Even if you ignore the integral process of actual beat making, which (at least in the old days before everyone and their mama in law had FruityLoops and an 808 and every beat sounded like generic Garageband boom/clap) does involve people playing instruments, you don't see the skill in the lyricism, the wordplay, and the fact that its all timed perfectly to flow over the beat? I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on that.
For the record, I'm not some hip hop or bust black dude. My two listened two artists/bands on Spotify for the last month have probably been Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin. I just don't like abject dismissal of an entire genre of music. (Except for country)
when i say rap i mean the vast majority of rap. there is good rap. i even have a decent amount on my mp3 player.... honest! i'm sure if i went to the effort i could find some good indie rap (is there such a thing?) stuff. i wish i could expand my music liking but i just can't. i hear my wife listening to so much fucking trash (and she basically listens to everything) and i just shake my head. then i remind myself not be a doucher music snob... but i can't help it sometimes!