Willis can't be that old
Guess you only watched the Denver game?
Borland was the best inside linebacker in football last year after that one bad start.
Wait, is that Florio's scoop?
Hey guys, guess what tomorrow is!?
Release date for Cities Skylines!!!!
Man so PS4 trade in value is $345 and I have TLoU (Which I haven't finished) which has a trade in value of $30 at Gamestop. Gamestop has a Destiny bundle for $410 which includes TLoU digital or I can go the Amazon route which gives you TLoU, Killzone, and Infamous for $400.
Eh I heard Destiny wasn't great.
Wait, is that Florio's scoop?
a. Willis should stick it to York and come play for us!!
b. I'm so happy there are other people in this thread excited for Cities Skylines, it looks so good!!
c. Mech...
Rand Getlin ‏@Rand_Getlin 1m1 minute ago
Source: the #49ers are bracing themselves for the loss of LB Patrick Willis. Expecting him to retire.
Oh god. Please be false.I <3 you pwillie
Why worry bro. We have Cooper! And Huff!
Hoyer to the Texans
BoB going all in!
Wow wtfRand Getlin ‏@Rand_Getlin 1m1 minute ago
Source: the #49ers are bracing themselves for the loss of LB Patrick Willis. Expecting him to retire.
Oh god. Please be false.I <3 you pwillie
Wow wtf
At least he got to the superbowl once
Wow wtf
At least he got to the superbowl once
"Religious awakening"? WTF?
Adam Schefter ‏@AdamSchefter
Still a good chance QB Brian Hoyer winds up in Houston, but his agent still is negotiating with the Jets and NY will be given a chance here.
oh no
oh no
oh no
"Religious awakening"? WTF?
Hoyer is better than Geno.
"Religious awakening"? WTF?
"Religious awakening"? WTF?
Adam Schefter ‏@AdamSchefter
Still a good chance QB Brian Hoyer winds up in Houston, but his agent still is negotiating with the Jets and NY will be given a chance here.
oh no
oh no
oh no
That sound is the internet turning on Patrick Willis
And they should have won it. Worst 49ers game I've ever seen, and I watched them from 2003-2009.
I'm sure he's not calling other folks asking for it. It's just an RFA tag.:lol @ Grigson trying to shop Freeman for a 2nd Rd pick.
Adam Schefter ‏@AdamSchefter
Still a good chance QB Brian Hoyer winds up in Houston, but his agent still is negotiating with the Jets and NY will be given a chance here.
oh no
oh no
oh no
Houston's Andre Johnson will be getting cut today per sources #Texans
"Anyone but Geno!" in full effect.
"Religious awakening"? WTF?