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NFL Offseason Thread |OT3| The Long Wait


Larry Grant was busted for PEDs shortly after leaving the 49ers.

After all, when there's smoke, there's fire.

I agree. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Lots of cheating in Seattle

edit: The Red Band MGSV trailer is amazing. I love his crazy crap in small doses, but doubt I could ever finish a game with 7 hours of cutscenes


Please tell me how they are raping me? I ALWAYS play online on my 360 because I like to use party chat and see what my friends are up to online. I NEVER buy used games, why should I when I can afford new? So these 'restrictions' aren't shit to me. So pray tell, how are they screwing me over?
You can buy what you want and it doesn't bother me. The only console I care about this gen so far is the 3DS, because its quality of software is miles above everything else. But you are in the minority that think MS is giving you a good deal. They are charging you 100 dollars more for inferior hardware and a peep cam into your sordid Cardinals bedroom. They are also adding in DRM and always online for no reason other than to make more money without giving you anything in return. Most people don't like to give up something they were used to doing without getting something substantial in return. You don't seem to care but that is you dawg. Just like the rest of us think MS is bending everyone over.


Please tell me how they are raping me? I ALWAYS play online on my 360 because I like to use party chat and see what my friends are up to online. I NEVER buy used games, why should I when I can afford new? So these 'restrictions' aren't shit to me. So pray tell, how are they screwing me over?

You sound a lot like snesfreak. There's no point in trying to tell you why you should get a PS4 over an XBone. Get the Xbone, be secretly disappointed and proceed to tell everyone that it was the best decision you ever made.

Hunter S.

You can buy what you want and it doesn't bother me. The only console I care about this gen so far is the 3DS, because its quality of software is miles above everything else. But you are in the minority that think MS is giving you a good deal. They are charging you 100 dollars more for inferior hardware and a peep cam into your sordid Cardinals bedroom. They are also adding in DRM and always online for no reason other than to make more money without giving you anything in return. Most people don't like to give up something they were used to doing without getting something substantial in return. You don't seem to care but that is you dawg. Just like the rest of us think MS is bending everyone over.
I almost want to quote this then remove the part about the 3DS and use it on fanboys elsewhere. Might do it.

@chan Damn, Do you live in Cali? It seems impossible to live in Cali and hate Mexican. Most of it elsewhere is Tex-Mex anyways with less spice for pussy ass gringos.


lol you guys are drama queens. If you are an online gamer and all your friends are on one console, that's what you should buy. That's the advice I'd give anyone. I mean if I was going to flip my shit over anti-consumerism, it would be the damn telcos and their cabal and how I have one real choice for cable and broadband. THAT is bullshit. DRM on Call of Duty is nothing


Sorry, I had to do this:

Blarry's infamous pic sums it up.

Also :JNC at the weak whores here and on GAF who are are talking themselves into the Xbone. MS could rape their grandparents in front of them and some gamers would still buy into it,

I enjoyed that video. Xbone pre-ordered.

Edit: When I talked with my kids about PS4 vs. XB1, it came down to 2 things. 1, Halo; 2, Project Spark. Done.

The only difference between this gen and next gen is that I will likely skip Sony altogether. I have a PS3 and no one in the house uses it.
So then buy an Xbox One. You seem to have your mind made up so I don't know why you're asking anyone to convince you of anything. You just made the argument to yourself as to why a PS4 doesn't make sense for you.

So you don't generally care about your consumer rights. That's fair but you asked for people to convince you to keep a PS4 preorder (that you made despite saying it doesn't have a single compelling exclusive...makes sense!) and are then arguing with them about why the Xbox One makes the most sense.

See my comments above.;)

I am buying an Xbox One, I pre-ordered both. My issue is that I felt PS3 had a poor run of getting exclusives but I loved the PS2 and I want to believe Sony can get back there. Obviously it helped having Square in their pocket back then. I am not bothered that there are no interesting games shown thus far, launches always suck. It's the lack luster run of the PS3 for me that is concerning. I guess I was hoping you guys would mention a game I missed or just share some of your enthusiasm for the system beyond that it's cheaper and lets you buy used games without fees. Speaking of which, turns out you have to pay a fee at the publishers discretion if you want to play used games online. Still better than Xbox's setup but it's false to say PS4 is DRM free.

