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NFL Offseason Thread 3 - Drowney for Clowney Mech, Drowney for Clowney.


Right so hate the system. If they had real hard evidence on him and a slam dunk case you think they just let him walk or plead down?

I don't see what the system has to do with one way or the other on what I think about Ray Lewis as a human being. I'm supposed to think better of a criminal because our justice system did a shitty job prosecuting him? I can't follow that line of thinking in the least.


At the cinema about to see Godzilla. Prepare to hear from me ranting about how they ruined the character in about three hours.

This better be great

Boring characters except for Cranston, and a lot of fun destruction, and good cinematography. The music accompanied the movie well, and the scale feels grand.

3/5. I liked it.


reviews of Dark Knight Rises were positive too :(

I should be ok though, if this sucks I can go home and watch all of the Toho movies to cleanse the palate.

Well, I'm not movie-GAF, so I enjoyed DKR.

Because there are more notches on my scale than 1) BEST MOVIE EVER and 2) WORST MOVIE EVER.


Well, I'm not movie-GAF, so I enjoyed DKR.

Because there are more notches on my scale than 1) BEST MOVIE EVER and 2) WORST MOVIE EVER.

I couldn't even finish it when I watched it at home. I just found it so incredibly uncompelling and I couldn't make myself care about the story or characters.
I know people who didn't give DKR a chance because they "couldn't understand what Bane was saying".

Even if it weren't a great movie (it is), those comments would still be a shame.


Dark Knight Rises was great.

Tom Hardy deserved an Oscar for Bane (and also for his part in Warrior, which is one of the greatest movies ever)

The Dark Knight Rises was not good. It was as bloated as every third film in a superhero trilogy, though not quite as bad as Spider-Man 3 or X-Men: The Last Stand. The Dark Knight was like Heat with superheroes- now that's a great film.


Listening to Idzik talk about the draft. He said that free agency is to fill in holes and the draft you go talent first.

Then what the fuck were you doing with the secondary and WR positions? RIght now you are gonna have 20mil to carry over to next year in a year where you already have 13 million in dead money.

They could go into next season with way over $53 million in cap room and you didn't go hard for guys like Jackson, Cromartie, and Tate? Hell even trading a 7th for Revis would have patched a big enough hole and you would have had Revis on a contract with no money guaranteed.

If Rex was on a contract with guaranteed money I feel like I would understand more but it seems that Idzik is making their head coach win now while giving him talent that isn't consistent with a win now team. He clearly seems like a GM that is constantly trying to keep his cap down for every position (like signing a rookie Chad Young to compete for the FB position).


The Dark Knight Rises was not good. It was as bloated as every third film in a superhero trilogy, though not quite as bad as Spider-Man 3 or X-Men: The Last Stand. The Dark Knight was like Heat with superheroes- now that's a great film.


You're clearly in the minority.


I thought it was fantastic.

Did you see Warrior? That was even better.

I did, Tom Hardy was really good in it. I wasn't fully on board with him as a majorly talented actor until I saw Locke, however. Check that out when you get a chance.


You're clearly in the minority.

Yeah, I can accept that I'm in the minority, though I don't give any credence to Rotten Tomatoes. That vapid mess known as American Hustle has a 93% rating on RT.
Dark Knight Rises was great.

Tom Hardy deserved an Oscar for Bane (and also for his part in Warrior, which is one of the greatest movies ever)

He was so good. I think people didnt give his performance the respect that it deserved because it wasnt as over the top as the Joker, but he really brought a physical intimidation that I thought was the perfect follow up to Jokers mind games.

Tom Penny

The Dark Knight Rises was not good. It was as bloated as every third film in a superhero trilogy, though not quite as bad as Spider-Man 3 or X-Men: The Last Stand. The Dark Knight was like Heat with superheroes- now that's a great film.

Agreed. The only good super hero movie was Kick Ass.
I have an irrational amount of love for Batman Begins. It's probably my favorite superhero movie of all time. I think I saw it in theaters three times.

I loved Batman Begins. But I can never really chose which of the 3 movies I like the most. Begins blew me away so much when I saw it for the first time, because I didn't have massive expectations or anything. So it has that going for it, plus I love origin stories.

Dark Knight was amazing because of the Joker. It's the best villain in the Batman comics and Ledger played it perfectly, the whole movie just worked and was awesome.

Rises was the climax I wanted and had Hardy.

I love them all equally

I did, Tom Hardy was really good in it. I wasn't fully on board with him as a majorly talented actor until I saw Locke, however. Check that out when you get a chance.

I haven't seen Locke, but I totally will. Thanks.

Ever since Warrior I've had a almost Tom Brady sized man crush on Tom Hardy. Maybe it's the name Tom. The only reason I work out is because I want traps like Hardy in Warrior.

You know what movie I also love? The Hurt Locker.

And Ratatouille.


I have an irrational amount of love for Batman Begins. It's probably my favorite superhero movie of all time. I think I saw it in theaters three times.

Completely agreed with you on that movie. People make a huge deal about TDK but I feel that movie is bloated in a way that BB never was.

I haven't seen Locke, but I totally will. Thanks.

Ever since Warrior I've had a almost Tom Brady sized man crush on Tom Hardy. Maybe it's the name Tom. The only reason I work out is because I want traps like Hardy in Warrior.

You know what movie I also love? The Hurt Locker.

And Ratatouille.

You should watch This Means War if you want to dislike Tom Hardy :).
You should watch This Means War if you want to dislike Tom Hardy :).

Saw it, liked it.

It was a stupid, but fun movie. And he showed he can do that as well. Good for him.

He was so good. I think people didnt give his performance the respect that it deserved because it wasnt as over the top as the Joker, but he really brought a physical intimidation that I thought was the perfect follow up to Jokers mind games.

Man he was intense in Rises. He was able to express his emotions and vulnurability with that mask on and those massive muscles.

I like movies

Me too! I'm also a bit of a dummy and easy to please which makes movies even more fun.


It just seemed like an incredibly weak third act given the move that came before it. I couldn't buy into bane being a more intimidating enemy than Joker,

It's because Bane wasn't more intimidating. The way he was portrayed was as a intelligent thug with an endgame that was surrounded by political beliefs. Joker was nothing more than a fuck ass crazy madman whose only endgame was throwing Gotham into chaos because he is a fuck ass crazy madman. A man without any plan or patterns who will kill anyone for any reason is a real nightmare. Bane is a B-grade Bond villian.


That's like all of gaming side.

Yeah, but we all know that Gaming side is a lost cause, they don't even try to hide it anymore. Movie-GAF is still attempting to pass off their opinions as objective.

I do think DKR was the weakest of the trilogy, and it did have flaws, but it was still a good movie IMO.
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