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Who's joining the NFL-GAF crew?
The SS Bradford will sink any who dare challenge us. My god that game looks amazing btw.
Oh.. That makes me sad :(

But Slo isn't a racist.. I think?

I appreciate you AT.

Let's make a day where we appreciate the Golden Oldies of NFL-GAF. What day of the week should that be and what should it be called friends?

Is that the pirate game shown and was it on PlayStation? If so.. Chris.. We can be Buccaneers friend :D

All aboard the Freeman.

Xbox/PC I believe (We can be buddies on PC) not a fan of the perspective...I would have preferred their person but my second love after space is pirates so I'm down!


I guess I'm just too young, I don't give two shits about OJ. I was born in '89.

I don't deny that it is probably well written and produced.
The great thing about the documentary is that it doesn't entirely focus on OJ, but it actually goes into the civil rights and police issues in Los Angeles in the early 90's that came to a boiling point once the OJ trial occurred.

I thought I was fatigued on the OJ story in general, but this documentary has been terrific
Is that the pirate game shown and was it on PlayStation? If so.. Chris.. We can be Buccaneers friend :D

All aboard the Freeman.

PlayStation has no games breh. It's coming to Xbone/Windows 10 and it's cross-play so PC players can have fun with awesome Boners.



Olds will never lead you astray

Speaking of olds, Jak (RIP) would have loved this


$12bn in shrink wrapped $100s???!!?!?!?!

The United States is more rich than I can even fathom.
I'm proud to be an America.

I'll be a pirate who eliminates the olds

Xbox/PC I believe (We can be buddies on PC) not a fan of the perspective...I would have preferred their person but my second love after space is pirates so I'm down!
But.. I don't have a pc :(


oh boy its another zelda game
snes pls

I haven't been huge into Zelda since wind waker, but Giant Bomb's reactions and the gifs I've seen make it seem so much more deep and feature filled than the last ones. God damn it's going to be a serious system seller.


Oh.. That makes me sad :(

Don't be. Season 4 was a bonus that never should have existed. The show got cancelled after Season 3, and it took like 8 years for Netfix to pick up Season 4. So it's nice that it came out at all. It's just structured differently due to everyone on that show getting bigger roles and making it hard to get everyone together to film at the same time. It ends perfectly with Season 3. And you can watch Season 4 too, it just doesn't do as much for me.


Hey, is there any way to counter Torbs BESIDES preventing them from getting established at a spot? He is literally taking all of the fun out of the game.


Bob and weave and eliminate his turrets, I do well against them with Pharah. We should play together sometime. Torbs isn't that bad...now Bastion...fuck that guy
Hey, is there any way to counter Torbs BESIDES preventing them from getting established at a spot? He is literally taking all of the fun out of the game.

The best way is a Genji with his reflect which will quickly destroy the turret. Anyone that can deal damage teamed up with Reinhardt works as well. Pharah is a good choice too.


Any links to the Zelda footage from the conference?

Here's the full Treehouse archive:


The trailer is at roughly 30:15, and then they get to the gameplay stuff at 1:27 after some Pokemon stuff. But there's like 5 hours of it it's crazy. If you want a summary, look here:


Anyone interested in Zelda should look in there. There's a lot of information that maybe you don't want spoiled, but holy shit the things they're doing in this game


snes pls

I haven't been huge into Zelda since wind waker, but Giant Bomb's reactions and the gifs I've seen make it seem so much more deep and feature filled than the last ones. God damn it's going to be a serious system seller.

I will be honest. I have yet to find a zelda game or any zelda type of games(darksiders) to be all that interesting. They never hold my attention for long and get boring really quick. I can see the appeal but it certainly has no appeal for me. I see everything about the new game and I feel stone cold


Here's the full Treehouse archive:


The trailer is at roughly 30:15, and then they get to the gameplay stuff at 1:27 after some Pokemon stuff. But there's like 5 hours of it it's crazy. If you want a summary, look here:


Anyone interested in Zelda should look in there. There's a lot of information that maybe you don't want spoiled, but holy shit the things they're doing in this game

Awesome, thanks!

I watched the trailer on YouTube and I'm already in.
Good morning friends

Don't be. Season 4 was a bonus that never should have existed. The show got cancelled after Season 3, and it took like 8 years for Netfix to pick up Season 4. So it's nice that it came out at all. It's just structured differently due to everyone on that show getting bigger roles and making it hard to get everyone together to film at the same time. It ends perfectly with Season 3. And you can watch Season 4 too, it just doesn't do as much for me.
Ok.. I might work on watching it today.

smh well I'm not buying an xbox...ask Bionic nicely and maybe he'll get you one.
I have access to one.. You would need one then.

I'm bummed out that Crackdown 3 is a no-show at E3 AND it's getting delayed to 2017.
Nothing of value was lost


Oh my God

Why did I not come across this until just now
Oh my.. This is amazing.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Really hope that the new Zelda is packed with stuff to do.

Been playing Twilight Princess and I really hate how there's so much open space that doesn't serve a huge purpose in the overworld. The nice thing about Wind Waker is that it kinda tricks you a bit because you know that for the most part, every island has something good so you can generally ignore the water.

I want to be tripping over heart pieces and other RPG like upgrades. I wish so much Zelda would adopt some serious RPG type upgrades like other games. Really anything that would keep my motivation up instead of having me looking to the next dungeon as a huge chore. A Link Between Worlds was fantastic mostly because it was non linear so it didn't feel quite as burdensome.

Basically why can't every game be Witcher 3 or Skyrim or something?


Word on the street is March 2017.

Real talk, this is looking like the Zelda game I've dreamed about playing since I played the very first Zelda. I'm definitely in on a NX and this game day 1.
Its insane how many gameplay styles were available on the demo.

Especially with the assumed Nintendo polish.

My only fear is that the game will be too massive. I just don't have time for 50 hour time sinks anymore. And once I get out of a game it is hard to get back into it.
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