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NFL Offseason Thread 3 - Drowney for Clowney Mech, Drowney for Clowney.


Setec Astronomer
I'll check it out. I need to unlock more characters and things as well.

Off topic.. Perhaps it’s all just overwhelming. I hate my job, I hate my life, I hate where I am, I hate what I am, I hate who I am. I’m so embarrassed, I don’t even know where to start when it all feels like everything needs to change and I just keep going in the same circles. =/ Oh well, at least the draft is Thursday. I might take Friday off from work just because next week will be crazy, so I guess I should at least take a 3 day weekend.
Take a vacation! Slow down and take time to figure shit out.


LZ was just talking about Clowney. Said he talked to guy on a team in the top 10.

-Team wouldn't trade up for him and there would be a debate if he fell to them

-Lot of stuff covered up about his work ethic at South Carolina

-Diva, bad practice habits, people can't wait for him to leave

-Texans won't take him. Not their kind of player b/c of attitude

-He made sure to point out not everything you disagree with is a smokescreen. Guy he trusts gave him that info


venison crêpe
Trading down would give the Browns an insane amount of new player influx.

Not saying they'll use all those picks, or the extra picks they have now but they'll use them to target specific players - namely a CB and ILB which are big needs for us and there is a limited amount of talent at that position in this draft.

From what I've read there's some debate between Evans and Watkins, don't think Watkins will be the pick. Browns seem to want a bigger wr to pair with Gordon. That Peter King Evans pick didn't come out of no where. As for me I'm personally sticking with Qb at first pick for now, don't play games. But I still have the top looking like Clowney - Robinson - Mack ....debating putting Watkins in top 3 though

I just don't think Farmer will want to tie himself to a 1st round QB in his first year on the job. It's the deathknell of GMs if they don't pan out. At least one taken with the the 26th or 2nd rounder wouldn't weigh as heavy upon him. Also, I think they're being sincere when they say Hoyer is capable of winning if given a good platform to work around.

I go back to the very first thing we heard about Farmer - he loved Mariota. I find usually the first thing you here is the truest in these kinds of cases. Maybe he'll make a big splash for him next year when the coaches are settled in and we already have talent ready to surround him.

That all said, could easily be Manziel or Bortles at 4. I read that Bortles had a 45 minute personal meeting with Haslam. I just don't like that approach personally.
LZ was just talking about Clowney. Said he talked to guy on a team in the top 10.

-Team wouldn't trade up for him and there would be a debate if he fell to them

-Lot of stuff covered up about his work ethic at South Carolina

-Diva, bad practice habits, people can't wait for him to leave

-Texans won't take him. Not their kind of player b/c of attitude

-He made sure to point out not everything you disagree with is a smokescreen. Guy he trusts gave him that info

Congrats Mech


6. Jeremiah is hearing that the Vikings are high on Pitt defensive tackle Aaron Donald, which jibes with King's Monday report that Minnesota has placed a high priority on a "front-seven disruptor" with the No. 8 overall pick. Donald is one of Around The League's favorite prospects in the draft.
Drafting Sharrif Floyd and signing Linval Joseph, Donald would be a bit surprising. Could get him and play him at DE opposite Everson Griffen.


Drafting Sharrif Floyd and signing Linval Joseph, Donald would be a bit surprising. Could get him and play him at DE opposite Everson Griffen.

Or just rotate him in on passing downs for Joseph. Can't have enough DTs if you ask me.


All offseason, when asked if Bradford was their guy, Fisher and Snead have been unequivocal in saying yes. Snead was on TV today, was asked if Bradford was still their guy, and ducked the question


Report: Ordinary Citizens Hysterically Screaming Johnny Manziel Opinions in the Streets

“First, one guy yells ‘Johnny Manziel is an arrogant little prick’ in front of the M&M store,” said Sergeant Seamus O’Leary of the NYPD, who was on duty in Times Square during an outbreak. “Next thing you know, I got about five thousands lunatics stampeding down Broadway shouting about ‘backyard football!’”

“It was mob rule,” O’Leary added. “It was all I could do to keep from getting trampled. And the worst thing about it is that Manziel is gonna be an all-time bust. Do you hear me? MANZIEL IS GONNA BE AN ALL-TIME BUST!”


