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NFL Offseason Thread 3 - Drowney for Clowney Mech, Drowney for Clowney.


Persecution Complex
Hope you feel better!!

But lol why in the seven hells did you get a shot in the ass man, last I checked our ass is pretty far away from your ankle!! Maybe your X-ray technician just wanted to take a peek at your derrier!!

He said it needed to be in a place where there was a lot of muscle tissue. Before I hurt my ankle, I was following the Stafford Offseason Training Program so my ass is indeed nice and firm.

I'm going to find somewhere to host the pics cause when I took off my stent I was shocked at how ugly, swollen and deformed my ankle was. The doctor (not foot doctor) said I will probably require surgery before I even took an X-ray.

I go in for an MRI on Wednesday to find out exactly what tendon or ligament I tore. It certainly wasn't an ankle sprain like I originally thought.

Next time you see an NFL player tear an Achilles heal or ankle ligament just remember how bad this shit hurts and how badly it effects there athleticism.

The fact that AP came back from a knee ligament tear and performed the way he did the season after is something to truly appreciate.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Gata you do realize that a billion Florida dollars is worth about $7.50 in the States. You ain't buying a person. You might be able to buy a quarter pounder with cheese at McD's.

Don't get that Lunchbox syndrome. Ol walk around the trailer park with twenty dollars thinking he made it ass ninja

I'm fairly certain they operate on a barter system in Flordia. Like you pay the rent for your trailer with crystal meth.


The fact that AP came back from a knee ligament tear and performed the way he did the season after is something to truly appreciate.

Sizewise Houston is the biggest fucking city I have ever seen.

When I was there for the Ravens game, I felt the same way, except it was so empty downtown at certain times. I remember stopping my car in the middle of the street and just looking around at how no cars or people were around.


I'm going to post pics later but I defiantly tore something in my left ankle.

I'm still at the doctors and I just got a very awkward anti inflammatory shot in the ass by a male X-ray tech. I thought I was going to get a shot in the arm and when he walked in he had a smile and was like your getting a shot in the ass.

What kinda shady place are you going to where an X-ray tech/M.A. is allowed to give you toradol injection?

Also a mother's immune system will only protect a child for like 6 months (breast milk) before the child starts to become exposed to dirty poors like Gata.


That's not quite how vaccines work young man!!

And I know how to feel like a man. When I play basketball on Sundays and I reject a young man half my age I feel rejuvenated and alive. I can continue being a man for another 10 or so years using this formula. Until that day when my son sons me at basketball. From that day on I will no longer be a man. Even though I will still be able to beat anyone on GAF at ping pong you can't claim to be a man after you son has just schooled you at basketball. Its not quite as bad as cuckholding but it is definitely a low point.

I will act like Lunchbox from that point onwards to try and disguise it.

And I know how to feel like a man. When I play basketball on Sundays and I reject a young man half my age I feel rejuvenated and alive. I can continue being a man for another 10 or so years using this formula. Until that day when my son sons me at basketball. From that day on I will no longer be a man. Even though I will still be able to beat anyone on GAF at ping pong you can't claim to be a man after you son has just schooled you at basketball. Its not quite as bad as cuckholding but it is definitely a low point.

I will act like Lunchbox from that point onwards to try and disguise it.

Ah, the Michael Jordan formula.



And I know how to feel like a man. When I play basketball on Sundays and I reject a young man half my age I feel rejuvenated and alive. I can continue being a man for another 10 or so years using this formula. Until that day when my son sons me at basketball. From that day on I will no longer be a man. Even though I will still be able to beat anyone on GAF at ping pong you can't claim to be a man after you son has just schooled you at basketball. Its not quite as bad as cuckholding but it is definitely a low point.

I will act like Lunchbox from that point onwards to try and disguise it.
i never was able to play my dad in basketball in my early teens because he had a bad back, but looking back on it he might have just been faking it to avoid getting embarrassed.


I was wondering the same thing....I thought the X-ray tech just took X-rays.

The doc and x-ray tech must've heard kas going :kas, so they figured they could've swindled him on a injection, they probably just gave him 5cc of normal saline and billed him for toradol.

I'm legally not allowed to, but I've pushed morphine and heparin plenty of times.


Speaking of sons and MJ, how can both of his sons be such fuck-ups? Resident biologists/geneticists, help me out?

You figure the genes would spread to at least one of them. Both of those dudes aren't shit though
Shitty people make for shitty parents. Shitty parents make subpar kids.

Also maybe his wife was not athletic and they got her genes? Also perhaps they didn't have Scottie Pippen and Dennis Rodmans kids there to bail them out?


what the fuck is going on in this thread

are you guys arguing with someone or just really passionate towards educating gata

Gata asks me where I'm born at least once a month.

No matter how many times I tell him or spell it out for him he seems to forget.


I love that there is a headline, "Dolphins rated Fede ahead of Michael Sam." Hopefully this is the first in a 250 part series of articles.
Jets were asked straight up about Sam and Idzik declined to comment despite positive comments by Jets coaches earlier in the year about Sam.

Few people questioned them picking IK Enemkpali over Sam.

