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NFL Offseason Thread 2013 - Here comes the wait

MGS2 is to the best of my knowledge, the best thing the industry has put out in the last two generations.

but it was one of the few instances of the genre transcending cliche and giving birth to something fresh and exciting.
...and extraordinarily dull and one of the most overwritten and overwrought pieces of fiction Kojima has committed to the medium. That's saying a lot for a man who seemingly has no idea when to shut up and let the visuals and interactivity speak for itself (MGS4 is even worse in that regard). No amount of post-modernist commentary is going to fix having to sit through Raiden and Rose droning the fuck on for hours and hours about Godzilla and and their on again, off again TV watching sessions.

I'm sure people love having heady discussions about how Kojima deftly wove Nietzsche's philosophical view of tragedy into the tale and how Solidus Snake was the true tragic figure but you know what? It's fucking boring as shit to play.

Go make an anime. I came to play, not watch a game.



MGS2 was definitely before it's time.
Yep, it cornered the market on "boring interactive cinema" before Heavy Rain came out. David Cage is jealous!

for the record I thought Heavy Rain was ok


And so I continue to wait, for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, and for the draft.

Interesting times at least. I've gone from incensed, to okay, and then back to disgruntled and fatalistic in the past two days. Thanks Lions!


Allen Tweeted out that the Steelers didn't even make him an offer. Weird b/c if they had actually watched Gay play last year, they might have rethought that
...and extraordinarily dull and one of the most overwritten and overwrought pieces of fiction Kojima has committed to the medium.
Valid criticism.

As is the 90' degree angle business.

I found a lot of the codec stuff interesting but I don't know how you can apply it to MGS2 and not MGS3.
A bunch of nondescript political-speak isn't overwrought?

Whenever I started having fun with 3 it became an exercise in tedium.
Valid criticism.

As is the 90' degree angle business.

But I don't know how to can apply it to MGS2 and not MGS3.
A bunch of nonsensical political-speak isn't overwrought?

Whenever I started having fun with 3 it became an exercise in tedium.
I wasn't relegating the criticism to just 2. All the games in the series suffer from this, but 2 and 4 suffer from it the worst (the original being the least tedious, IMO). Both just don't know when enough is enough. MGS4 becomes an endless cutscene come Act 3 for instance.

I'm of the opposite opinion in saying Metal Gear as it has progressed is the exact opposite direction of where I want the medium to go. Less "cinematic" more interactive. The more a game makes me put the controller down, the less I want to play it.

Pertaining to the 90 degree angle issue, did you play the re-release of 3? I believe they added a standard third person camera to it. Almost positive that's what on the collection.
I'm of the opposite opinion in saying Metal Gear as it has progressed is the exact opposite direction of where I want the medium to go. Less "cinematic" more interactive. The more a game makes me put the controller down, the less I want to play it.
I agree.

Although MGS2 for me is less of a game and more of an experience.
Not just a cinematic experience but also a series of interesting lectures and ideas, that swirl around the player at all times.

In that respect it's totally unique and I dig it.

I do agree with the overwrought/"this needs to go" sentiment, though.

I wasn't relegating the criticism to just 2. All the games suffer from this, but 2 and 4 suffer from it the worst.
Disagree here.

I'd rather hear about romance and philosophy (completely random and decadent as they are at times) over trite bullshit about war and enemies.
I think 3 and 4 are the worst offenders. In 3 the codec is awful and uninteresting, in 4 the codec is pointless and shouldn't even be in the game.

Pertaining to the 90 degree angle - did you play the re-release of 3? I believe they added a standard third person camera to it. Almost positive that's what on the collection.
Yes, it made it much, much, much better.

But the 90 degree thing is about MGS2 being structured around right angles making it somewhat easy and predictable to play through given you know how enemy sight range, etc.
I agree.

Although MGS2 for me is less of a game and more of an experience.
Not just a cinematic experience but also a series of interesting lectures and ideas, that swirl around the player at all times.

In that respect it's totally unique and I dig it.

I do agree with the overwrought/"this needs to go" sentiment, though.
That's fair. I know it has a following for that very reason and I respect that, it's just diametrically opposed to what I want out of a game.

I've pretty much sworn the series off because of it, truthfully. With the exception of Rising which I'm currently playing through and enjoying.

I originally edited this into the original post but figure it has a better place here: Honestly, in all of my years of gaming the only game that truly made me give a shit about its story - and I mean at the level where I was emotionally invested as if I were watching a film - is Silent Hill 2. There have been experiences as you mentioned. I'd qualify Journey in that category but not a "cinematic" game if you will. I'm all for narrative and story but fuck me the industry needs to start investing in writers alongside tessellation and TressFX hair.


Grossi's been wrong more than a few times. even so, Davis is in no rush to sign anything, so anytime soon is irrelevant. As I said, I'd be happy with him for a team friendly deal for sure.

Jared Cook killed the market. Got 3 years of guaranteed salary at 7m a year. All TEs are now telling their agents they are better than Cook and deserve that much
Jared Cook killed the market. Got 3 years of guaranteed salary at 7m a year. All TEs are now telling their agents they are better than Cook and deserve that much

Yep, Rams can enjoy that contract. Browns are in no rush, it's a TE heavy draft too, and I can see the Browns moving down too with no 2nd round pick. So we're definitely in no rush. If we get Davis for something reasonable, then alright then.
I never got the whole MGS thing. I remember liking most of the old NES Metal Gear, but the cutscene obsession of the games that came after simply didn't strike a chord with me. In fact, I remember returning my copy of MGS for a copy of Tenchu because I thought the stealth element in that game was more fun. But then I soon got into PC gaming and discovered the Thief games and forgot both series entirely.


I would have to say that MGS is the only major/acclaimed/well-known video game franchise I've never gotten into at all. The only one I played was 4 and that was up until some snow level with this wolf machine thing, then this boss that i tried for like 4 hours but didn't seem to do damage to, so i gave up.


Yep, Rams can enjoy that contract. Browns are in no rush, it's a TE heavy draft too, and I can see the Browns moving down too with no 2nd round pick. So we're definitely in no rush. If we get Davis for something reasonable, then alright then.

I don't love the contract, but Cook is one of the Pacells/Young World Theory guys. Only 25. If I'm going to spend, that's the kind of guy to do it on. Would have preferred Fred Davis on a low cost deal, but it's better than the awful contract they'll soon sign Jake Long to


Fear of a GAF Planet
Didn't see an answer earlier, When do we usually do the Mock Draft? Deacon runs it, doesn't he?

I answered you before, and I'll answer you again. We aren't doing shit until DK gets back. RIP

Hopefully it's just a week or two. Any longer than that and we'll make FV run it. :p


So it's safe to say Seahawks won the Free Agent?

I like DE signings but I don't like idea of building team with FA players though.


So it's safe to say Seahawks won the Free Agent?

I like DE signings but I don't like idea of building team with FA players though.

You won all the football. Team to beat. Not hyperbole. Hell of team. Unless Harvin goes nuts and kills Sherman in practice, you'll win 12 games at least
Grossi's been wrong more than a few times. even so, Davis is in no rush to sign anything, so anytime soon is irrelevant. As I said, I'd be happy with him for a team friendly deal for sure.

LOL this guy knows what I mean. :)
Grossi: absolutely no way we're interested in Josh Gordan. ( said it multiple times)
We get Josh Gordan with a 2nd.
plus he use to have some of the most Dbag responses to questions on twitter when he use to work for the plain dealer.


Lance Zeirlein seems to think the Texans have another card up their sleeve along side Ed Reed....multiple announcements tomorrow?
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