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NFL Offseason Thread 2013 - Here comes the wait

I think he has real potential for a Bill Murray turn later in life.

"What About Bob?" is probably my favorite comedy all time. It's a movie that still makes me laugh to this day and I've seen it more times than I care to admit (Dreyfuss is such an incredible straight man in the movie). That's not even getting into the other bevy of Murray films that I love...


Curious about the status of Chris Clemons with Seattle loading up on all these DEs.

I hope they don't release him, and I hope his recovery is going smoothly.
I believe Schneider said that DE signings will not affect Chris Clemons Role at all.



Or maybe not buying Wii U's, and waiting for the good games like the rest of the world seems to be doing. :-(

agreed, once pikmin 3 and wind waker hd come out before the summer, systems will sell. Not to mention the obvious price drop that seems to be lingering this year.

Also, a desperate E3 for nintendo will have the megatons. Book that shit.


Told yall about the wii u.

An Android tablet, roku, and a scale was the better purchase

I love how you guys act like you bought the house from Money Pit. You spent $300. If that's the biggest consumer regret of your life you probably should not be buying electronics. Or food from anywhere but Aldi.

It aint a big deal. I paid for the premium one with cash out of my pocket pretty much. I will just patiently wait for games to come out on the system while I mostly draw pictures and play some nintendoland on it. My brother wanted me to play some online games with him the other day and I realized that I pretty much dont give a shit about online gaming or the types of games prevalent on it. He started listing off first person shooters which are my absolute least favorite kind of game. but thats all anyone plays online. Except racing games.

Besides, I have spent $250 on a anime figurine before. I have been known to spend some money when I want something.


What I don't get about Nintendo is what were they doing all that time with nothing really hitting the Wii? I'm hoping that we will be drowning in Nintendo games this holiday.

They probably still have a ton of unannounced stuff.

Both for 3DS and Wii U.
Unless Nintendo is the master of not panicing they should of been steadily dropping annoucements after that last Nintendo direct
Why? E3 is is June and they've got to compete with the spotlight of Microsoft's new console reveal and the unveiling of the PS4. No, they can keep the cards close to the vest and come out blazing in June to get ready for the holidays...


I love how you guys act like you bought the house from Money Pit. You spent $300. If that's the biggest consumer regret of your life you probably should not be buying electronics. Or food from anywhere but Aldi.

I know a rich housewife that always goes to Aldi.

I like Wegmans for general shit and I go to a small vegetable and fruit store for fresh stuff. It is so much cheaper.

Weird now people complain about their WiiUs. My PS3 was a 600 Netflix and bluray player. Did not play many games on the 3 or Wii last gen but the ones I played were enough to justify owning them to me. People here act like homeless teenagers when it comes to consoles.


RT @untouchablejay4: "Sometimes the business side of this shit will turn your friends against you!" Dr. Dre <--- Suggs, probably threatening Flacco


Yea, might as well save it for E3.

You have two companies showcasing hardware, save your software megatons for then.

For Nintendo E3 we know

New Smash Bros screens will be shown
New 3D Mario
New Mario Kart

I expect to see Bayonetta 2.

edit: Adrian Wilson is visiting the Pats.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I love how you guys act like you bought the house from Money Pit. You spent $300. If that's the biggest consumer regret of your life you probably should not be buying electronics. Or food from anywhere but Aldi.


And the Wii U will be fine. It's been out for 4 months now--at least let Nintendo release some games for the thing. Mario Kart will probably be what starts the general public after it again.

This whole "Man this thing sucks let's end it now" mentality of society today is beyond irritating. Television is the worst culprit. If something like Cheers or Seinfeld aired today it would have been canned halfway through the first year. Have some patience, people.



I know a rich housewife that always goes to Aldi.

I like Wegmans for general shit and I go to a small vegetable and fruit store for fresh stuff. It is so much cheaper.

Weird now people complain about their WiiUs. My PS3 was a 600 Netflix and bluray player. Did not play many games on the 3 or Wii last gen but the ones I played were enough to justify owning them to me. People here act like homeless teenagers when it comes to consoles.

GAF told me only rich people and Sony fanboys bought PS3's at launch.

On a real note, I guess in retrospect, the Wii U has funner games at launch than those two. Thing is, at PS3 and 360 launch we weren't getting a fuck ton of ports from last gen.



I know a rich housewife that always goes to Aldi.

I like Wegmans for general shit and I go to a small vegetable and fruit store for fresh stuff. It is so much cheaper.

Weird now people complain about their WiiUs. My PS3 was a 600 Netflix and bluray player. Did not play many games on the 3 or Wii last gen but the ones I played were enough to justify owning them to me. People here act like homeless teenagers when it comes to consoles.

I know. $600 was a bit steep for that thing, but the 3-400 range isn't bad for an HD console price. Its not like this is a multi thousand dollar investment here. People probably spent more on their fucking phone than on a wiiU or Ps3.


Im not excited for a new Xbox at all.
Handhelds are superior.

I will buy a next gen console just for sports games. They are the one genre that sucks on handhelds, though maybe the Vita will change that if it gets good support.

Will probably get a U just for a few Nintendo games. I liked Pikmin and loved the galaxy games.

I wonder if we will be playing all our games on a cheap 99 Roku box (or the equivalent) in the future the way processing power is increasing? I wonder why Apple and Roku don't make a decent Bluetooth controller? Seems like a common sense move and will probably be good enough for most people.


Fear of a GAF Planet
Halle Berry is kinda just alot of hype..............
I would probably pick alot of girls over her............

It's that kind of talk that got Deacon banned................
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