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NFL Offseason Thread |OT3| Mock draft Central sponsored by the Shirtless League


It isn't Thursday you fucks! I'm telling myself that most of these guys have played DOA for a long time...which is probably true.

I feel like I can still do better than average in shooters against pubs but I can't play competitvely anymore like I used to. Part of the reason is that there's a lot more variety to the killing and more things to take into account.

And every damn shooter game is played like COD. Hate that Shit and now RB6 is turning into a clone


Next year my kids will be 5.

I expect them to be old enough to play basketball, ping pong and ride a bike without training wheels.

This is going to be college 2.0 for me once this happens. I will be playing the shit I love non-stop*!

* This is the plan, lets see if it actually happens.
I'll probably have to play them if I want some competition from your family!

And every damn shooter game is played like COD. Hate that Shit and now RB6 is turning into a clone
that's what you deserve for calling SOCOM boring

enjoy your respawn and mountain dew perks for the rest of your life


I'll probably have to play them if I want some competition from your family!

that's what you deserve for calling SOCOM boring

enjoy your respawn and mountain dew perks for the rest of your life

CoD was good but started to go really bad at MW3. When I got into a long range firefight with someone and I have an assault riddle and he has an auto pistol and headshots me from 100 yards away was when I realized "fuck this!" And Socom WAS boring.

Sorry greg, it's true.
Are you telling me that I'm at least 6000 years old?

God dammit what the fuck!
Truth hurts

Edit: Took my first good poop in like a week.

Thanks to everyone that helped with the mock. I had strep throat over the weekend and it consisted of feeling like shit and making myself feel better with video games.:/
I dunno but theres a place coming called Blaze Pizza that kind of works like that.
It's an incredible idea, I'm surprised I haven't seen it before. They only do personal size pizzas and they make everything fresh right in front of you then send it through an oven that cooks it in 2 minutes. It's incredible how perfectly cooked it is too, they really have the process perfected.

Thanks to everyone that helped with the mock. I had strep throat over the weekend and it consisted of feeling like shit and making myself feel better with video games.:/
Ah, that is brutal. Hope you feel better soon!
The reason it's not a doritos locos taco in the stafford gif is Stafford doesn't want all that cheese dust over his fingers affected the flavor of the other tacos in his 20 pack.
Thanks. On a positive note, I finished NG+ in Bloodborne and started up Dark Souls II.

I'm getting my ass handed to me. Specifically because I'm still playing the game like Bloodborne.;)
Haha, that's kind of what happened to me when I first started Bloodborne. I was so used to having a shield, it was weird at first.

I am really curious to see what going back to that game feels like after playing Bloodborne. I'm not sure what to expect.
I got 4% raise.

Slowly slowly pulling myself up by my bootstraps. With every added dollar added to my paycheck I hate the poors more.

Edit: conflicting because I am still a poor myself.


Yeah generally you get a few % raise a year just for inflation. The big ones tend to be for promotions or switching jobs.

In honor of our fallen Patriot, Gata, I propose today be #TomBradyTuesday even though it isn't Tuesday.

In our hearts, every day is Tuesday.

#TomBradyTuesday #RIPgata

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