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NFL Offseason Thread 3 - Drowney for Clowney Mech, Drowney for Clowney.



A for effort

B- for execution

hmm that guy looks familiar. Is he one of those lesser EPL managers that couldn't win a trophy this year?
So tell me the odds of developing polio in the US vs. a life threatening undiagnosed allergic reaction to the polio vaccine? Pretty sure you are better off refusing that one if no one in your family travels to places with polio. Or tell me why a newborn needs Hep B ( a sexually transmitted disease) when the mother has been tested for Hep B as part of her normal pregnancy screenings and came back negative. As my doctor put it, "It is easier to try to mandate Hep B for infants than expect mothers to be truthful about their recent sexual history."

The autism link is bullshit, but just blindly vaccinating your child with every recommended vaccine isn't smart either.

Pick and choose vaccines, just like you do with most things in life.

What if I pick and chose all vaccinations?

Jesus Christ.

Herd immunity, assholes.

hmm that guy looks familiar. Is he one of those lesser EPL managers that couldn't win a trophy this year?

The fact that Man United and Chelsea both failed to win a trophy yet Arsenal did doesn't compute at all.

But now United has Van Gaal instead of that guy we hired last year whos name escapes me.

Sexy Football Time returns to Old Trafford!



610 radio here just had a guy from National Football Post on talking about potential Watt contracts. Texans have quite a few contracts ending or players that are likely released after this season they will be in serious danger of not coming near cap floor.

Watt will get a great contract and Texans will be forced to spend some serious cash.

From cap hell to tons available in one year


There's just a fundamental misunderstanding of how immunizations work. It gives your god damn immune system a god damn marker so it can god damn get moving quickly when it recognizes the virus immediately.

It doesn't fuck with anything else in your body.

Not getting vaccines for yourself or your children doesn't just affect you. It affects everyone around you in aggregate and has led to an almost extinct disease making a bounceback in a first world country. Good job, dumb dumbs.


There's just a fundamental misunderstanding of how immunizations. It gives your god damn immune system a god damn marker so it can god damn get moving quickly when it recognizes the virus immediately.

It doesn't fuck with anything else in your body.

Not getting vaccines for yourself or your children doesn't just affect you. It affects everyone around you in aggregate and has led to an almost extinct disease making a bounceback in a first world country. Good job, dumb dumbs.

Hasn't there been like a few vaccines that have been recalled? Not sure what the reasons were, but I feel like its happened.
Hasn't there been like a few vaccines that have been recalled? Not sure what the reasons were, but I feel like its happened.

It has happened.
CDC said:
Why would a vaccine or batch of vaccine be withdrawn or recalled?

There have been only a few vaccine recalls or withdrawals, most due to concerns about the vaccine's effectiveness, not its safety. When the strength of a vaccine lot has been reduced, those vaccines may not produce an immune response that is strong enough to protect against disease. Although those vaccines may not be effective, they are still safe. Vaccines are tested carefully and monitored continuously before and after they are licensed for use. If a vaccine lot is found to be unsafe, the FDA recalls it immediately.


Hasn't there been like a few vaccines that have been recalled? Not sure what the reasons were, but I feel like its happened.
This is how immunization works by Talon, doctor's boyfriend.

1. Vaccine: Foreign cells (let's call them Belichick) are used to illicit an immune response.
2. Immune system goes, "Hey, fuck, Belichick" and white blood cells come and gobble it up.
3. Your immune system now has learned: "If "Belichick", then "Gobble Up"
4. Next time Belichick shows up, your immune system is thinking, "Wait, I know exactly what this is. We need to kill it."


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Seriously, being against vaccines is like being against washing your hands. Your kids should be removed from your home if you refuse to get them vaccinated. "Hurr durrr, but mai kid won't catch polio and the teevee told me vaccines are science magic."

Motherfucker, your kid won't get polio because the rest of society isn't as fucking stupid as you, so the disease isn't spread as easily. Way to gamble that your kid will never leave the country and never run into immigrants, geniuses.

What's worse is that all of this is based on one debunked study that has been shredded to pieces by every single scientific review. I can't even imagine potentially killing my own child because my stupid fucking ass thought I knew more than an entire community of goddamn doctors. Protip, fuckstick, watching Dr. Oz and reruns of St. Elsewhere does not make you a fucking expert, nor does reading your barber's WordPress blog that ties vaccines with Nazism and Obamacare.

