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NFL Offseason Thread 3 - Drowney for Clowney Mech, Drowney for Clowney.


Go over everything with a fine toothed comb. Stupid shit like open and close every closet door, 2 of the closets in my house the doors fall off if you touch them, check all the light switches by bringing a lamp or something to plug in, the light switch in my daughters room doesnt control any of the outlets in that room, have someone get on the roof and check that shit for sure, run the dishwasher, ours wasnt even hooked up and after we paid to get it hooked up it didnt work so we had to buy a new one. Really check everything multiple times if you can.
I did and I hired my own inspector (spent $600 including radon and termite). We found a bunch of small shit but the seller is a good guy and agreed to fix everything.

To be honest most of the shit found by the inspector I never would have noticed. That dude was ultra thorough and spent a good 50 minutes on the roof and noticed 2 small things that should be corrected (had to do with how the water drained). Minor shit but I am not a handy person and I am totally reliant on contractors and other people to fix this shit for me.

I need to befriend a guy who can help me out with minor home repairs.

The grass I figure Gata will take care of me for some Xbox Live points and grape soda. He is still not allowed in the house though.

And Greg ping pong table is a definite priority for me. Wife is probably going to spend most of our furniture budget but for me the table is going in right after I set up my office (assuming I have money left over). At worst I will put it in in the winter or next year.


Are you dealing with your insecurities as a father by acting like a baby to me?

Are you getting enough sleep?

Are you dealing with your insecurities as a father by acting like a baby to me?

Are you getting enough sleep?
The point is I haven't changed!

I don't sleep enough, though. That is true. On that note time for cup of coffee number three.

Also, Dragon do you have a 10 TB HDD filled with .gifs of her or something?


The point is I haven't changed!

I don't sleep enough, though. That is true. On that note time for cup of coffee number three.

Also, Dragon do you have a 10 TB HDD filled with .gifs of her or something?

Nah I just subscribe to this tumblr: http://jenniferlawrencegifs.tumblr.com/

I don't find her attractive anymore.

Also, she was godawful in American Hustle. Almost ruined the movie for me.

She can be very hot and also just average. She's at least decently funny though and at least portrays herself to be down to earth.


I think Lebrons accomplishments are much less impressive then superstars like Shaq, Kobe, Jordan and those types of guys. It has nothing to do with him getting lucky or the east being shit, I just think him running to jump on Wades back when the going got tough in Cleveland was a bitch move. Also him talking about 7 championships before he ever won one was just such a disgusting move. Hopefully KD beats them this year and the Heat never get back again.


Kobe bitched his way to the Lakers because he didn't want to play for Charlotte. Shaq left in FA to join the Lakers. What about his loyalty to the Magic?

Jordan played with hall of famers and had the best coach ever coaching him.

This idea that Lebron owed Cleveland is ridiculous. He could have left better. That show as a terrible idea. But he did play 7 seasons in Cleveland. Was he supposed to just stay there no matter what? And hope somehow they would develop or sign their own Pippen? With Mike Brown as coach? That's a joke.

I also don't get why people get so mad when players join forces to make a super team as opposed to when GM's do it. OKC has 2 superstars and had 3. The GM did that but still KD isn't winning shit without Westbrook and probably never winning without someone like Durant. Oh and Harden? Dwight Howard just signed to team up with him. Fact is players don't win on their own and need at least 1-2 all stars to play along with. Its ok when LA pulls of trades to team up superstars or when front offices move players like chess pieces with no sense of loyalty but god forbid a player take his own destiny in his hands.

Lebron has been facing the Jordan comparison since before he joined the league. No matter he did without winning championships and even now with 2 rings to most people he will never measure up to Jordan. That's a lot of pressure to carry around. And he did for 7 years with Cleveland without winning. So why not joing Wade and Bosh to win rings and take some of that off? Or is he supposed to win by himself and 4 scrubs because no one else does that.

But people get mad that Lebron made a decision for himself. How dare he?!?!?! I look it more as these guys cared only about winning championships, took less money, and at least for Wade and Bosh took a backseat so they could win. If anything they should be commended because Lebron could have very easily stayed in Cleveland to make more money or went to the Knicks to made a supposed billion with all the endorsements.
NESN said:
Jimmy Garoppolo already knows the New England Patriots playbook well enough to quiz his fellow rookies.

The Patriots have separated the rookies from the veterans this week as the young players get acclimated to the NFL, which has given the second-round quarterback the opportunity to carve out a leadership role. Garoppolo said Tuesday at Gillette Stadium that he’s been staying up late with his nose in the offensive playbook, and it shows.

“He’ll be walking around, and he’ll just walk up to me and shout me out a play and ask me to tell him what is that I’ve got, my responsibilities,” undrafted tight end Justin Jones said Thursday at Gillette Stadium. “And I think that’s one of the key components of being a great quarterback.”




