Grover Cleveland
what is your team
Who is this guy ? And what's your team?
Insular Culture
what is your team
Who is this guy ? And what's your team?
you watch baseball and soccer but no hockeyI don't watch or follow ice soccer because I'm an American, but the Penguins choked like dogs in that series.
Not surprised Zach Snyder goes with a straight rip of TDKR Batman.
Football season just started in Pittsburgh.
Since EZ is not here, I must talk baseball.
Got dang is it a beautiful thing to be able to watch Miggy Cabrera hit a home run in the 9th with two runners on and two outs.
And good thing dc is so close to b-more. More chance to watch Detroit teams when they roll in!
Wait that actually happens in real baseball?
you watch baseball and soccer but no hockey
I think I'd rather watch the Mets beat the stuffing out of the Yankees C team in the Subway Series in mid-May, than Rangers-Penguins game 7.
Thankfully NBA playoff basketball means I don't have to make that choice.
Yeah watching LeBron and the Heat win again is so exciting.
...Uh, yeah?
Yeah watching LeBron and the Heat win again is so exciting.
Lundqvist was so fucking good tonight.
Why aren't you guys out at the beach?
One of his best games. The last three games he was locked in, played well the entire series if you ask me. He gets a lot of shit because the Rangers get tossed quickly, but folks don't realize how much we climb on his back. Once we scored it was basically, Hank take over.
Nothing like playoff hockey, it's the best, especially if your emotionally invested.
I started watching it last year and proceeded to wonder where this has been all my life.
:jnc Bylsma. Yes, I'll take fries with that.
Beaches? In salt water lands?! Craziness. Lake beaches or nothin.
:jnc Bylsma. Yes, I'll take fries with that.
Yeah watching LeBron and the Heat win again is so exciting.
Haha, yeah man. I wonder who's gonna play her.
Emmanuelle Chriqui, pls HBO
I think we got a good chance. After the results of the MNF preseason game they won't have a choice! Gruden will go crazy over JFF , and he'll call our Wrs scrappy.
But I gotta say I like our early start times every week
BG is a thug.
One of his best games. The last three games he was locked in, played well the entire series if you ask me. He gets a lot of shit because the Rangers get tossed quickly, but folks don't realize how much we climb on his back. Once we scored it was basically, Hank take over.
Nothing like playoff hockey, it's the best, especially if your emotionally invested.
I actually think the new batman design is pretty cool
welp, done with hockey for the season
You poor! I want every game to be primetime, I want the world to see my team. 1pm I'm sick of it!
You dont deserve such a cutie avatar.
Its weird, lapsed Rangers fan here, much more into football now. Hockey peaked for me in 94, just can't better than Messier's hat trick and Matteau, Matteau, Matteau. Its like I realized that was the pinnacle of the sport and it will never get better than that.
win or lose they're going to talk about LeBron, so I'd rather he win and I can laugh at my friends who still hate on himDead to me Greg.
Dead. To. Me.
D-E-A-D. Dead.
I was like that around 2000 to about 2004, team was pretty bad so it didn't help matters, but got back into it right after the lockout. I'll be honest, nothing will ever top 94, maybe not even the Bills finally winning a Superbowl. You guys should have seen my room as a kid, it was a Rangers shrine, newspaper clippings, photos everywhere, shirts, jerseys. Complete fanatic, and I'll never forgot '94. Rangers have a lifetime of goodwill with me.
I was like that around 2000 to about 2004, team was pretty bad so it didn't help matters, but got back into it right after the lockout. I'll be honest, nothing will ever top 94, maybe not even the Bills finally winning a Superbowl. You guys should have seen my room as a kid, it was a Rangers shrine, newspaper clippings, photos everywhere, shirts, jerseys. Complete fanatic, and I'll never forgot '94. Rangers have a lifetime of goodwill with me.
win or lose they're going to talk about LeBron, so I'd rather he win and I can laugh at my friends who still hate on him
I was 1 when the twins won the last (non wnba) Minnesota championship.
I was 1 when the twins won the last (non wnba) Minnesota championship.