God I fucking hate these dipshits.


There's just a fundamental misunderstanding of how immunizations work. It gives your god damn immune system a god damn marker so it can god damn get moving quickly when it recognizes the virus immediately.

It doesn't fuck with anything else in your body.

Not getting vaccines for yourself or your children doesn't just affect you. It affects everyone around you in aggregate and has led to an almost extinct disease making a bounceback in a first world country. Good job, dumb dumbs.

Polite way of saying it
Seriously, being against vaccines is like being against washing your hands. Your kids should be removed from your home if you refuse to get them vaccinated. "Hurr durrr, but mai kid won't catch polio and the teevee told me vaccines are science magic."

Motherfucker, your kid won't get polio because the rest of society isn't as fucking stupid as you, so the disease isn't spread as easily. Way to gamble that your kid will never leave the country and never run into immigrants, geniuses.

What's worse is that all of this is based on one debunked study that has been shredded to pieces by every single scientific review. I can't even imagine potentially killing my own child because my stupid fucking ass thought I knew more than an entire community of goddamn doctors. Protip, fuckstick, watching Dr. Oz and reruns of St. Elsewhere does not make you a fucking expert, nor does reading your barber's WordPress blog that ties vaccines with Nazism and Obamacare.

God I fucking hate these dipshits.

But have you seen Jenny McCarthy's glasses, she is like smart now or something.
lol so much rage over vaccinations on here.

I've had all my shots ( I think), and don't have any kids, I'm not going to sit around and say this is the way the world works or pretend I know something I don't.

I'm not comfortable with shots in general, so that's probably why I'm not eager to like...get them, that being said, if I did have kids, I know plenty of doctor's and am smart enough to do proper research instead of googling "R Emoonizashuns Bad or Grood?"

So I'd probably do that if i was making a decision that would affect more lives than mine.

You folks are more heated about this than you were for the draft. Signs of being on GAF too long...


lol so much rage over vaccinations on here.

I've had all my shots ( I think), and don't have any kids, I'm not going to sit around and say this is the way the world works or pretend I know something I don't.

I'm not comfortable with shots in general, so that's probably why I'm not eager to like...get them, that being said, if I did have kids, I know plenty of doctor's and am smart enough to do proper research instead of googling "R Emoonizashuns Bad or Grood?"

So I'd probably do that if i was making a decision that would affect more lives than mine.

You folks are more heated about this than you were for the draft. Signs of being on GAF too long..

They should be. This isn't a fucking game!
There needs to be a few more "Benghazi" and "common core" mentions in here.

Nevada is adopting the next generation science standards next year, but there has been a hold up since they had to come up with a new name for it here since people were showing up at meetings to protest the new standards since they tied to common core in peoples minds. My department chair said she went to a public meeting on the new standards and it was 2 hours of people yelling about Obama and common core the whole time.


Seriously, being against vaccines is like being against washing your hands. Your kids should be removed from your home if you refuse to get them vaccinated. "Hurr durrr, but mai kid won't catch polio and the teevee told me vaccines are science magic."

Motherfucker, your kid won't get polio because the rest of society isn't as fucking stupid as you, so the disease isn't spread as easily. Way to gamble that your kid will never leave the country and never run into immigrants, geniuses.

What's worse is that all of this is based on one debunked study that has been shredded to pieces by every single scientific review. I can't even imagine potentially killing my own child because my stupid fucking ass thought I knew more than an entire community of goddamn doctors. Protip, fuckstick, watching Dr. Oz and reruns of St. Elsewhere does not make you a fucking expert, nor does reading your barber's WordPress blog that ties vaccines with Nazism and Obamacare.

God I fucking hate these dipshits.

Thank you, WW.


lol so much rage over vaccinations on here.

I've had all my shots ( I think), and don't have any kids, I'm not going to sit around and say this is the way the world works or pretend I know something I don't.

I'm not comfortable with shots in general, so that's probably why I'm not eager to like...get them, that being said, if I did have kids, I know plenty of doctor's and am smart enough to do proper research instead of googling "R Emoonizashuns Bad or Grood?"

So I'd probably do that if i was making a decision that would affect more lives than mine.

You folks are more heated about this than you were for the draft. Signs of being on GAF too long...

