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NFL Offseason Thread |OT2| Brought To You By Buckethead™

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...and the wife smacked my 2013 Mazda right into a fucking telephone pole this morning (this is after totaling her car a few months ago). Yay fun this Friday morning.

Sounds like last January for me. My wife still had temp tags on her 2012 Forester and took it into a ditch after a bad snow.
Was quite the bit of damage.
You are? :jnc.

My wife doesn't have her license. I'm apprehensive to teach her to drive my car (which is a manual transmission) for fear that she does what your wife did.
Heh no. I'm only kidding with the driving thing. It's an accident. It happens and I hardly have any control of telling my wife to do anything.:jnc

She just totaled a 2003 Saturn Vue she had about 6 months ago going down a one way street ...err the wrong way. This time she hits a telephone pole in a parking lot. The first time, it was a street that isn't terribly well marked and to be fair, the entire intersection is a fucking mess so I couldn't blame her too much. Plus it was our second car so it didn't hurt mobility overall.

This time, it's the new car and well, it's a bit more boneheaded so I was slightly more pissed about it. Still, what are you gonna do? Go off over a scenario that you can't control? I've got the insurance guy coming out either today or Monday to evaluate and hopefully we can get it into a repair/body shop as the damage is primarily to the front side (and it's pretty bad as the windshield wiper fluid tank is hanging out and the entire front part of the body is trashed, etc.). I'm just hoping the frame didn't take any damage and it isn't totaled again. If it is, I've got gap coverage insurance on the car so if they do end up paying out the value, the gap will cover the rest. It's just a matter of dealing with the whole mess and then having to buy another new fucking car in the process.

Not to mention the whole rental situation, etc.


Getting your new car in an accident is the worst.

If you wreck an old piece of shit from the 80s it doesn't hurt at all. But when you wreck a brand new car it is a bad feeling. It is going to cost a lot of money to fix it and honestly the car is never the same, usually a lot of other bullshit problems seem to follow it for the rest of the time you own it.

Future I hope you get some awesome sex out of that at least. I would be super pissed if my wife did something that stupid. The worst she has done so far is scratching someones car while leaving a garage. It was minor damage but it is embarassing waiting for that person to come back and tell them what you did. My wife chickened out and left a note with our information on it.

I was only in one accident, this stupid old bitch rear ended me at a stop light and then drove off. I got her license but it was a nightmare getting the cops to help. The accident happened right between the border or DC and VA (and right on the border between two counties). Every cop was trying to pass it off. I did yell at the one VA cop when he told me it was VA because we could see which side of the river we were on. It took like 4 hours to get the cops to help me. I wussed out in the end and did not press charges on that crazy old bitch. My car was never the same!


I am really happy they are moving on from him. He looks like a solid CB but he just doesnt excite me like guys like Deion or Woodson did when they came out. I want Jordan, a tackle, or trade down. I would love to see them trade down and get Chance but I doubt he will last to long. Not sure what pick OG value starts at, but that is the pick where Chance will be taken.

I think Floyd is out of the running too. Sucks cause he is a local kid and would have made a great story. Grew up loving the Eagles but he seems to fit best in a 4-3. Some talk about Dion Jordan being to easy to push around and is best suited in coverage and as a blitzer.

I wonder it says about him if his former head coach and DLINE coach both pass up on him. Probably nothing and just that they don't value him as high as #4. I still think the Eagles take a good look at Long in the 2nd round if they don't get a tackle in the first round. Again played for Chip and would allow for Todd to move back in. Then again also hearing that since Todd got a pay raise and is paid like a Tackle now they might be hesitant to move him back to G at that salary. Would suck if a football decision is made bases on position salaries.
Getting your new car in an accident is the worst.

If you wreck an old piece of shit from the 80s it doesn't hurt at all. But when you wreck a brand new car it is a bad feeling. It is going to cost a lot of money to fix it and honestly the car is never the same, usually a lot of other bullshit problems seem to follow it for the rest of the time you own it.
Well, the money isn't that big of a deal. It's $500 out of my pocket for the deductible and the insurance covers the rest of the costs for the repair. With two accidents in 6 months though, I guarantee my fucking premiums are going to skyrocket.
It was the Eagles Super Bowl performance of internet insults.

