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NFL Offseason Thread 3 - Drowney for Clowney Mech, Drowney for Clowney.


I've been over friends houses playing with their Xbox One's alot and they all can't stand the interface.

If I were to consider buying an Xbox one I'm gonna wait for the first UI update.
It's coming out the day of their E3 conference.

panic mode?
They had a massive marketing push and money behind Titanfall. For all intents and purposes it was expected they would push past the PS4 in March. It didn't. You don't make such a drastic change if things are rosy and working as planned.

It's the right decision. I applaud it and its about time they got their heads from out of their asses as far as the paywall is concerned.

Gotta love competition in the marketplace. I'll never understand why anyone wants any one of these companies to own the entire space. Fuck that.

I've been over friends houses playing with their Xbox One's alot and they all can't stand the interface.

If I were to consider buying an Xbox one I'm gonna wait for the first UI update.

They are three iterations in on the UI. They've made some positive changes. I still much prefer the simplicity of the PS4 but its improving.
Wow, good on Phil for changing the course of the XBO. If they retool the UI to work well without Kinect (which I'm assuming they'll have to) I'll be one step closer to picking one up. Now all they need is a few more solid exclusives.
Let It Go
Let It Gooooo
I don't know what a melodyyyyy issss
Something about snowwwww
Getting greedy with the syllables here
So I'll say sing bout snowwwww


It's on sale in the Xbox Game store this week for $29.99

You can get the disc version on AWD for $23.

To celebrate the one-year anniversary of Games with Gold for Xbox 360 and as a thank you for helping shape this program, members will receive an additional free Xbox 360 game in June. The Games with Gold titles for Xbox 360 in June are “Dark Souls,” “Charlie Murder” and a bonus game of “Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition

WOW! Good free games for 360


I wish I could watch fine cinema like Tangled, relatively speaking, with my son. My son is obsessed with trains so Thomas the really stupid Tank Engine is the only thing he wants to watch. He is 2; we tried watching Up; he got really scared during the storm scene so we had to turn it off. I guess most animated movies are good for like 4+.


Frozen is okay, so is Tangled. I think they are so loved b/c they work for adults and kids, but they aren't good movies for an adult looking for a good film to watch. I mean no one is going to chose Up over Point Break if they are over 18.
Good point, most the 1080p stuff is just PS4.

I do like the exclusives, I want Ryse and Dead Rising 3. Quantum Break looks really good too whenever the hell that will be out.

I think they would have been better off leaving a SKU with Kinect in the box and pricing that at $400 and then a cheaper SKU at $350 without Kinect.

That way the SKU that's the same price as the PS4 still has something that's unique and differentiates it and compensates for any deficiency within the box itself, and people who don't want Kinect can get their system at cheaper than the PS4.

Still it's a step in the right direction and it shows that MS is taking heed of how the gamers have voted with their wallets to this point in the generation and are going to work to try and tip those votes in their favor. I've seen a slight complacency from Sony in the past months (I.E. DriveClub), not quite 2006 Arrogant Sony yet, but they've left the door ajar for MS to make a big push at E3.


Frozen is okay, so is Tangled. I think they are so loved b/c they work for adults and kids, but they aren't good movies for an adult looking for a good film to watch. I mean no one is going to chose Up over Point Break if they are over 18.

Up isn't that good past the first 15 minutes anyhow.


Up isn't that good past the first 15 minutes anyhow.



Off topic:

Finally got around to finishing up Fire Emblem this weekend. 3 of my units got cut down in the final battle and I was too lazy to restart the chapter. Anyway great game. Very satisfied with it. On to A Link Between Worlds now.
Off topic:

Finally got around to finishing up Fire Emblem this weekend. 3 of my units got cut down in the final battle and I was too lazy to restart the chapter. Anyway great game. Very satisfied with it. On to A Link Between Worlds now.
Nicely done! I also lost some units on the final Chapter. They died for a good cause. ALBW is very good.
He was our #1 draft pick for a reason.

Just to torture BG and make him buy a ONE
:jnc I was once a very happy 360 owner, but all the paywall shit just really turned me off. Gears , rb6v , halo, shadow run , lost planet ... Good times! But Microsoft ruined it! Bastards!


Motion Controls were the 2nd worst thing to happen to mainstream gaming last generation.

First is EASILY DLC.
I liked a lot of Wii games.

But I like different things. I can't play the same exact madden game every year and pretend to be excited.

I think it sucks that motion controls failed and no one is trying it anymore.


Persecution Complex
Off topic:

Finally got around to finishing up Fire Emblem this weekend. 3 of my units got cut down in the final battle and I was too lazy to restart the chapter. Anyway great game. Very satisfied with it. On to A Link Between Worlds now.

It's an unbelievable game. SRPGs should be the main genre on any handheld. Where is our sequel, Nintendo?!

Off topic: Mech knows this about me. I used to be the hugest Nintendo fanboy ever. Everything they do from an non-unified online interface to horrible third party relationships boggles my fucking mind. I want to buy a Wii U but can't for the simple fact that any digital download titles are gone if the system breaks. What kind of bullshit is that?


I liked a lot of Wii games.

But I like different things. I can't play the same exact madden game every year and pretend to be excited.

I think it sucks that motion controls failed and no one is trying it anymore.

There were some fun uses of them. Really like that first tiger woods game that used motion+ or whatever.


When did this Donald Sterling/Anderson Cooper interview happen? How am I just hearing this? This is riveting. Holy Mother of God is he crazy.

Believe the interview was a couple of days ago, it just got released yesterday. $1.9 billion net worth and the idiot can't hire a PR guy. It was hilarious to watch him bury himself further and further with each answer.


When did this Donald Sterling/Anderson Cooper interview happen? How am I just hearing this? This is riveting. Holy Mother of God is he crazy.

No he's not. Being rich automatically means you're very smart and should be listened to as an authoritative source on any and all subjects. Wealth is the ultimate measure of sanity and competence. That's the American way.
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