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NFL Offseason Thread 2015 |OT2| Home of Baseball, Anime, Cricket, and Magic Johnson


You calling her fat, bro?.

Just guessing, have no idea what kids like these days...

But honestly: don´t cook by yourself. Either get all ingredients and cook with her "lets try how we work together"; or order something. And not just some pizza, order something good. And buy a GOOD bottle of wine that fits to the food.


Hmm my recommendation would be to make something relatively simple for dinner, a solid pasta dish or something. With WHITE PLATES obviously, so that she can Instagram dat shit and the world can see your beauty :')

Then when the meal is done, ask for her to help you make dessert. Something that doesn't take too long, gets her involved in the kitchen, where you can work your Dutch moves!!

Then the magic happens

PS Make sure you have good silverware, aint nobody tryna be impressed with a bachelors plastic fork!!


Make her a waffle with lamb on top of it with a side of fries with mayo. I had that meal once in the Netherlands.

Edit. Is it just me or is GAF randomly sending people to the top or bottom of the page when the page is done loading.


Hmm my recommendation would be to make something relatively simple for dinner, a solid pasta dish or something.

I´d strongly advise against pasta. He sounds nervous, and if he gets the shakes and has noodles dropped in the sauce he´d look like a fool.
Make a small fingerfood buffet, especially if you´re unsure what she likes. You can have a variety of stuff with small effort. Hell, you could even buy some burgers from McD, cut them up in small chunks and put toothpicks in them.
And you can tell a lot about a lady by the way she eats. :)
I like the way the jags are approaching free agency. They targeted 5: McCourty, Cobb, Thomas, Parnell, Odrick. They got three. Took the money from losing McCourty and got Skuta, House, and Brown. Made an offer on Murray but they aren't gonna break the bank for him. They'll just draft one in the later rounds. Decent free agency for us. Wish we coulda at least have picked up Cobb or McCourty though
Re: Jason Worilds

Steelers beat writer Jim Wexell said:
A coach texted me and said he wasn't surprised he retired because he seemed to just go through the motions at practice. So congratulate him for not wanting to steal any more money.

To quote from Tombstone, "Bye."


Word on the streets is teams aren't willing to give him the money he's looking for, wants more then williams. And won't always be on the field on all 3 downs

Oh so the overplaying his hand thing might be true. ;__;

Watch us sign Wilfork now, lol

Age is only a number!


Call it a crazy early season prediction, but I think the Giants will return to form and challenge for the NFC East if not win the division.

The Coughlin-coaster

be really shitty

win a SB out of nowhere

go back to being really shitty

win a SB out of nowhere

go back to being really shitty



Supposedly the Mathews deal is falling through with Demarco seemingly signing with Eagles.

Maybe we package a deal with Bradford and Murray and trade up to 2nd pick :))))))))))

Nobody but phi and jax want murray. Actual gms understand hes not worth the money and is injury prone
Supposedly the Mathews deal is falling through with Demarco seemingly signing with Eagles.

Maybe we package a deal with Bradford and Murray and trade up to 2nd pick :))))))))))


You must resign yourself to the Bradford future.

Turned out to be nothing. He's actually been cleared for more rigorous workouts.


The 2019 championship parade is back on!

That is good news.

I thought the Mathews deal was inked, only pending the physical?

Gonna be Murray, Matthews, and Sproles. We're not gonna see Polk this year.


Only thing worse then the Brees for #1 overall pick rumor is the new 3 team trade rumor where the Bucs gets Bradford and some picks and then the Eagles give #1 to the Saints for Brees. what in the fuck is this stupidity.
Sounds bitter/petty.

A little, but at the same time it makes a lot of sense, Guy had all the measurables but never seemed to excel on the field. It just didn't add up. The retirement puts a lot of Worilds' career up to this point in perspective. He wasn't passionate about football.

For what it's worth I admire him. There are plenty of guys who couldn't care less about football who collect paychecks for years regardless. Worilds could have easily been one of those guys and robbed a team blind for 3 + years.


I still take nothing this guy says as the truth.

He could just be being a tricksy hobbit to avoid driving up mariottas price.

No. That dream is dead. I have no doubt he inquired and tried but the price go move up way way too much. Bradford was plan B and they are set for now.

You don't introduce him at a conference, put up his jersey ofor sale, and have him plastered all over your website if he is just a pawn to get Mariota. Besides Foles and or McCoy were much bigger and better trade pieces and they aren't on the team anymore.

Only way they land Mariota is if he falls to them either at 20 or if they can move up 5-6 spots to pick him after he falls out of thr top 10.

Chip also said that someone offered them a 1st for Bradford and that he never asked for GM power, so...


Those are obvious lies. You'd have to be insane to not take that 1st. You could then realistically trade those 2 1st round picks to take Mariota.

I'm reading some positive stuff about Bradford which makes me feel a little better. If healthy at worse he will play at the same mediocre level Foles/Sanchez played for us last year. If hurt then well we still have mediocre Sanchez.

Still don't get the compensation. All logic says we should have received the 2nd round pick but instead gave 1 up. Rams FO is probably laughing their butts off.

Plus they can still take Mariota @ 10 if he slips. Got rid of Bradford and his salary, picked up Foles who is owed only 660k, and swindled the Eagles out of their 2nd round pick from 2016.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I seriously doubt there are any more big trades happening before the draft. They would have happened by now. If the Eagles wanted to move up, they would have by now but apparently nobody wants what they're selling.
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