Its tough to tell. On one hand the Jets under Idzik clearly don't want any unnecessary media Attention but on the other hand players rise and fall all of the time and I'm not sure the Jets or Sam would want to go through another Tebow situation.

I'm convinced Goodell called Fisher and told the Rams they need to draft him for the sake of the league. Fisher's competition committee position and long commitment to the league I bet he would do it for the NFL. Plus he is from a local school and the Rams are the most boring franchise in the NFL.

No team wanted to take the risk on a gay player.

I wonder how different it would have been if Sam never "came out" before the draft and his draft reaction video was the first time America and NFL owners saw him.

Only way we will know is through leaks of draft boards.

This is the stuff that would make an interesting book 4-10 years from now.


Really, are there any athlete superstars with kids that are anywhere near as good as them?

Lets be honest, if you were a professional superstar athlete, you're not going for an Amazonian warrior, you're gonna go for the non-athletic big titty popping white woman.

Unless of course you get with Alex Morgan.


Fear of a GAF Planet
Really, are there any athlete superstars with kids that are anywhere near as good as them?

Lets be honest, if you were a professional superstar athlete, you're not going for an Amazonian warrior, you're gonna go for the non-athletic big titty popping white woman.

Unless of course you get with Alex Morgan.



Speaking of sons and MJ, how can both of his sons be such fuck-ups? Resident biologists/geneticists, help me out?

You figure the genes would spread to at least one of them. Both of those dudes aren't shit though

MJ is a douche.

Really, are there any athlete superstars with kids that are anywhere near as good as them?

Lets be honest, if you were a professional superstar athlete, you're not going for an Amazonian warrior, you're gonna go for the non-athletic big titty popping white woman.

Unless of course you get with Alex Morgan.

Don't forget Hall of Famers Arichie Manning and Oliver Luck!

To Archie's defense, he went to the Saints.


Really, are there any athlete superstars with kids that are anywhere near as good as them?

Lets be honest, if you were a professional superstar athlete, you're not going for an Amazonian warrior, you're gonna go for the non-athletic big titty popping white woman.

Unless of course you get with Alex Morgan.

Shelden Williams' kids will probably be better than him. It's not a high bar to pass AND his wife is better at basketball than he is.

Oh, you said superstars. Never mind.


Barry Sanders JR sucks
Shawn Kemp JR sucks
Jerry Rice JR sucks
Joe Montana JR sucks

Notice a trend? You don't name or call someone junior unless you want them to suck.


Really, are there any athlete superstars with kids that are anywhere near as good as them?

Lets be honest, if you were a professional superstar athlete, you're not going for an Amazonian warrior, you're gonna go for the non-athletic big titty popping white woman.

Unless of course you get with Alex Morgan.

Mannings and Matthews?


On one hand it would be cool to be the first team to draft an openly gay player.

On the other hand if you are only focused on winning a championship you would not want the added attention and distraction unless the guy is the next LT (which he probably is not).

That said this if Sam does make it I hope he has a sack dance that is extremely gay and uncomfortable to Joe Buck. That is worth any fine.


On one hand it would be cool to be the first team to draft an openly gay player.

On the other hand if you are only focused on winning a championship you would not want the added attention and distraction unless the guy is the next LT (which he probably is not).

That said this if Sam does make it I hope he has a sack dance that is extremely gay and uncomfortable to Joe Buck. That is worth any fine.

Yeah I can't see him with underage women.
On one hand it would be cool to be the first team to draft an openly gay player.

On the other hand if you are only focused on winning a championship you would not want the added attention and distraction unless the guy is the next LT (which he probably is not).

That said this if Sam does make it I hope he has a sack dance that is extremely gay and uncomfortable to Joe Buck. That is worth any fine.

What would the media reaction be if Sam got a celebration penalty or fine? I can only imagine...


Oh, do I love college group projects!

Here is the fun exchange for today. Basically, a group project was assigned in the second week of a once a week class. I forgot who was assigned to my group and asked the Professor for an email list. He sent one out with a little over two weeks left in the class, and I emailed the group. Only one person responded and he told me they were almost done, and if they needed anything they would let me know.

Check my final grade today, and it's awful! I sent out another email to the group. The one that responded said he had my name on the paper and sent me a copy. Then within minutes a silent member from the group responds in that "douchebag with the sideways cap meme" fashion.

Here is the end of our amazing conversation. He also gives me one of the best replies I've ever been emailed.

Him: The paper we have dont have your name on it man, you didn't email us till too late we were already turning it in, I'm not trying to be a dick but it's not fair to us either, you didn't have our emails and we didn't have yours or know you were even in our group

Sent from my iPhone

Me: Again, I'm not quite certain you understand the concept of group work. Even if you say you aren't "trying to be a dick", the fact that you are responding in real time from your iPhone suggests you created this narrative.

Him: I was the captain of the baseball team, I got a pretty good idea of what being a team member is but anyway I'm done emailing about it you emailed is 2 weeks before the end of class not out fault.

Sent from my iPhone


so did you do any work on this project or did they just do it without talking to you? i guess you should have been in touch with them a lot earlier if the project and groups were assigned in the second class, but it's weird that they didn't contact you.
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