Kobe bitched his way to the Lakers because he didn't want to play for Charlotte. Shaq left in FA to join the Lakers. What about his loyalty to the Magic?

Jordan played with hall of famers and had the best coach ever coaching him.

This idea that Lebron owed Cleveland is ridiculous. He could have left better. That show as a terrible idea. But he did play 7 seasons in Cleveland. Was he supposed to just stay there no matter what? And hope somehow they would develop or sign their own Pippen? With Mike Brown as coach? That's a joke.

I also don't get why people get so mad when players join forces to make a super team as opposed to when GM's do it. OKC has 2 superstars and had 3. The GM did that but still KD isn't winning shit without Westbrook and probably never winning without someone like Durant. Oh and Harden? Dwight Howard just signed to team up with him. Fact is players don't win on their own and need at least 1-2 all stars to play along with.

But people get mad that Lebron made a decision for himself. How dare he?!?!?! I look it more as these guys cared only about winning championships, took less money, and at least for Wade and Bosh took a backseat so they could win. If anything they should be commended because Lebron could have very easily stayed in Cleveland to make more money or went to the Knicks to made a supposed billion with all the endorsements.
Remember he left Ohio.

He was the chosen one (his own words I believe) who was supposed to save at least Cleveland and maybe even the entire state.

I think the butthurtness of the natives of Ohio is what caused the negative reaction. If Lebron fucked over New York or Miami everyone would have just laughed. But Ohio and Cleveland really had nothing going for them and LeBron left them to go to Miami where life was a lot better and he had a much easier route to winning a championship.

The hatred is not that hard to understand.


lol, the chick that accused Hardy didn't show up to her protective order hearing, which was dismissed, then her attorney withdrew as her counsel. Her attorney has been practicing law since '92 and this is the first time since '96 he's withdrawn as counsel. He cited "irreconcilable differences."

aka dat bish lyin'


Yeah, it's a shame because it looks like Hardy's rep will be ruined by this even though the woman is full of shit. Granted, I'm not sure you can "ruin" the reputation of a dude who wears war paint and refers to himself as a mythical sea creature in the 3rd person. Still, it's his fault, just like with Kaep. You can't behave like a frat boy with all that money and notoriety.
So Pats fans did spend a whole year cheering for a double murderer. What's it like to be a Ravens' fans?

I don't understand if this is trolling or if people really equate these things. Ray's charges were dropped and in the end, it was found to be a self defense case. Hernandez (allegedly) lured a friend to abandoned building and executed him, and killed two men at a stoplight.

I understand that because Ray is a football player and fan allegiance elicit hate so they latch onto things, but if Ray wasn't a football player, wouldn't we forgive those charged when the evidence revealed self defense?


Remember he left Ohio.

He was the chosen one (his own words I believe) who was supposed to save at least Cleveland and maybe even the entire state.

I think the butthurtness of the natives of Ohio is what caused the negative reaction. If Lebron fucked over New York or Miami everyone would have just laughed. But Ohio and Cleveland really had nothing going for them and LeBron left them to go to Miami where life was a lot better and he had a much easier route to winning a championship.

The hatred is not that hard to understand.

I understand the hatred Cleveland has. Its normal and human nature when "your" superstar leaves to join a better team in a better city.

Especially how he left with his show.

But the rest of the nation seems just as mad. Fact is no one wants to go play for or live in Cleveland. Sorry Browns fans its true. Lebron stayed 7 seasons and could have demanded a trade but he didn't. He carried those teams because they sunk to the bottom of the league as soon as he left. He was the team. But he realized it wasn't enough and probably never would be.

I never cared for him really until he left and the immense and intense hate he received from everyone including old players like Barkley who did the exact same shit but were complaining about Lebron.

In a league or time where athletes are being arrested for murder, drugs, dui's, or whatever else not only is the best player in the league but the best image ambassador for the league.

Except for when he raps. That's a no no and he would never play for Chip Kelly team even if he wanted to be a TE on the Eagles.
I don't understand if this is trolling or if people really equate these things. Ray's charges were dropped and in the end, it was found to be a self defense case. Hernandez (allegedly) lured a friend to abandoned building and executed him, and killed two men at a stoplight.

I understand that because Ray is a football player and fan allegiance elicit hate so they latch onto things, but if Ray wasn't a football player, wouldn't we forgive those charged when the evidence revealed self defense?

I'd link the Ray of Light SNL sketch but Ray Lewis' defense force has made it disappear from the internet.


I don't understand if this is trolling or if people really equate these things. Ray's charges were dropped and in the end, it was found to be a self defense case. Hernandez (allegedly) lured a friend to abandoned building and executed him, and killed two men at a stoplight.

