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NFL Offseason Thread 2015 |OT| All of our teams suck!


Especially with these two potential champions.

No matter who wins, the lifelongs will be unbearable.

The lifelongs don't venture into the offseason thread.


Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I've said it several times here but I can't imagine getting as emotionally committed to another sports team in another sport. That sounds exhausting.
I've said it several times here but I can't imagine getting as emotionally committed to another sports team in another sport. That sounds exhausting.

Seattle Sonics almost destroyed me. Thankfully the Seahawks have saved me.

In other news why is Brandon Marshall always on these god damn shows with so called "analyst" is he planning on retiring already? He's always the only active player on the panel with a bunch of oldies.

Heathens, communists, and Putin sympathizers hate baseball

Rooting for the Seattle M's is almost as bad as the Cleveland Browns. Every year they bait me into it and every year I'm like "When does football start?"
Gotta support the boys through thick and thin!! PLUS we might actually be sorta good this year, it's gonna be sweet!! :cool:

Ohh I do I'm just saying boy do those guy know how to give you blue balls. I go to at least 10 home games per year (because they are dirt cheap and nothing to do on a summer day!).

But I usually go just for garlic fries, and a hot dog. Sometimes I notice there's a game going on, but most of the time I'm enjoying my view of Seattle.


Braves are going to suck massive amounts of dick this year.

And I'll be there in the front row to witness it all! 😃

1600 tax refund thanks to school credits, woooo!

Go to EDC with CDY. Trust me if you love seeing chicks with no clothes on... HEAVEN BRO. HEAVEN!

it started off that way, but i am so fucking disgusted with jed york and the niners that im honestly not going to mind if the seahawks win. fucking dumb motherfuckers

You should legally change your name to chris.trejo with that money.

Completely take over his life huh? I wonder if Mech would be ok with that

Go to EDC with CDY. Trust me if you love seeing chicks with no clothes on... HEAVEN BRO. HEAVEN!


Hmmm I'm intrigued

Nice man!! What are you gonna do with it!!

Savings mostly, trying to save for a house in a few years but might splurge on something. Maybe a ticket for you to come down and visit!!

Let me hold $100




good game, Darkest - that was awesome! hard to get used to how fast the players switch on you... couple times moving forward to make a play on the ball and then it swapped and pulled the wrong defender on me

I'll buy an adapter in a couple days so I can use my headphones + modmic because I have no clue where that mic that came with the system is
Greg and I scored 4 goals in our first online co-op game and he didn't even have a mic! Dat chemistry.

good game, Darkest - that was awesome! hard to get used to how fast the players switch on you... couple times moving forward to make a play on the ball and then it swapped and pulled the wrong defender on me

I'll buy an adapter in a couple days so I can use my headphones + modmic because I have no clue where that mic that came with the system is
Yeah man it was fun! The auto switching takes some time to get used to for sure. I look forward to many more excellent matches!


good game, Darkest - that was awesome! hard to get used to how fast the players switch on you... couple times moving forward to make a play on the ball and then it swapped and pulled the wrong defender on me

I'll buy an adapter in a couple days so I can use my headphones + modmic because I have no clue where that mic that came with the system is

What games are you scoring points in?!
Perfect timing Darkest...look at what I just found...


Hey folks. Being out in LA we dont get much action as far as the fins go, but I was lucky enough to party it up with one last night. Went to club out here in LA till the weeeee hours of the night. Bottle service and what not and now I am paying the price for it at work. LOL. I didn't want to bug him all night with questions but here is what I got. (I dont want to throw the guy under the bus so I wont say who it was - defensive player though).

Here is what I got:

*Brent Grimes is a team favorite player (no surprise). The team also like Miko and they dont mind her shenanigans. "She's real."

*Cam Wake is a beast/monster and THE team leader (his words)

*The team believes in Tannehill

*The team does not believe in Philbin. He says the guy is too much of a square and doesn't get it. I quote: "Philbin is trying to run this team like it's Green Bay and doesn't get that is Miami. You have to understand the situation you are in. People will not act like they did up there." He says Philbin worries about too many stupid things (he referenced the picking up the wrapper from the ground per hard knocks). His judgement is questionabloe tot he team. I asked about some of the in game blunders and his response was "Don't even remind me. The timeout vs GB was the worst."

*Team was FURIOUS we got rid of Vontae Davis, but he confirmed that VD would party HARD. No one wanted him gone though. Says it's hard watching him ball it up for the Colts but is happy for him.

*There is a lot of talk and "what ifs" about Brandon Marshall to this day (including Tannehill)

*Everyone thinks Lazor is THE MAN and very bright. "I'm a defensive player and sometimes we are just mind blown at some of the things Lazor sees."

*The whole Johnathan Martin thing was waayyyy overblown and everyone in the locker room thinks it was just stupid. "He was just a cry baby and a *****." The team felt he was looking for a cop out and that was it. Says the team makes fun of everyone (except Wake LOL). Nothing was out of the ordinary.

*The team likes Coyle overall, but had some questionable moments.

*Odrick is very much liked on the team and hopes he comes back. It will really bother the team if he doesn't because the guy does everything he is asked and them some. "Not bringing him back would send a wrong message to the team that we dont take care of our own."

That is what I got folks. I hate to not mention who it was, but I promised him I wouldn't. If I remember more I will add it, but I am very hungover right now.

No idea how legit this is but I wouldn't be surprised if it was
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