Man you must really think little of the Pats if a 3 point loss to them is as bad as that pathetic attempt at an insult.

I think Floyd is out of the running too. Sucks cause he is a local kid and would have made a great story. Grew up loving the Eagles but he seems to fit best in a 4-3. Some talk about Dion Jordan being to easy to push around and is best suited in coverage and as a blitzer.

I wonder it says about him if his former head coach and DLINE coach both pass up on him. Probably nothing and just that they don't value him as high as #4. I still think the Eagles take a good look at Long in the 2nd round if they don't get a tackle in the first round. Again played for Chip and would allow for Todd to move back in. Then again also hearing that since Todd got a pay raise and is paid like a Tackle now they might be hesitant to move him back to G at that salary. Would suck if a football decision is made bases on position salaries.
There is a ton of talk about the Eagles bringing in a tackle, so I cant imagine they would keep Todd there over a little bit of money. If anything I would think if it bothered them they would just ask him to take a paycut. NFL teams do that to guys all the time. I love Jordan as an outside blitzer and think that is a position that the Eagles still need to fill.


:lol Sweed

Never saw anyone drop that many wide open passes. But at least he helped make things exciting!

Well, the money isn't that big of a deal. It's $500 out of my pocket for the deductible and the insurance covers the rest of the costs for the repair. With two accidents in 6 months though, I guarantee my fucking premiums are going to skyrocket.
Yeah they are going to bend you over.

Just bite down on something and think pleasant thoughts.


I was only in one accident, this stupid old bitch rear ended me at a stop light and then drove off. I got her license but it was a nightmare getting the cops to help. The accident happened right between the border or DC and VA (and right on the border between two counties). Every cop was trying to pass it off. I did yell at the one VA cop when he told me it was VA because we could see which side of the river we were on. It took like 4 hours to get the cops to help me. I wussed out in the end and did not press charges on that crazy old bitch. My car was never the same!

Some kind of lawyer you are.



Gil Brandt update his top 100. Obviously he's super connected, and he's a big Geno fan. If you read Gil's stuff, he's never shy about calling out work habits and learning issues, and he says Geno has really matured over the years. Has him as 7th best prospect.

Also has Patterson as 8th, but needs to be coached up. Not sure on Patterson. LZ has him out of the first round altogether based on stuff he takes as pretty credible. Russ Lande also has a red flag on Patterson


I think the Eagles will go with Star if he is available.

Yeah right now my gut feeling is that if they stay put at 4, they take Star or one of the OTs left.

I'd be fine with either. Build up the lines first and foremost. Of course if they trade down all bets are off and there are rumors that in that scenario they can take a look at everyone from Chance Warmack to Tavon Austin.


Some kind of lawyer you are.
Her going to jail and getting raped by some Pats fan was not going to get me anything.

Her insurance already agreed to pay for everything. I can't get too excited about putting an old crazy lady behind bars.

I don't approve of running up the score in real life or on the football field. Karma is a bitch. Not sure you Pats fans will understand this concept though!
NY Post has an article up about the Cruz situation with more speculative details on the contract offer on the table:


There is a standing offer from the Giants averaging slightly more than $7 million per year, believed to be a four- or five-year deal worth between $29 and $36 million, with $12 million to $15 million in guaranteed money.

Cruz, after not getting a sniff of another offer, can sign that deal or else sign the one-year tender that will pay him $2.879 million and allow him to become an unrestricted free agent after the 2013 season. Of course, the Giants for 2014 could designate Cruz their franchise player, meaning they essentially can block him from going elsewhere until 2015.

Jason Cole also has an article up on Yahoo sports with sources saying he'll sign:


Cruz, who has spent more than a year haggling with the franchise over a long-term deal, not only was moved to Creative Artists Agency through his relationship with Jay-Z, but has told at least two people that he plans to stay with the Giants long-term. Cruz, according to two sources, wants to take advantage of the business and marketing opportunities he envisions with Roc Nation, the marketing company Jay-Z (whose real name is Shawn Carter) founded.

