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NFL Offseason Thread 2015 |OT| All of our teams suck!


Saturday, in the New York Daily News, New York Jets beat writer Manish Mehta wrote an article titled “NY Jets interview Doug Marrone, and with Bills, the average ex-coach rubbed many in the organization the wrong way”. After reading the article, I have one thing to say, it’s total garbage! In this year’s hiring cycle, I have seen media getting more involved with their opinions than at any other time in the past. In the case of Marrone and the Jets, all you have to do is follow Mehta’s tweets over the last week, and you see he is one who wants to sabotage the Jets possible hiring of Marrone. He doesn’t want Marrone to be the coach, so he will make his feelings known in any way possible.

There are some media who are very knowledgable people, have strong connections, and come up with excellent perspective in regards to some coaching/GM candidates. Mehta isn’t one of them. This article was nothing but an immature hack job. He quotes “sources” inside the Bills' front office, but names none. Were they the General Manager or CEO? I highly doubt it.

I know that Marrone had some problems with a couple of writers at the Buffalo News, but the people he had problems with, know absolutely nothing about football. He was criticized for being a conservative coach. What these people don’t realize is that Doug Marrone just coached the Buffalo Bills to their first winning season in 10 years, and they are complaining about it.

Going into the season, there wasn’t anyone around the league who felt the Bills had the slightest chance of having a winning season. Yet, 17 weeks later, we find that they swept the entire NFC Central which included two playoff teams, swept Mehta’s Jets by 20 and 35 points respectively, and also beat the New England Patriots.

The Bills did this with an average roster and a journeyman quarterback. The naysayers in the Buffalo media felt the Bills should have been in the playoffs. These people are dreamers. The reality is this team was not a playoff team and was also one of the better coached teams in the NFL. When you look at Mehta’s article, you see the same “quotes” that negative Buffalo writers have written or talked about on talk radio which leads me to believe that Mehta’s sources were his media friends.

After spending 30 years in the National Football League, I have no problem with a writer or a radio host giving solid informed opinions. I do have a problem when they write/talk about things they know nothing about. Some of these media types feel that they are better prepared to make the football decisions than the real football people. Most of these people never played or coached the game past high school, and if given the opportunity to make a decision, wouldn't know where to start. Mehta is one who would fit that category.

Thae fact is, Doug Marrone is highly thought of by respected football people throughout the National Football League. What Mehta is trying to do is manipulate the process with his writing when, in reality, it’s an area he knows nothing about. This type of “manipulation” does not go on just in New York. I have seen it in Chicago, where the Bears are in the process of hiring a new General Manager and Coach just as the Jets are. Being that I live in Chicago, I can’t believe the things I have been hearing about some of the candidates. They seem to pull names out of a hat and push those names, yet they know nothing about the people they are talking about.

Former Buffalo Bills' head coach Doug Marrone did not approve of the trade that landed Sammy Watkins with the team and stormed out of the draft room when the deal was made, according to ESPN's Adam Schefter.


Appearing on Sunday NFL Countdown, ESPN's Adam Schefter reported ex-coach Doug Marrone "stormed out of the draft room" when the Bills traded up for Sammy Watkins in May's draft.
It's a display of an extreme disconnect between the coach and the front office. And it's not the only time Marrone, GM Doug Whaley, and CEO Russ Brandon butted heads. The three reportedly got into a heated argument on the practice field in front of the team and media during the season. As a result of the Watkins trade, the Bills are without a 2015 first-round pick. They also don't have a quarterback. Whaley is leading the Bills' search for a new head coach.


hmm pretty sure LJ said he was on-board with that move. Might jive with Marrone not being friendly with media. Maybe they are Whaley's guys?

Yeah, I didnt have an issue with it. We've blown first round picks on complete garbage for over a decade, so to me the value of these picks is lost on me when I dont trust the decision makers. Sammy will be an above average starter, so I was happy to get a quality starter. If you look at our 1st round history during this long drought why would any fan get really upset? Long list of busts. I flipped when we drafted EJ, that was flushing a pick down the drain but at least we hit on Kiko, if he stays healthy. So when your franchise is so erratic you tend to just be happy when they get a good player, no matter the cost. Draftniks put such value on this stuff, but they're only as valuable as the decision makers.

