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NFL Offseason Thread 3 - Drowney for Clowney Mech, Drowney for Clowney.

I also enjoy the Transformers movies and can't wait to see the new one in IMAX 3D #SorryNotSorry

I cant believe he didnt try and get rid of the truck in all that time.

Dude thought he got away with it the. and probably thought of himself as some untouchable crime lord, so he killed the other guy in the most obvious way imaginable.

Dude is batshit fcking insane.


Did the plot and themes of the Two Face story really need to be there? Joker carried that movie and I think it lost focus because Nolan really wanted to have Batman self-sacrifice. Imagine if there had been more screen time between Joker and Batman and they explored Batman's version of insanity instead of all that wasted time with Two Face and how noble Batman is.

I think the TDKR is the worst but at least it avoided the other superhero movie trap of the sequel needing to have +1 villains above the previous movie. Still pretty good compared to most movies.
Buddy of mine in the UK that has much more refined taste than I (he hated Pacific Rim for instance) saw Godzilla today and absolutely LOVED it. Called it the closest he's felt to watching Jurassic Park in '93.


Rises was great. Though Begins>TDK>Rises.


I liked all of the Batman movies.

Rises was the worst of the 3 but it was still a good movie and one of the best 3rd movies in a trilogy that I can think of.

Most 3rd movies are horrible. Rises had some slow parts but dat ending was just so perfect for the whole series.

I pretty much always like Nolan movies though. And I don't try to be a internet hero and think up some outrageous criticism of everything to get attention (like picking apart the plot of movies of comic book heros and villains that can fly). I either love a movie, like it or hate it. The only other category is 2008 Super Bowl (this is one of the best of all time). The way you feel after Ratatouille is over.
Im just not a fan of Batman begins, not saying it's a bad movie. But just not for me.
Dane Brugler‏ @ dpbrugler 11 mins
# Browns WR Greg Little has disappointed in CLE, but of 28 WRs drafted in 2011, only AJ Green, Julio Jones and Torrey Smith have more catches
Dammit Greg!
I liked all of the Batman movies.

Rises was the worst of the 3 but it was still a good movie and one of the best 3rd movies in a trilogy that I can think of.

Most 3rd movies are horrible. Rises had some slow parts but dat ending was just so perfect for the whole series.

I pretty much always like Nolan movies though. And I don't try to be a internet hero and think up some outrageous criticism of everything to get attention (like picking apart the plot of movies of comic book heros and villains that can fly). I either love a movie, like it or hate it. The only other category is 2008 Super Bowl (this is one of the best of all time). The way you feel after Ratatouille is over.
2008 SB = Gladiator


ghost rider is goat

nick cage is underrated




Fear of a GAF Planet
The Dark Knight was, by far, the worst movie. Action sequences made no sense, it wasted Two Face and the movie was 30 minutes too long. Ledger was amazing and that's about it.


I don't see what the system has to do with one way or the other on what I think about Ray Lewis as a human being. I'm supposed to think better of a criminal because our justice system did a shitty job prosecuting him? I can't follow that line of thinking in the least.

They didn't do a shitty job. They did the most they could.

They didn't botch the case. Based on what evidence they found they couldn't just throw him into the slammer.
I also enjoy the Transformers movies and can't wait to see the new one in IMAX 3D #SorryNotSorry

I'm with you.

The internet hates on them because it pretends that they should be something they're not. The BayFormers have robots, hot girls, nice cars, explosions, and Murica kicking ass. That's all I need in my fun summer "shut your mind off and watch" movies. I don't need Citizen Kane from Transformers.
I'm with you.

The internet hates on them because it pretends that they should be something they're not. The BayFormers have robots, hot girls, nice cars, explosions, and Murica kicking ass. That's all I need in my fun summer "shut your mind off and watch" movies. I don't need Citizen Kane from Transformers.

I wanted to love the Transformers movies so much, they are one of my favorite things from my childhood, but I cant stand the movies. Shia is just terrible, he is like a raging vortex of awful acting. He ruins the movies, and then some of the decisions like making all the decepticons look similar just killed it for me. I am hoping that the next movie fixes a lot of what sucked about the first 3 but I dont have much hope.


The Dark Knight was, by far, the worst movie. Action sequences made no sense, it wasted Two Face and the movie was 30 minutes too long. Ledger was amazing and that's about it.
You make it sound like it was a bad movie.