"[Cruz] told his agents not to sign him with another team because he wants to work with Jay-Z," a source said. "There might have been a couple of teams interested, but he didn't want to go anywhere."

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Oh imagine the fun this thread would be going if this was still in ot, I take it from the suspension, that it was a complete fuck up on her part?

We're in the community dungeon, its safe.

There's a women drivers video on YouTube that's one of the funniest things ever. That said, the worst drivers in Houston are overly aggressive guys driving pickup trucks. Second place would be overly aggressive soccer moms.

Oh man, I almost fulfilled one thing on my bucket list: punching someone square in the face. Car salesmen are suuuuuuch pricks.

Yes they are. I low balled a guy on a used car and he was actually pissed by my initial offer. He started acting like a jackass because he couldn't believe I had the nerve.
ACL tears aren't like they used to be. Revis is worth two first rounders and he's barely rehabbing.
How many shut down corners are there in the NFL who play at the level of Revis when he's healthy? Very few to none.

As much as I like Victor, I can't say that comparison is worthwhile.

The question he would be asking himself is if he does indeed go to a team that overpays him next year, how much endorsement money is he leaving on the table? If the report is correct, that's apparently important to him.


If Cole is right, and he wants to be in NY so he can have all his Jay-Z salsa marketing money, he has no leverage. Unless he wants to sign with the Jets

Seriously, this is a LeBron situation(his actual contract doesn't matter compared to his endorsements), he takes less is seen as a hero, especially in this area (his hometown's like 5 miles from the Meadowlands), and he's a proud latino that targets a market that the nfl hasn't really had many stars in, and his homemarket has alot of.


Fear of a GAF Planet
How many shut down corners are there in the NFL who play at the level of Revis when he's healthy? Very few to none.

As much as I like Victor, I can't say that comparison is worthwhile.

The question he would be asking himself is if he does indeed go to a team that overpays him next year, how much endorsement money is he leaving on the table? If the report is correct, that's apparently important to him.

I know you're making the Giants' case, but let's be real. That offer he's got now is a joke. I'm obviously not saying he's worth two firsts, but he's worth $10-12 million a year. I put him in the class with DeSean, Wallace and Harvin. He can be a hero to Latinos in plenty of other cities, especially one's that are further south. Like San Diego or Miami or Dallas etc. It'd be nice to see him take a 'home town' discount. But this is the NFL and that shit rarely happens.
Seriously, this is a LeBron situation(his actual contract doesn't matter compared to his endorsements), he takes less is seen as a hero, especially in this area (his hometown's like 5 miles from the Meadowlands), and he's a proud latino that targets a market that the nfl hasn't really had many stars in, and his homemarket has alot of.

Couldnt he do all that with the Jets, while getting paid more, and also get to be the big star rather then just one of the guys?


Fear of a GAF Planet
More appropriate contract money talk. Courtesy of AJ Hawk. Speaking about Fraudgers.

He deserves every dime he's going to get. He's going to get a billion dollars, probably, so I'm OK with anything they want to give him, because he's one of the best in the world and he deserves everything.
I know you're making the Giants' case, but let's be real. That offer he's got now is a joke. I'm obviously not saying he's worth two firsts, but he's worth $10-12 million a year. I put him in the class with DeSean, Wallace and Harvin.
Wallace was seriously overpaid. Do you think the Steelers should have paid him the contract he got?

DeSean got 15 million guaranteed when all was said and done and the jury is out on whether Harvin lives up to that contract and the amount they traded off for him. Plus Harvin is a space player who does far more than just man the slot.

Cruz for as dynamic as he is, primarily is a slot receiver. The market set the value for that position with the Welker/Amendola contract for better or worse and forgetting the "Giants case" - no I don't think he's worth $10-12 million dollars a year when Hakeem Nicks (the teams #1 receiver), JPP and Linval Joseph are all coming due for big money contracts.

I think 8-8.5 million (Antonio Brown money) makes sense to me in so far as what Cruz should be signing/fighting for. 10-12? Nope.
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