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NFL Offseason Thread |OT3| The Long Wait

Jerry Jones Garretted Jason Garret with Bill Callahan.

Curious to see if things play out as poorly as they did for Wade Phillips. The team eventually just threw their hands in the air and gave up. At this point, I'd be shocked if Garrett is the head coach in 2014.

God bless you, Jerry. You do everything you can to keep that team irrelevant.

Eli is a goober!


*looks down at Kave*

Yep. No leg to stand on there.
Every once in awhile I'll stumble over to the Humble Bundle site to see what's going on and the bundles they throw up never cease to amaze me. I have about 45 games from those things and I've probably paid around $25 total. Now I just need to actually play some of them...
You're my favorite Dutch NFL-Age poster. If only you weren't a Pats fan.

You didn't call me a German! You're now a member of my BFF club with the Shirtless League and Bionic.

How easy would it be for a non-soccer/football player to pick up?

Gameplay wise there is a learning curve. It's like the NBA 2K series, but when you control it, it's amazing.

From a soccerknowledge perspective it might be more fun to play with a team you root for, but you can learn about the teams whilst playing, and you might actually start rooting for a team because of it.

The game is great, if you're willing to invest some time in it.

"Throws that Brady can't make" isn't very specific though!

You're out of the BFF club.
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