If that is what you are saying I have to disagree.

That was a really great movie and I was blown away the first time I saw it in theaters. As far as comic books movies it was so different from everything else done before it. I mean from the beginning of the movie until when the truck gets flipped has any comic book movie come close to that 90 minutes or whatever the time was at that point? I don't think so. Hell I don't think anyone else has come even close to that.


This is the problem with movie-GAF.

"There are movies better than this movie" = "this movie sucks"

Exactly. And the scale is worst ever raped my childhood or greatest ever omg they perfected never make another movie!

But its no longer limited to the gaming side. For the internet crowd it applies to everything. Movies, music, and gaming.

Movies I notice more because I love movies so much but these threads and the few posters who shit up every thread suck the fun out of it. Basically they come with a preconceived notion about a certain movie or director and based on that construct criticism. Now every Nolan movie sucks because supposedly he does a shit job with female characters, doesn't get action, and now because GAF didn't like TDKR he fucked up Batman completely.

I loved Batman Begins. But I can never really chose which of the 3 movies I like the most. Begins blew me away so much when I saw it for the first time, because I didn't have massive expectations or anything. So it has that going for it, plus I love origin stories.

Dark Knight was amazing because of the Joker. It's the best villain in the Batman comics and Ledger played it perfectly, the whole movie just worked and was awesome.

Rises was the climax I wanted and had Hardy.

I love them all equally

Batman Begins will always be my favorite. I never thought Batman could be done right on screen. The previous movies were so bad I just didn't know what to expect. Watching BB in theaters the first time I couldn't believe myself. Its aged and you can tell it has a low budget but man the acting, the story, and the origins is nailed perfectly. For my money the best superhero movie ever made.

And of course as much as I love both sequels, nothing tops the ending scene with the Joker card reveal. Whole theater gasped.

thats the transformers crowd voting

if you like dark knight rises you are not a batman fan. Begins > joker > muppet bane

Joke post?

I love how people dismiss ratings or critics in general when it doesn't fit their opinion.

I didn't like Avatar at all and while I enjoyed Avengers it was just a fun movie but nothing more. They both got great reviews and are loved so even though I don't share the same opinion I can't claim them to be bad movies.

Did the plot and themes of the Two Face story really need to be there? Joker carried that movie and I think it lost focus because Nolan really wanted to have Batman self-sacrifice. Imagine if there had been more screen time between Joker and Batman and they explored Batman's version of insanity instead of all that wasted time with Two Face and how noble Batman is.

I think the TDKR is the worst but at least it avoided the other superhero movie trap of the sequel needing to have +1 villains above the previous movie. Still pretty good compared to most movies.

Joker's story or purpose wouldn't make sense without Dent/Two Face. He is battling for the sole of Gotham and wants to break Batman. He does this by turning Harvey into Two Face. He does this by forcing Batman to go into hiding and take the blame for murder. He wanted to cause chaos and show the city people are only as good as their circumstance.

What you are talking about is a completely different story than the movie we got. While that sounds good, the movie we got was pretty awesome too.

My personal ranking is BB>TDKR>TDK only because both TDKR and BB focus more on Bruce.


I'm with you.

The internet hates on them because it pretends that they should be something they're not. The BayFormers have robots, hot girls, nice cars, explosions, and Murica kicking ass. That's all I need in my fun summer "shut your mind off and watch" movies. I don't need Citizen Kane from Transformers.

Its not that. Not for me at least.

But its just so bad. The plot focusing on Shia and his overacting. The over the top hot girl. The glistening bodies. The army fascination. I mean I watched the new trailer and its the exact same thing as the first movies. Plus the design is so busy I can't make shit out when they fight.

If its made like most Marvel movies are made, because IMO they also don't inspire to be anything more than just fun summer movies, I would love them.

Batman trilogy is over all these for me because its a big summer movie but also does more with its source material.