I pre-ordered right after the conference last night, before the announcements that FFXV and KH3 were coming out on Xbox (statement was today) so yes, it makes sense ;) So not liking any of the exclusives revealed thus far means I never will? You guys have been so smitten that I just wanted to see what you guys are seeing but I guess it's simply that Xbox has DRM. I was curious what he meant by the PS4 being the Xbox 360 this time around, doesn't appear that way from our first impression and I expressed why I feel that way. Doesn't mean I'm not open to your interpretations, quite the contrary. I suppose I can cancel anytime before they are ready to ship so I'll see what news trickles out the rest of the year, especially Gamescon. Lol at losing my consumer rights. I can still trade my games in to Gamestop just as before. I can still buy used games from gamestop just as before. There simply *may* be a fee to activate a used game but I never buy used games so it's not relevant to me. We don't even know what these fees will be, could be a 5 buck fee but people are acting like they'll have to buy the game for double the price right now without any information.


@chan Damn, Do you live in Cali? It seems impossible to live in Cali and hate Mexican. Most of it elsewhere is Tex-Mex anyways with less spice for pussy ass gringos.

I live in Southern California surrounded by Messicans. I doubt many of you have had actual Messican food, like you said a lot of it is Tex-Mex food.

PS: Pho > menudo for curing hangovers.
I always love people who do the "Please tell my why I should" posts when everyone knows they have no intention of actually listening. Keep that junk in the gaming side, it's like 2001 all over again.


I enjoyed the Nintendo presentation. Short and sweet and not a lot of filler.

New Pokemon - would get if I had a 3DS.
New Mario - Meh. I think I'm only interested in the blockbuster, main-line titles like Galaxy, 64, etc.
"New" Zelda - Call me when they make a real "next-gen" Zelda, and not a remake.
New Mario Kart - Want. I'm a sucker for Mario Kart though.
New DKC - Looks cool, won't get until the price drops long after it comes out, though.
New Smash Bros. - Straight into my veins. HHHHNNNNNGGGHHHHHH MEGA MAN OMMGGGGGG

Also, Harbs is still throwing tantrums after we bent him and his team over our collective knee and gave them the spanking of their lives on national TV. He's not even the best coach in his immediate family, his opinions really aren't worth listening to.

Finally, pho is indeed amazing.

Hunter S.

I live in Southern California surrounded by Messicans. I doubt many of you have had actual Messican food, like you said a lot of it is Tex-Mex food.

PS: Pho > menudo for curing hangovers.
Most of it is Gringo style as I am surrounded by fellow gringos. Crossed the border enough to say I prefer the Northern spicy Mexican more than the Southern weaker style.

@Spectral E3 is going on and the only News we have on the NFL is Tebow made the obligatory castoration process required to join New England. Brady is the biggest example of how estrogen takes over once the balls are chopped off. In other words, no one should get mad over gaming opinions it is all fun and games until you join team New Vagina.


Preordered a PS4 on Amazon. Why not?
Are they given a quota, or will they continue to take pre-orders regardless of supply and deal with it closer to launch?

I've always been lucky with my pre-orders in actual stores, but there always seems to be a shortage/people getting turned down that had pre-orders.

edit: nevermind, I guess that launch edition picture answers that

PS - the new Black Dahlia Murder is out (didn't see it on Spotify yet). Less melodic as a whole which is slightly disappointing, but it's their heaviest release so far. Black metal influences pop in quite frequently now, and there's a lot more going on per song compared to something like Nocturnal.

lol you guys are drama queens. If you are an online gamer and all your friends are on one console, that's what you should buy. That's the advice I'd give anyone. I mean if I was going to flip my shit over anti-consumerism, it would be the damn telcos and their cabal and how I have one real choice for cable and broadband. THAT is bullshit. DRM on Call of Duty is nothing
Don't give in - make new online friends that play the games you actually enjoy instead (and that goes for either system)!

