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NFL Offseason Thread 3 - Drowney for Clowney Mech, Drowney for Clowney.


come in my shame circle

Hope you get over your cold Grover. :(


still a junior
I'm playing in a graduation band for a local university. The Commemcement speaker, for some reason, is Phillip Rivers. I don't know why.


Hoping Watch_dogs and transistor don't disappoint. Although I can't really afford both. Still waiting on reviews before committing to either.


I bought one at launch, no regrets. But I am really hoping for a wave of awesome games, including some 80+ hour rpgs.

Fuck 80 hour RPGs. Ain't nobody got time for that.

I'd be happy with a GTA5 port and one or two titles that look impossible on PS3/360.
Since we were talking about it a few days back and I'm rewatching the movie,

The opening hour of Batman Begins is the greatest hour in comic book movie history

Nolan Da Gawd >>>>



Turned down a referral to Kaiser. Reason why I turned it down was because the current organization I'm at has been good to me (I went from per diem to full time in 8 months). Kaiser will pay me more money but my bosses at my current job have told me that once I get my RN they will get me a job within the organization as a new grad, Kaiser does not have a new grad program so I think its better I stay put for the long term.......but Kaiser pays their employees so much more :(


I don't think Nintendo can afford to can anything at this point. I'm sure we will get details at E3.

You realize you will have to get a WiiU if it is awesome right?
Why would that bother me?

I bought a PS4 for Netflix and to play Blurays. I would have no problem buying a WiiU for a great fire emblem game. Hell the U already has the best games of any new console.





Pls, pls, keep your thoughts and prayers for jak and his family. They will be letting go of his aunt today, one of the most painful things any human being can go through.

Stay strong jak.


Why would that bother me?

I bought a PS4 for Netflix and to play Blurays. I would have no problem buying a WiiU for a great fire emblem game. Hell the U already has the best games of any new console.

That's good to hear, I didn't know if you were of the popular opinion round these parts of how the WiiU is dead and has no games...and so on.





Pls, pls, keep your thoughts and prayers for jak and his family. They will be letting go of his aunt today, one of the most painful things any human being can go through.

Stay strong jak.

Damn. Sorry to hear that jak.



Dat chin!

Y'all see dat grizzle? I expect vets to look like that on promotional covers for the army. You can tell he's disciple of Belichek by dat 'scowl. He could stop a pack of coyotes in place with a stare. He looks like he hunts sharks barefoot with no scuba gear with a spear he sharpened by hand on a rock for six hours.

Who are we cursing this year on the Madden cover? Hawks, Cards, and Rams fans should unite to curse Kaep.

If that doesn't work, let's come together to cyse once-in-a-generation Andrew Lucky.
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