I don't understand this conversation thread. The Bucs signed Michael Johnson, Anthony Collins, and Dashon Goldson to big free agent deals, then cut all within two years. I don't know what has to do with them winning a Super Bowl in 2002.
"I paid some guys off to get the balls right," Johnson now admits. "I went and got all 100 footballs, and they took care of all of them."
How much did it cost Johnson? "Seventy-five hundred (dollars)," he said.
Brad Johnson sir.
edit- I'm fascinated with your mind, it's like an encyclopedia of football knowledge.
You said everyone that plays/has played in Tampa Bay is trash.
They have won a Super Bowl and have put people in the Hall of Fame.
Thus, your assertion that everyone that has ever played in Tampa Bay is incorrect, unless you also believe that people in the HOF and on Super Bowl-winning teams are trash.
I know you're not this dumb, stop acting like it.
I was referring to this regime. They've been signing players that looked good elsewhere, all of whom turned to trash in Tampa Bay. I have no problem signing Michael Johnson and considering his one year stint with the Bucs as an anomaly.
You said everyone that plays/has played in Tampa Bay is trash.
They have won a Super Bowl and have put people in the Hall of Fame.
Thus, your assertion that everyone that has ever played in Tampa Bay is incorrect, unless you also believe that people in the HOF and on Super Bowl-winning teams are trash.
I know you're not this dumb, stop acting like it.
I will explain anything you ask about
You said everyone that plays/has played in Tampa Bay is trash.
They have won a Super Bowl and have put people in the Hall of Fame.
Thus, your assertion that everyone that has ever played in Tampa Bay is incorrect, unless you also believe that people in the HOF and on Super Bowl-winning teams are trash.
I know you're not this dumb, stop acting like it.
Clearly paid off by Kraft to take some of the heat off the Pats. You can't fool me.
wow your knowledge knows no bounds
Although Johnson admitted this several years ago, his claim is now gaining attention thanks to "DeflateGate."
Wow, kraft paid him years before the event took place?! I suppose to make sure he had it to fall back on, a sort of contingency plan.
You said everyone that plays/has played in Tampa Bay is trash.
They have won a Super Bowl and have put people in the Hall of Fame.
Thus, your assertion that everyone that has ever played in Tampa Bay is incorrect, unless you also believe that people in the HOF and on Super Bowl-winning teams are trash.
I know you're not this dumb, stop acting like it.
Who said the Pats were only deflating balls this past season? They've clearly been doing it for years.
I made breaded pork chops, mashed potatoes and gravy and steamed some veggies for dinner.
Exactly, he paid Brad Johnson years ago just like I said. He knew eventually their evil ways would be exposed. This was actually already universally known except to the sheep.
It was, which is why it's so odd you're making such a big deal out of it now. Unless you're one of said sheep, that is.
Making a big deal out of it? The only thing I was pointing to was that the Bucs lack the legitimate title as you claimed. They should've embraced the evil, the pats have.
Tom has found himself in the GOAT conversation![]()
A Buccaneers Defense Force?
Amazing. If snes hasn't died of old age yet, he's smiling right now.
A Buccaneers Defense Force?
Amazing. If snes hasn't died of old age yet, he's smiling right now.
Sorry FMT I think he meant to link this thread:
Well, yeah. Me and Colasante were having a nice conversation about how disrespectful he was being to Bucs-Age, and you jumped in to white knight your precious Tammy when the conversation had nothing to do with him.
And anyone could be in the GOAT conversation if you ask enough people!
I made breaded pork chops, mashed potatoes and gravy and steamed some veggies for dinner.
I have no idea what you weeboos are talking about, am I going to have to consult with cajun on the matter? Because I'm not gonna ask Coldplay.
Need a hookup in Miami. Asking for a friend
Definitely, I agree with that. I'm not white knighting I'm engaging in conversation. hybrid you need to relax this is a discussion board, remember? We comment on what others say... I was simply correcting your statement.
Although in the same context it seems you were "white knighting" for the bucaneers, seeing as how the conversation you jumped into didn't involve you.
PS Is this a shot of you cosplaying as SNES?
Please calm down friends. I need this stupid thread in my life.
Shippers are people who can't just enjoy something and so they have to pull love interest relationships between the characters out of their asses and shit up the discussion for everyone else.
Stay away from them. They're the Pats fans of fictional fandom.
I live on my own, am under the age of 40, and have a full-time job. Thus, I cannot effectively cosplay as snes, unfortunately.
You corrected nothing, because you have not proven that the Buccaneers deflated balls. One guy saying they did it means nothing - the Pats actually got caught mid-game. I'm afraid you'll need to rethink that argument.
Finally, I wasn't white-knighting anyone, it just bothers me to see people making arguments involving false statements. I prefer to keep the level of discourse here at an acceptable standard.
So the quarterback flat out saying he paid to have ball boys alter the balls when it was in fact illegal to alter the balls prior to 06 is not proof enough. Did you know the earth is round?
What the fuck?
So the quarterback flat out saying he paid to have ball boys alter the balls when it was in fact illegal to alter the balls prior to 06 is not proof enough. Did you know the earth is round?
Sheard is a good guy and a good player. He just wasn't the best fit for our system, he should be a good player for you guysFuck you BG and Kave. We stole your player.
I need this.
I thought this was a gag song when I first heard and saw the video. But then I saw it was on top of iTunes Charts..........![]()
Whoop, whoop, whooop
Sounds healthy. I had a donut hot dog
Shippers are people who can't just enjoy something and so they have to pull love interest relationships between the characters out of their asses and shit up the discussion for everyone else.
Stay away from them. They're the Pats fans of fictional fandom.
People admit to crimes they didn't commit all the time, particularly when they feel they are under pressure to make such an admission.
Fortunately, there are foundations out there such as The Innocence Project that are doing amazing work to gather evidence (such as DNA evidence) to exonerate these wrongly-accused people.
I'd encourage everyone to check it out and help spread awareness.
So I finally got around to asking if that chick in class wanted to meet up to study and she gave me her number.
Pleased at the moment of victory, she started to talk to another girl about something called a "Naruto" to my horror I come to find out that its anime, should I be disgusted or continue to proceed? Where is chris.trejo when you need him?
Just ordered some Dominos. Switched it up with the two medium two topping.
BBQ Chicken w/ onions
Regular w/sausage and onions
What Would Stafford Do?
Eagles fans hate Santa so Bradford is in good company
Glad the Colts closed the deal on Dre. They just have to figure out how to stop the Pats from scoring at will and things will be tip top
What the fuck?
Thank God for that, I remember they had Brad in shackles... It's also like the time Richard Sherman tested positive for Adderall, but since the cup leaked it was contaminated. He was caught, but luckily exonerated.
The pats hopefully make use of a similar process and are found to be innocent as well! Thanks to the fantastic justice system we have. Otherwise Murderers wold walk free and innocents would be jailed like "the juice!"
Remember that time you said you weren't a troll?
Friend rando will know what to do, do I proceed with the possible animu chick or do I bail and go back to hitting up hoodrats?