Not even my best friend could convince me to buy a system to play Call of Duty with him. I wouldn't do it even if The Great Jermichael Finley asked me to.


I know this is a stupid question, but is there any chance any of these upcoming shooters (Titanfall, Destiny, BF4 specifically) will allow console players to play against PC players?

One of my friends I usually play with doesn't seem to be open to switching to PS4, but I refuse to buy an Xbone unless they completely abandon their planned business model.
did you get the launch edition?! my brother
Browns and Dolphins fans endorse the PS4. Clearly, it's the console of winners.

What's the launch edition?

Are they given a quota, or will they continue to take pre-orders regardless of supply and deal with it closer to launch?

I've always been lucky with my pre-orders in actual stores, but there always seems to be a shortage/people getting turned down that had pre-orders.

PS - the new Black Dahlia Murder is out (didn't see it on Spotify yet). Less melodic as a whole which is slightly disappointing, but it's their heaviest release so far. Black metal influences pop in quite frequently now, and there's a lot more going on per song compared to something like Nocturnal.
I guess it's a quota because my friend told me the XBO ones ran out but I'm not positive. I've never actually gone to a store to pick up a system at launch, I'm usually too poor.

I was wondering if the new BDM was out yet. Nice to hear your impressions. I wish it was more on the melodic side but I'll be checking it out soon regardless.


It's not big, but there are a few restaurants. I think the food is slowly becoming trendy. I can finally find Banh Mi over here.

When I work at Fountain Valley Hospital we always go down the street for banh mi, buy 3 get 1 free. $1.50 each so $3.50 for 4 sandwiches. Two for myself and two for my partner, Vietnamese iced coffee ain't so shabby either, I get it black otherwise its sweetened with sweetened condensed milk.

There's something else you should try if you can find it, com tam. The Vietnamese say "com tam" is food you drink with.

You can buy what you want and it doesn't bother me. The only console I care about this gen so far is the 3DS, because its quality of software is miles above everything else. But you are in the minority that think MS is giving you a good deal. They are charging you 100 dollars more for inferior hardware and a peep cam into your sordid Cardinals bedroom. They are also adding in DRM and always online for no reason other than to make more money without giving you anything in return. Most people don't like to give up something they were used to doing without getting something substantial in return. You don't seem to care but that is you dawg. Just like the rest of us think MS is bending everyone over.
I love the 3DS library and have it already, no arguments there. I didn't say anything about good deals, clearly Sony has the better price value and the slight hardware advantage though I think MS cloud service will make that less of an issue. I just think the hyperbole against Xbox on this site is ridiculous. They already stated they aren't making a cent on fees charged for activating used games so how are they doing this for profit? I simply stated that the restrictions don't impact me because I didn't want that to be the sole reason I got back a response as to why I should get a PS4, that it doesn't have any. I agree that DRM is lame and the online thing is silly but lets be honest, how many people play offline more than on? Even if you have a shit connection, you can muster a log-in per 24 hrs of playing. People are making mountains out of molehills.
You sound a lot like snesfreak. There's no point in trying to tell you why you should get a PS4 over an XBone. Get the Xbone, be secretly disappointed and proceed to tell everyone that it was the best decision you ever made.

I always love people who do the "Please tell my why I should" posts when everyone knows they have no intention of actually listening. Keep that junk in the gaming side, it's like 2001 all over again.
Oh please. I have bought every console each generation, I'm the furthest thing from a fanboy. I was simply disappointed in the PS3 after enjoying the PS1 and 2 and that's the only reason I have concerns. Everything else about PS4 looks great, it's just that exclusive games are what it really comes down to for buying a system unless one truly outshines the other on third party games which didn't happen this gen. I was asking for some optimism but after a vague comment or two it turned into more slamming Xbox than providing reasons to get the PS4. I like both but was then forced into a defensive point that I guess made me look like an xbot. I just take issue with the hate for it on here. I guess you guys would rather slam one system and pretend I'm not interested in the other than actually answer my question.


