the benching after the SD game.
5) Franchise tag was never considered for Brock since Elway was confident he would re-sign
6) Texans have been trying to trade for Brock the past 1.5 years and were shot down every time

Not a good look for Brock.

Franchise tag was reserved for Von Miller. Even if Elway wasn't confident in the signing, he would never drop the tag on him.


Not a good look for Brock.

Franchise tag was reserved for Von Miller. Even if Elway wasn't confident in the signing, he would never drop the tag on him.

I know they just won a Super Bowl but the sheer blindness to how Elway handled this off season is mind boggling.

Enjoy Sanchez, Semen and the Backstreet Boy.
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