Gabriel called our roster mediocre, I disagree with that. He also praised sweeping the NFCN but made no mention of being swept by the AFCW. Marrones camp is leaking this and that, I don't really care, good luck with rest of your career.

Whaley doesn't play the media game, he's a dude who just wants to do personnel if you ask me, he's not meant for this life. He's an ok GM, done good, done bad, but it's hard when you have to turn it around asap. Marrone's camp got out in front, just blasting the Bills, Whaley isn't about that life. Marrone's just a two faced scumbag, talks a big game but is soft as shit. Plays up his Bronx roots, you sure it wasn't Whitestone Queens? Soft as shit.

Media doesn't like Marrone, because Marrone doesn't want to be questioned, so the hate goes round and round. Marrone's a fool, period. I could give you plenty of examples. The idea that he had no say in some of this stuff, I don't buy it for a minute. Anyone, and I mean anyone, who listened to Marrone's pressers last year knows that he was all in on EJ, spoke about him like a son. When the media questioned, or raised doubt, out came the claws.

Marrone hated EJ, he hated Sammy, he hated the OL, he hated Mike Williams, he hated Robert Woods for a minute because Woods hated EJ and you can't hate EJ because EJ was Marrone's guy.... you see how fucked up this is?

Edit: Multiple edits because I couldn't help myself. I'm sure this will be turned into, damn LJ's angry. I'm definitely not angry about losing Moron, not even close.


Edit: Multiple edits because I couldn't help myself. I'm sure this will be turned into, damn LJ's angry. I'm definitely not angry about losing Moron, not even close.

y u so salty?

Really, though, appreciate the insight. I think most people know EJ was his guy. And as far as Watkins, I agree with you. What does Cleveland have to show for having all those first round picks the past 3 years? Getting a good player is enough sometimes



Hey Lions fans, welcome to the thread.


How often do lackluster-to-bad offenses get better with a second year of the same playbook?

Because what are the other options for the Lions? Getting rid of Stafford for...Orlovsky? Moore? Trading out Lombardi for someone else with a new playbook that the offense has to learn?

So many questions.


Do the lions go crazy and draft a RB like Gurley in the first or go "safe" and grab an offensive lineman? Waddle has issues being healthy it seems and Sims should be upgraded.


come in my shame circle
Do the lions go crazy and draft a RB like Gurley in the first or go "safe" and grab an offensive lineman? Waddle has issues being healthy it seems and Sims should be upgraded.

I'd hope they're smart enough to go with the line. Riddick and Bell were fine from all the games I saw. Was actually shocked Reggie Bush would get carries over them.


I'd hope they're smart enough to go with the line. Riddick and Bell were fine from all the games I saw. Was actually shocked Reggie Bush would get carries over them.
Yeah, it's time to retool the line I think. Dom is gonna be gone so Swanson slides into his spot. Sims has had a rough couple of years so they need an upgrade at LG. Waddle would probably be better off as a 6th OL playing T/G. I wouldn't be shocked if the lions go for two OL in this draft, if not more. They also need to get someone to take over for Mathis at CB though.


Started from the bottom, and my whole teams still fucking here.

Hello fella, let me tell you a story about two young friends by the names of BG and rando

Once upon a time the Browns were 6-3 and things were going very well for BG and rando as well, they were VERY close and they shared secrets and even had sleepovers!!

However one day BG became a baby-back-bitch and started being very disrespectful to Rando and thus god tanked his team, his QB, his future QB (JFF), and his future future QB (Connor Shame) due to this disrespect!! It was disrespect that was uncalled for and hurt rando's feelings VERY MUCH therefore this punishment was just

No doubt Browns-gaf constructed it in the very image of Cleveland.


This is home, where I learned the truth about despair, as will you. There's a reason why this prison is the worst hell on earth... Hope. Every man who has ventured here over the centuries has looked up to the light and imagined climbing to freedom. So easy... So simple... And like shipwrecked men turning to sea water from uncontrollable thirst, many have died trying. I learned here that there can be no true despair without hope.


Lots of fucking pessimism in here. You all need to get a BOB to lead your team and have some damn faith!

BOB taking us to the promised land. From darkness to destroy darkness.
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