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NFL Offseason Thread 3 - Drowney for Clowney Mech, Drowney for Clowney.

J-Gar would have never treated a woman so disrespectfully. Niners need to bring some class back into the organization. Colin Kaepernick is no Freckled Phenom.


Anyone ever play 10-Yard Fight for the NES?


I have no idea if it holds up in the least, but it was the only football game I had so I played the hell out of it. I certainly have very fond memories of it.

I did. It took like 3 minutes for the motion man to cross the backside of the o line. Jnc


P. Schrager ‏@PSchrags · 59m
Chris Simms worked with Bill O'Brien for years in NE. Says Manziel and Bridgewater would not fit NE QB mold. Savage, + Bortles do.

P. Schrager ‏@PSchrags · 59m
Simms says they had height and weight guidelines in New England when evaluating quarterbacks. Mettenberger, another QB who fit "the mold".

P. Schrager ‏@PSchrags · 57m
and I resisted fully buying in...but it appears the Tom Savage stuff is more than typical Aprill hype. Teams like the guy. A lot. Big arm.

The exchange on comments got interesting as well
Matt Vensel ‏@mattvensel · 55m
@PSchrags Invite to the draft is telling.

P. Schrager ‏@PSchrags · 54m
@mattvensel yes sir. Could be wearing that ravens, I mean vikings, purple.


I saw Django and it was ok. Jamie Fox could not keep up with the other stars though. Interesting movie but a little too much of a part/role for Jamie. Leo as always was great. It is a travesty this guy doesn't have a Oscar.

Overall it felt weak compared to some of my favorite Westerns.
I think teams think they can coach up Savage, but he's so inaccurate, not sure they can fix that. Really can't see him going as high as the 2nd round, but stranger things have happened.

Also saw some mock that had Logan Thomas going in the 2nd. I guess this is what happens when draftniks have too much time on their hands.



Base Wars. Best baseball game ever. It's robots... That fight... And hit home runs out of this world... Literally.
Little tidbit from the RSP that I thought was insightful and not too far off from what's been said in here about these two.

Derek Carr and Jimmy Garoppolo get impatient with their footwork while dropping and delivering the football. It’s one of the biggest reasons these two have accuracy woes that shouldn’t exist.

Carr’s impatience is rooted more in impulsiveness. He sees the open man and rushes his process.

Garoppolo’s impatience is rooted in discomfort with physical play. He feels pressure and rushes his process to avoid getting hit—often reacting as if the pressure is on top of him when it’s not.
A.J. McCarron has the same problem.

Little more
Needs Improvement: Derek Carr and Aaron Murray have erratic pocket presence. The flaws aren’t bad enough for me to
fail them on an evalaution if I had a knockout factor, but neither player will earn a long-term starting assignment if they
don’t improve.
Carr overreacts to all types of pressure and his accuracy suffers because he rushes his fundamentals. There are times Carr
freezes on a play and takes a sack when there was room to manuever, but it does not happen often enough to qualify as a
Murray also rushes his throwing process when he senses pressure and his mental command of the game becomes scattered
faster than his peers when dealing with consistent pressure. Morever, Murray doesn’t always sense edge pressure that NFL
starters detect.

The Worst: Jimmy Garoppolo isn’t the worst of all the prospects, but he is the worst of the rookies with potential to get
drafted during the first three rounds. Garoppolo rushes his process before the pressure gets close, and he habitually
freezes and braces for contact when there is time and space to maneuver.
In several games where Garoppolo displayed this distrubing tendency, he sometimes escaped pressure but the more
frequent outcome was a sack. These breakdowns surfaced against teams like Tennesse State and Northern Illinois; not
South Carolina and Florida.

For comparison's sake, this is the best

The Best:
Bridgewater displays sound, consistent technique to avoid edge pressure and middle pressure. He understands
how to time his moves to get maximum separation from a defender’s angle. The only time I see him vulnerable to pressure
is when there’s a blown assignment and the defender is on top of Bridgewater at the earliest stages of his drop. An
underrated aspect of Bridgewater’s game is his toughness. He rarely takes big hits, but he has sustained some highlightreel
shots and still started 39 consecutive games at Louisville.

Manziel baits defenders in the pocket the way Muhammad Ali baited opponents in the ring. It’s not always conventional, but
I believe his athleticism is good enough it to remain effective in the NFL. Manziel will suffer some negative outcomes and
he’ll have to recalibrate what will and won’t work against pro pass rushers, but they will be minor changes. He’s far more
poised than his dramatics appear.

Bortles, Fales, Smith, and Renner all possess good pocket presence with upside. Fales isn’t athletic but he does an excellent
job sliding from pressure and delivering the ball to the open area. Because of his quick feet and quicker release, Smith could
be a star in this area if he improves his command of reading defenses. He’s calm around the calamity.
Bortles baits defenders in a similar manner as Manziel and he has the size to break wraps. He also slides from pressure with
good throwing form while maintaining his vision of the field. I was impressed with his overall calm in the face of tough
opposition. I had the same admiration for Renner’s game in this respect. Renner, like Fales, isn’t especially athletic, but he
has excellent feel for angles and does a good job of applying the techniques to avoid pressure.


I saw Django and it was ok. Jamie Fox could not keep up with the other stars though. Interesting movie but a little too much of a part/role for Jamie. Leo as always was great. It is a travesty this guy doesn't have a Oscar.

Overall it felt weak compared to some of my favorite Westerns.

Liked it but was a little disappointed it turned out to be more blaxploitation than the straight western I'd hoped for. Then I thought I'd finally get a more straightforward Tarantino western but no, those fuckers had to leak his new script and he took his ball and went home!