All offseason, when asked if Bradford was their guy, Fisher and Snead have been unequivocal in saying yes. Snead was on TV today, was asked if Bradford was still their guy, and ducked the question

That doesn't seem very smart though, if they're trying to hold back what's going on...


Take a vacation! Slow down and take time to figure shit out.

I can't really afford to take a vacation and travel, and when I do take time off it's generally just to have a day off and I end up being lazy. My own fault I guess.

I'll be 32 later this month, and yeah, I know that's still time to figure things out, but I guess I'm just terrified of change again, making more wrong choices. what I have now is relatively safe, albeit I hate it, so I guess it's all pretty pointless. Oh well.

On a happier topic, it's nice out today, so I'm excited to get outside on my lunch break and read.


I can't really afford to take a vacation and travel, and when I do take time off it's generally just to have a day off and I end up being lazy. My own fault I guess.

I'll be 32 later this month, and yeah, I know that's still time to figure things out, but I guess I'm just terrified of change again, making more wrong choices. what I have now is relatively safe, albeit I hate it, so I guess it's all pretty pointless. Oh well.

On a happier topic, it's nice out today, so I'm excited to get outside on my lunch break and read.

What are you reading?
When I heard he wasn't working out because he was assured a high draft pick anyway, I figured as much. Manziel might pan out somehow, but Clowney's gonna bust.
No way. Manziel doesn't have the work ethic to be a starter. His size requires him to be as serious as Russel Wilson but I don't believe he will show that level of dedication. At best he's a second round talent.

Clowney is a physical beast who shouldn't have even had to play college ball last season. I can understand why he got bored of it. He was good enough to be a top three pick last year.


I can't really afford to take a vacation and travel, and when I do take time off it's generally just to have a day off and I end up being lazy. My own fault I guess.

I'll be 32 later this month, and yeah, I know that's still time to figure things out, but I guess I'm just terrified of change again, making more wrong choices. what I have now is relatively safe, albeit I hate it, so I guess it's all pretty pointless. Oh well.

On a happier topic, it's nice out today, so I'm excited to get outside on my lunch break and read.

I was kinda in that rut a few years ago. Had a job as a supervisor of a tech support team that was super safe, but not what I wanted. I had made a shitload of mistakes in life already.

Finally decided to go after what I really wanted and went back to school. Worse thing that can happen is you make another mistake, but then you keep on making choices, because you have to. And you're always going to have more mistakes, but that's life.


If you're going to miss on a pick, you'll sleep well at night knowing you missed on Clowney. Not sure if that makes sense, but it does. If I'm going to pick a player and have him bust, I'd rather have it be Clowney than anyone else in this draft. Safe is death.


Peter King posted his mock on SI.

Manziel to the Bucs. Peter hath seen the future. Lovie sees Rex in him, unleash the dragon.


I can't really afford to take a vacation and travel, and when I do take time off it's generally just to have a day off and I end up being lazy. My own fault I guess.

I'll be 32 later this month, and yeah, I know that's still time to figure things out, but I guess I'm just terrified of change again, making more wrong choices. what I have now is relatively safe, albeit I hate it, so I guess it's all pretty pointless. Oh well.

On a happier topic, it's nice out today, so I'm excited to get outside on my lunch break and read.

Come join me in Ireland!
If you're going to miss on a pick, you'll sleep well at night knowing you missed on Clowney. Not sure if that makes sense, but it does. If I'm going to pick a player and have him bust, I'd rather have it be Clowney than anyone else in this draft. Safe is death.

Is that pretty much a sentiment of he's got that high of an upside that you can't really say no to?


Is that pretty much a sentiment of he's got that high of an upside that you can't really say no to?

Lets put it this way, if the Seahawks somehow drafted this guy, or the Niners, or the Pats, the focus would shift to how amazing he'll perform in their "systems," how he wasn't challenged at SC, how he was misused, blah blah blah.

The guy is fucking legit freak of nature, a complete wrecking machine. Give him to Pettine or Rex, Harbs or Carroll, and watch destruction ensue.
Not saying they'll use all those picks, or the extra picks they have now but they'll use them to target specific players - namely a CB and ILB which are big needs for us and there is a limited amount of talent at that position in this draft.

I just don't think Farmer will want to tie himself to a 1st round QB in his first year on the job. It's the deathknell of GMs if they don't pan out. At least one taken with the the 26th or 2nd rounder wouldn't weigh as heavy upon him. Also, I think they're being sincere when they say Hoyer is capable of winning if given a good platform to work around.