I understand that because Ray is a football player and fan allegiance elicit hate so they latch onto things, but if Ray wasn't a football player, wouldn't we forgive those charged when the evidence revealed self defense?

"Its ok as long as you get away with it" - ravens fans



Some douchebag just got a case of road rage against me. He was trying to cut me off when he was merging onto traffic from some neighborhood and I didnt let him despite there being a gap of a mid size car between myself and the car in front of me and the gap of 3 semi trucks with flatbeds behind me. Why did he have to feel so compelled to cut me off rather than... going behind where it was safer for everyone?
Baltimore fans cheered even after everything came out. No one knew about Hernandez.

Obviously we knew all along, just like everybody else inside the Patriots organisation.

We tried to hide it, payed off cops, lied to judges and everything, but Scoody Doo and those meddling kids snitched on us.

Only my allegiance to truth, justice, and the American way

The American way, where you can get away with murder as long as your rich and got friends who take the fall for you.
Deadspin said:
On July 16, 2012, Daniel Abreu and Safiro Furtado were killed when an SUV pulled up alongside their car at a red light and fired into the vehicle. The deaths initially went unsolved, but Hernandez emerged as a possible suspect last summer, when a club security guard told police he had overheard that the killings were related to the murder of Odin Lloyd. Since then, evidence against Hernandez has mounted:

• The SUV used in the drive-by was found at the Bristol, Conn., home of Hernandez's uncle.
• The gun used in the killing was located in a car belong to a woman who told police it belonged to her friends, who were football players.
• Surveillance video showed Hernandez at the same club as Abreu and Furtado, leaving about an hour before them. Video shows Hernandez's SUV slowly circling the block until Abreu and Furtado left, then pulling up alongside them before the fatal shots were fired.
• A man who was in the back seat of Abreu's and Furtado's car told police that he saw Hernandez pull the trigger.

He's the dumbest killer wow


I'll defend Ray.

Not a fan of the Ravens.

He was charged, investigated, and ultimately cleared. If you want to complain, then complain about the justice system and process that he supposedly beat.

And even then how in the world does it compare to Henandez?


I'll defend Ray.

Not a fan of the Ravens.

He was charged, investigated, and ultimately cleared. If you want to complain, then complain about the justice system and process that he supposedly beat.

And even then how in the world does it compare to Henandez?

He wasn't cleared, he was allowed to plead down to a lesser offense because he ratted out his friends instead (both of whom were actually acquitted later).
I feel like you're a bit sad.

The Shirtless League is always available for live journals.
Haha, I'm good, man. A little tired as usual but other than that not so bad. I had a catered lunch today that consisted of a wonderful pulled pork sandwich with amazing barbecue sauce so things can't be too bad.

In all seriousness with Garoppolo I have no idea what to expect. I didn't see him play at all in college.


Looks like Michael Sam is getting a documentary deal with Oprah.
So much for just focusing on football I guess.

Can't really blame him though since I'm sure they threw a bit of cash his way and he more than likely isn't going to make this team.


I understand the hatred Cleveland has. Its normal and human nature when "your" superstar leaves to join a better team in a better city.

Especially how he left with his show.

But the rest of the nation seems just as mad. Fact is no one wants to go play for or live in Cleveland. Sorry Browns fans its true. Lebron stayed 7 seasons and could have demanded a trade but he didn't. He carried those teams because they sunk to the bottom of the league as soon as he left. He was the team. But he realized it wasn't enough and probably never would be.

I never cared for him really until he left and the immense and intense hate he received from everyone including old players like Barkley who did the exact same shit but were complaining about Lebron.

In a league or time where athletes are being arrested for murder, drugs, dui's, or whatever else not only is the best player in the league but the best image ambassador for the league.

Except for when he raps. That's a no no and he would never play for Chip Kelly team even if he wanted to be a TE on the Eagles.
I think there are basically 2 differences in the Lebron case.

First, he is an OH native so people just liked the idea of him staying in his state for his entire career.

The second part is that it is Cleveland and their best moment was a movie about them barely getting to the playoffs with a bunch of misfits only to come short of the World Series due to bad luck. When Cleveland spazzed out about the betrayal it was hard not to agree with them if you had a heart.

People always cheer for the underdog. Its as American as apple pie (which according to Raven and Patriot fans has been replaced by homicide).


supporter of dog killer supports human killer

shock and awe

Who do you root for again? I honestly don't know so please let me know. I assume its a team full of saints. Can't be the Saints team because they had a serial rapist on their team and I assume someone like you wouldn't root for any criminal out of principle.

He wasn't cleared, he was allowed to plead down to a lesser offense because he ratted out his friends instead (both of whom were actually acquitted later).

Right so hate the system. If they had real hard evidence on him and a slam dunk case you think they just let him walk or plead down?
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