Little tidbit from the RSP that I thought was insightful and not too far off from what's been said in here about these two.

Little more

For comparison's sake, this is the best

Cool stuff. I agree 100% on Garapollo. Way too skittish to really consider. With Carr, I'm torn. I can see his point that he just hurries throws and isn't necessarily scared of getting hit. But it's a worry b/c he certainly looked rattled vs USC. Hardly fair to judge a guy off one game, but that game really sticks in the mind


Liked it but was a little disappointed it turned out to be more blaxploitation than the straight western I'd hoped for. Then I thought I'd finally get a more straightforward Tarantino western but no, those fuckers had to leak his new script and he took his ball and went home!
Yeah I was hoping for something more as well considering what a fan of westerns Tarantino is. Did not match the standard of the best westerns. Then again Fox is no Eastwood either so maybe that was the best he could have done with the cast he had. Didn't like the music either. At least not the original stuff.


come in my shame circle
So my Leafs finally made the playoffs last season after missing it for 8 seasons.

My Raptors have made it for the first time in about 6 years and kick it off today.

So based on this either the Browns or Jays make the playoffs in 2015. :eek:


So my Leafs finally made the playoffs last season after missing it for 8 seasons.

My Raptors have made it for the first time in about 6 years and kick it off today.

So based on this either the Browns or Jays make the playoffs in 2015. :eek:

The Browns have a super bowl every spring.


So my Leafs finally made the playoffs last season after missing it for 8 seasons.

My Raptors have made it for the first time in about 6 years and kick it off today.

So based on this either the Browns or Jays make the playoffs in 2015. :eek:

Heck yeah, excited for the Raptors game in a bit. I feel awful for being so lazy =(, but, fuck it! It's a sports day all day!

edit: also, regarding sports video games, it's all about choice, and back in the 8bit/16bit days it felt like there were a million different choices for sports games to appeal to lots of people. Now there's pretty much no choice.


Lance Zierlein ‏@LanceZierlein
Starting to believe, yes RT @Oclark38: @LanceZierlein Do you agree w/ Kiper that Bridgewater will fall toTexans w/the #1 pick in 2nd round.

Tom Gower ‏@ThomasGower
If the #Texans get Bridgewater & Clowney, I give up.

Lance Zierlein ‏@LanceZierlein
@ThomasGower Want to know what is crazy? I’m not sure they would take Bridgewater w/ that pick. They may not have him rated that highly

Tom Gower ‏@ThomasGower
@LanceZierlein Unless he's failing interviews & chalk sessions badly, I just don't understand what I'm not seeing that could cause that.

I saw this the other day, and idk. Was made bu a University of Houston DB. They had good success vs Louisville this year

James Palmer @JPalmerCSN
"Teddy didn't really know too much about the difference between cover 2 and 2 man." - #Houston DB Trevon Stewart on Bridgewater. #Texans


I saw this the other day, and idk. Was made bu a University of Houston DB. They had good success vs Louisville this year

That's silly. The one thing everyone seems to agree upon with Bridgewater is that he's well prepared and cerebral. Now he doesn't know the different between man and zone? Nope.


I saw this the other day, and idk. Was made bu a University of Houston DB. They had good success vs Louisville this year

This all a giant smokescreen orchestrated by the Texans FO! We want our cake (Clooney) and eat it (Bridgewater) too.


I stopped trying to understand the Bridgwater situation, much like I stopped trying to understand the Mosley love. Some guys know more than me, my analysis is superficial, but I can't be bothered with deciphering this madness. Through the years you see quality collegiate players go lower than they should, and vice versa, nature of the beast. Lots of foolish personnel men running teams too.

Edit: also to all you dads, props, not sure how you do it. Baby sat the last three days for my brother, I love kids, but I've had enough. All this kid does is play games, doesn't want to do anything else. IPad or video games. 65 degree day and he doesn't want to do any out door activities. I'm going nuts...
I stopped trying to understand the Bridgwater situation, much like I stopped trying to understand the Mosley love. Some guys know more than me, my analysis is superficial, but I can't be bothered with deciphering this madness. Through the years you see quality collegiate players go lower than they should, and vice versa, nature of the beast. Lots of foolish personnel men running teams too.

Edit: also to all you dads, props, not sure how you do it. Baby sat the last three days for my brother, I love kids, but I've had enough. All this kid does is play games, doesn't want to do anything else. IPad or video games. 65 degree day and he doesn't want to do any out door activities. I'm going nuts...

That's what his dad does with him at home then.

How old is he? Sometimes with kids you have to force them to do something to make them realize or remember that they like it.


I stopped trying to understand the Bridgwater situation, much like I stopped trying to understand the Mosley love. Some guys know more than me, my analysis is superficial, but I can't be bothered with deciphering this madness. Through the years you see quality collegiate players go lower than they should, and vice versa, nature of the beast. Lots of foolish personnel men running teams too.

you would be my GM


That's what his dad does with him at home then.

How old is he? Sometimes with kids you have to force them to do something to make them realize or remember that they like it.

He's 8 going on 9, not my brothers biological kid, admittedly my brother is a sports/TV guy, but he doesn't play video games to be honest.

Kid says he loves to play sports but he doesn't know a thing about any of the local teams. I might be able to get him to shoot hoops later. He's a big kid for his age too, if he were my kid he'd be in as many sports as possible, he's way above average size wise for his age.

I can't stand the "watch this LJ" over and over. Experience has taught me a few things. Prospective parents should watch someone else's kid to realize what they're in for. This is tough.

Edit: just found out they took his Xbox away. This makes much more sense, kid is bingeing on video games because he finally has access.

Sorry for the live journal posts.
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