I go back to the very first thing we heard about Farmer - he loved Mariota. I find usually the first thing you here is the truest in these kinds of cases. Maybe he'll make a big splash for him next year when the coaches are settled in and we already have talent ready to surround him.

That all said, could easily be Manziel or Bortles at 4. I read that Bortles had a 45 minute personal meeting with Haslam. I just don't like that approach personally.

I think the one thing the Brown's can't do is trade back from 4. You either take one of the 4 elite prospects, or you get the first QB off the board. I wanted them to get Watkins from the start, but I'm coming around to the idea of JFF. I think they're a good QB away from being playoff contenders for the next decade. I don't know if JFF is that guy, but you have to take shots like that.


I was kinda in that rut a few years ago. Had a job as a supervisor of a tech support team that was super safe, but not what I wanted. I had made a shitload of mistakes in life already.

Finally decided to go after what I really wanted and went back to school. Worse thing that can happen is you make another mistake, but then you keep on making choices, because you have to. And you're always going to have more mistakes, but that's life.

Wish I could find out "what I really wanted" I guess the biggest hurdle of taking the first step is actually knowing what direction to take.

It's depressing me here at work to realize that almost 2 years ago now I was flying back here from my best friends wedding, and had this revelation that I was hating my life more than I realized and needed a change, and it's been 2 years and nothing has changed. I'm stuck in my safe little rut and I'm terrified of getting out of it.


Come join me in Ireland!

That is a mighty interesting proposition. Would be fun!


Wish I could find out "what I really wanted" I guess the biggest hurdle of taking the first step is actually knowing what direction to take.

It's depressing me here at work to realize that almost 2 years ago now I was flying back here from my best friends wedding, and had this revelation that I was hating my life more than I realized and needed a change, and it's been 2 years and nothing has changed. I'm stuck in my safe little rut and I'm terrified of getting out of it.


That is a mighty interesting proposition. Would be fun!

I feel you. I was in a rut as well working a job I didn't like and then I got laid off and got a job doing the same shit different place. That's when I just up and decided to go to school in Ireland because I needed to drastically change things or I knew Id have trouble getting out.


isused, blah blah blah.

The guy is fucking legit freak of nature, a complete wrecking machine. Give him to Pettine or Rex, Harbs or Carroll, and watch destruction ensue.

I really don't know, so I'm curious how Mario did with Pettine last year. Did he get more out of him than they ever could in HOU?

Dick Vermeil was adored by every player he ever had, but could never get through to Lawrence Phillips. Fisher got Haynesworth to play hard but once nearly came to blows with VY. Some guys just don't change


Lets put it this way, if the Seahawks somehow drafted this guy, or the Niners, or the Pats, the focus would shift to how amazing he'll perform in their "systems," how he wasn't challenged at SC, how he was misused, blah blah blah.

The guy is fucking legit freak of nature, a complete wrecking machine. Give him to Pettine or Rex, Harbs or Carroll, and watch destruction ensue.

Pretty much this.

I really don't know, so I'm curious how Mario did with Pettine last year. Did he get more out of him than they ever could in HOU?

Dick Vermeil was adored by every player he ever had, but could never get through to Lawrence Phillips. Fisher got Haynesworth to play hard but once nearly came to blows with VY. Some guys just don't change

Clowney is just the best pure physical athlete since AP/Megatron. LT was the biggest diva ever, but man he was such a good player.

I just think people comparing Clowney to M Williams is foolish, Clowney was considered the biggest threat on that USC(e) team since he signed up, and smart teams game planned for him on day one.


I feel you. I was in a rut as well working a job I didn't like and then I got laid off and got a job doing the same shit different place. That's when I just up and decided to go to school in Ireland because I needed to drastically change things or I knew Id have trouble getting out.

You've got my respect man, that is a big change no doubt. I know you'll be glad you did it. I'll be jealous when you share photos and tell of your golfing there!


I really don't know, so I'm curious how Mario did with Pettine last year. Did he get more out of him than they ever could in HOU?

Dick Vermeil was adored by every player he ever had, but could never get through to Lawrence Phillips. Fisher got Haynesworth to play hard but once nearly came to blows with VY. Some guys just don't change

Mario feasted on scrubs, but the entire D was put in position to succeed so Pettine helped everyone. It's not an effort thing with Mario, doesn't have a great motor by any means, but if you ask me he's just not that good.