I would rather see my wife or daughter get jack hammered in a 1000 man gang bang where each guy finishes on her face over watching 1 second of this piece of shit game. Fuck the NFL and fuck the refs for letting this travesty occur
I look at it this way: the Patriots weren't going to beat the Niners either. In the end, we all win, friend.
Fear not guys, this is fucking great so far. My hype levels are nearly off the charts right now, gonna have a huge grin on my face like Pacific Rim when shit gets real soon
Joker's story or purpose wouldn't make sense without Dent/Two Face. He is battling for the sole of Gotham and wants to break Batman. He does this by turning Harvey into Two Face. He does this by forcing Batman to go into hiding and take the blame for murder. He wanted to cause chaos and show the city people are only as good as their circumstance.
This is the only answer he needed to be given:


The Dark Knight's script cribs HEAVILY from that graphic novel. The Batman self-sacrifice wasn't made up by Nolan in some attempt to stretch out the plot. The relationship beween Harvey/Batman/Gordon was long established in that book. They just took right from the source material.


Xbox One sucks and doesn't have any games.

Now that you're here YH, can you tell me when the gold requirement for apps on 360 actually gets dropped?
I'm with you.

The internet hates on them because it pretends that they should be something they're not. The BayFormers have robots, hot girls, nice cars, explosions, and Murica kicking ass. That's all I need in my fun summer "shut your mind off and watch" movies. I don't need Citizen Kane from Transformers.
No, but something watchable would help.;)

Revenge of the Fallen is without a doubt one of the worst pieces of shit I've ever had the displeasure of sitting through. It's /awful/. Outside of the forest battle near the beginning, light that movie on fire and act like it doesn't exist.

The first one is the only watchable one of the three for me. To each their own though.

Now that you're here YH, can you tell me when the gold requirement for apps on 360 actually gets dropped?

June 9th alongside the launch of the Kinect-less One if memory serves.
This is the only answer he needed to be given:


The Dark Knight's script cribs HEAVILY from that graphic novel. The Batman self-sacrifice wasn't made up by Nolan in some attempt to stretch out the plot. The relationship beween Harvey/Batman/Gordon was long established in that book. They just took right from the source material.[/QUOTE]

You just reminded me how much I want Batman : Arkham Knight. I can't wait for that game.

[quote="Grover Cleveland, post: 112124836"]I'm with you.

The internet hates on them because it pretends that they should be something they're not. The BayFormers have robots, hot girls, nice cars, explosions, and Murica kicking ass. That's all I need in my fun summer "shut your mind off and watch" movies. I don't need Citizen Kane from Transformers.[/QUOTE]

I'm on my phone so I'm not going to look one up, so you just have to imagine a Psych-fistbump.gif here.


I recently re watched all 3 Transformers movies on FX (its always on) and I still have no idea what the plot was.

Seemed like every movie there was new human agency hiding secrets about when they found out about Transformers or how they have been secretly working Transformers.

I am not expecting oscar worthy stories but they don't even add up. I got more confused after reading the plot synopsis on wikipedia.


Fear of a GAF Planet
You make it sound like it was a bad movie.

If that is what you are saying I have to disagree.

That was a really great movie and I was blown away the first time I saw it in theaters. As far as comic books movies it was so different from everything else done before it. I mean from the beginning of the movie until when the truck gets flipped has any comic book movie come close to that 90 minutes or whatever the time was at that point? I don't think so. Hell I don't think anyone else has come even close to that.

Bad movie, not overall. But there's some of Nolan's worst action sequences ever in that movie, and that's saying something. More frustrating than anything. Worst of the three. How about least best of the three?

e -




I would rather see my wife or daughter get jack hammered in a 1000 man gang bang where each guy finishes on her face over watching 1 second of this piece of shit game. Fuck the NFL and fuck the refs for letting this travesty occur
You know I am a little embarrassed for asking this, but is that something you actually want to see?
Ravens. I have no hope already, and admit it.

Our best player is our QB who never leaves his basement in his free time unless it's for McDonalds, and he's also the only player on the team who isn't reprehensible. How they won a Super Bowl two seasons ago is beyond me, the team deserved the loss they had at the hands of Charlie Goddamn Batch. The whole division's shit :[

How did I miss this?

My degree is in literature, and I know words, but even still, I had to look up "reprehensible" to ensure there wasn't an alternative usage which explained the context used here.

So please explain how you feel that every play on this team deserves condemnation....except Joe Flacco.

I mean, for God's sake, we have Justin Tucker!


Rams cut RB Daryl Richardson. Not a huge surprise, but I expected Pead to be cut first. I guess they still think they can get something for Pead.


come in my shame circle
I asked my Cowboys fan buddy to give me his assessment on the Browns signing Miles Austin and what I should expect, he said:

"hamstring injuries...lots of hamstring injuries..."
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