Diseases have returned due to people not vaccinating, it's a very real threat. Much more serious than any goofy Freeman pics or whatever we usually post in here :p

Just want to make sure people know the truth about this stuff!!


Nevada is adopting the next generation science standards next year, but there has been a hold up since they had to come up with a new name for it here since people were showing up at meetings to protest the new standards since they tied to common core in peoples minds. My department chair said she went to a public meeting on the new standards and it was 2 hours of people yelling about Obama and common core the whole time.
What %age of the people showing up to those meetings are aware that this originated from the states?


lol so much rage over vaccinations on here.

I've had all my shots ( I think), and don't have any kids, I'm not going to sit around and say this is the way the world works or pretend I know something I don't.

I'm not comfortable with shots in general, so that's probably why I'm not eager to like...get them, that being said, if I did have kids, I know plenty of doctor's and am smart enough to do proper research instead of googling "R Emoonizashuns Bad or Grood?"

So I'd probably do that if i was making a decision that would affect more lives than mine.

You folks are more heated about this than you were for the draft. Signs of being on GAF too long...

It shouldn't be a topic of discussion because there is no good reason not to get them, "I don't like shots" isn't a good reason.


Fear of a GAF Planet


e - And here's Brandon Marshall signing his contract.



I had to read about this in an ethics course, but the whole "vaccines cause autism" thing started due to a scientific paper published during the 90s that claimed the existing MMR vaccine was linked to cases of autism. Of course, it turned out that the entire study was bullshit, it's conclusions contradictory to the actual scientific evidence collected by the researchers. The study was carried out and funded by a guy who was working with a pharmaceutical company to market and sell an alternative to the existing vaccine. Since then the paper has been retracted by the journal that published, the dude has been banned from further research, and he's been sued by pretty much everyone involved. So you've got all this people denying vaccinations for their kids based essentially on a hoax and the media's reporting of it.


It has happened.

Thought so. Don't think the FDA would ever let one that negatively affected a vast majority people slip by.

This is how immunization works by Talon, doctor's boyfriend.

1. Vaccine: Foreign cells (let's call them Belichick) are used to illicit an immune response.
2. Immune system goes, "Hey, fuck, Belichick" and white blood cells come and gobble it up.
3. Your immune system now has learned: "If "Belichick", then "Gobble Up"
4. Next time Belichick shows up, your immune system is thinking, "Wait, I know exactly what this is. We need to kill it."

Perfect sense! I understood the reason for them, but yeah, I'm not surprised people think they have hidden side effects and exist to secretly harm us lol.


Thought so. Don't think the FDA would ever let one that negatively affected a vast majority people slip by.

Perfect sense! I understood the reason for them, but yeah, I'm not surprised people think they have hidden side effects and exist to secretly harm us lol.

Don't forget. Pollio vaccine in Africa caused AIDS!
Thought so. Don't think the FDA would ever let one that negatively affected a vast majority people slip by.

Perfect sense! I understood the reason for them, but yeah, I'm not surprised people think they have hidden side effects and exist to secretly harm us lol.

Damn Obamer is using vaccines to control our kids minds and turn them into gay muslins.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Like I said, that's not enough to bar me from getting them. I try to stay healthy, I just said I'm not eager to get the shots.

But you realize the absurdity of wondering as to the safeness of the vaccines, when you and people who are stringently against them are alive and walking because they had the shots, right? Just take a look at the mortality rates of things like influenza and polio before vaccines were invented for them. Shit was astronomical.

It's like somebody who got a blood transfusion to save their lives is suddenly against sharing blood because a Playboy bunny told them it was bad.

I just can't fathom this depth of crazy.
You were probably using your cell phone too close to your nards you dummy, didnt ya know that your iphone can give you cancer!!

I dont know if you are kidding but I also had to get my left one removed and I used to always keep my phone in my left front pocket when I wasnt using it.
I love Nintendo games too but not everyone loves their games.

There are a lot of people who definitely favor story and style over gameplay. I think those people are Jet fans and mouth breathing morons but that is their money and they can spend it on whatever they want.

It makes me sad seeing the death of the Japanese games industry though. But I appear to be in the minority as most gamers want watered down PC games on their consoles and garbage on their phones.
I'm with you on all of this, especially the part about Japanese games.
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