With Rex/Pettine, you have room to freelance as a front 7 player, they let you do your thing when it comes to pass rush/blitz angles. Clowney felt he was used too tight to SC formation, wanted a wider angle, he won't have this excuse if he were on Pettine's team because he'll put him in positions he feels comfortable with. Mingo is going to explode this year.

On the flip side Warren Sapp, Randy Moss, and recently Dez Bryant are all examples of players succeeding even though they had question marks. I'll bet on high end talent with some question marks all day, however I won't stand for guys that quit or get in trouble with the law etc.


Jesus saves ... but Bieber bowls ... which is why Russell Wilson made time for BOTH superstars in Seattle this weekend.

The Seahawks quarterback allowed Justin Bieber to join his entourage to pray with Pastor Judah Smith at The City Church on Sunday ... and it seems everyone had a great time.

Bieber even tweeted about it ... saying, "Blessed to hear one of the best @judahsmith speak today about our Lord in church today. #JesusIs."

After services, all three guys hit up Lucky Strike Lanes and got their bowl on. Unclear, who came away with the victory.

It's been a crazy jock-filled weekend for Biebs, who was in Vegas the night before ... hanging out with Floyd Mayweather at his fight.
Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/05/05/russell-wilson-praying-to-jesus-with-justin-bieber/#ixzz30wrB6LeW



Albert Breer ‏@AlbertBreer · 49m
My guy @RapSheet says Haslam loves Manziel. Heard that plenty, as well as this -- that isn't the only club where owner could step in on JFF.
My daughter randomly decided she wanted to be awake from midnight to 2 AM last night. Thank goodness for coffee.

Just wait until your daughter goes to sleep normally, then wakes up 2 hours later, goes back to sleep in 3 hours, then wakes up 15 minutes later, then takes another 2 hours to go to sleep before waking up at her usual morning time.


venison crêpe
I think the one thing the Brown's can't do is trade back from 4. You either take one of the 4 elite prospects, or you get the first QB off the board. I wanted them to get Watkins from the start, but I'm coming around to the idea of JFF. I think they're a good QB away from being playoff contenders for the next decade. I don't know if JFF is that guy, but you have to take shots like that.

Grossi just said on the radio that he thinks trading down is their #1 aim at the moment.

If they moved down in the top 10 he said they'd move to their second group of talents - Evans, Robinson/Matthews or the top Corner they have rated.

Doesn't think they're interested in Manziel.


Just wait until your daughter goes to sleep normally, then wakes up 2 hours later, goes back to sleep in 3 hours, then wakes up 15 minutes later, then takes another 2 hours to go to sleep before waking up at her usual morning time.
My kids have slept pretty well through the night for awhile now.

But since I gave them toddler beds with those damn escape hatches one of them wakes up in the middle of the night and instead of putting themselves back to sleep they walk to our room and crawl into our bed.

They put themselves to sleep again, but I am not a fan of kids in the bed.


My 4 year old daughter will still occasionally try to sneak into our bed in the middle of the night, but for the most part she stays in her room. Her older brother used to do the same thing at around that age.

Gets a lot easier when they're 5/6 and older.


even on NFL.com, there is always a place to laugh at J Russel:
Light quarterback
Johnny Manziel weighed 207 pounds at the NFL Scouting Combine. If he is selected on May 8, he would be the lightest quarterback drafted in the first round since 2003. Manziel is a full 10 pounds lighter than Rex Grossman (2003) and Alex Smith (2005), and 14 pounds lighter than Eli Manning (2004), Brandon Weeden (2012) and Ryan Tannehill (2012). Perhaps not surprisingly, the heaviest QB taken in the first round during that time was JaMarcus Russell, who tipped the scales at 265 pounds at the combine.


Speaking of babies, :)lol x :jnc) ^ :kas @ the Pacers confronting Hibbert and having to tell him to stop sucking balls.

We all scored as many points and had as many rebounds as that pile of shit did last night. Who by the way is 27 years old, an all star and 7 feet. How someone that big could not get a single rebound is astounding.

It is fucking crazy that they had to start begging and yelling at him to actually start playing like an NBA player.

Thats probably the worst thing I have read since Gata's last post.


Hibbert has got to be injured right? Only explanation I can think of, even a guy in a wheelchair could grab more rebounds than he did last night
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