I know this is a stupid question, but is there any chance any of these upcoming shooters (Titanfall, Destiny, BF4 specifically) will allow console players to play against PC players?

One of my friends I usually play with doesn't seem to be open to switching to PS4, but I refuse to buy an Xbone unless they completely abandon their planned business model.
I think there are a couple games that don't his now. It's one of those things that is up the to developer and how they think the game balances. With similar architectures, I'm sure we'll see more of it.


I too am in with a Launch Edition PS4. If you go to the standard edition it says they can't guarantee day one delivery, so it would seem that the Launch Editions will be day one

I've also got a pre-order for the Day 1 Xbone. Get a sweet achievement for that (I'll probably cancel it at some point)
I too am in with a Launch Edition PS4. If you go to the standard edition it says they can't guarantee day one delivery, so it would seem that the Launch Editions will be day one

I've also got a pre-order for the Day 1 Xbone. Get a sweet achievement for that (I'll probably cancel it at some point)
I checked mine and it says Launch Edition so I guess I'm good. It also says it's currently unavailable but I'm on the phone app. Can anyone else confirm that it's gone?

EDIT: Thanks, BlackGhost!


I too am in with a Launch Edition PS4. If you go to the standard edition it says they can't guarantee day one delivery, so it would seem that the Launch Editions will be day one

I've also got a pre-order for the Day 1 Xbone. Get a sweet achievement for that (I'll probably cancel it at some point)
Is there any other differences. Can't look it up atm. Only noticing at launch edition is sold out.


Is there any other differences. Can't look it up atm. Only noticing at launch edition is sold out.

No difference on Sony's end. Like BG just posted, it only separates which ones they can guarantee for launch. The XB1 is a limited edition thing with different packaging and controller
Is there any other differences. Can't look it up atm. Only noticing at launch edition is sold out.


"The standard version of the PlayStation 4 is identical to the Launch Edition. Due to high demand, we cannot guarantee Release-Date Delivery on the standard version of the PlayStation 4. We will deliver the standard version of PlayStation 4 as close to its release date as possible. "

Seems like the preorders last night/this morning exceeded their quota for launch availability, so they made another "SKU" for folks who still wanted to preorder.

EDIT:Twice beaten
I don't understand preorders. PS4 will have a much better lineup than Wii U (for example), but not at launch!

I'll buy one next year. I'll play an XBox One when someone figures out a way to do a timeshare. Console + games for a week, ship it back!

Mario Kart looks surprisingly different and fun. I still ain't buying a Wii U until the price drops.

The new Infamous was the best looking game at the show.
It's hard for me to get excited about any Mario Kart.

I'll say the response to Mario 3D World has been bizarre -- apart from a terrible name, it looks awesome. The only real problem with 3D Land was the smallness of the game. I guess people want it to look like 64 or Galaxy, and anything else is unacceptable.

The most disappointing thing about the Nintendo conference was all the 2014s...
and that Retro didn't have a Metroid ready to go...
On the plus side, David Wise.
You guys have been so smitten that I just wanted to see what you guys are seeing but I guess it's simply that Xbox has DRM.
I think the point of your original question was just to get to that comment which you could have just made without the pretense.

To answer your question (for shits and giggles cause it's not like you actually seem to care), no it's not just DRM but that's certainly a bullet point that's worth supporting. I have far greater faith in Sony's first party studios than anything Microsoft brings to the table. They can go on about spending 1 billion dollars on "new IP" but what happens 4 year from now? 5? They have no legacy or history of cultivating that type of game production and have consistently depended on third parties to fill in the gaps in their line-up. They can't even be bothered to produce titles for that bullshit camera they keep trying to pimp and yet I'm supposed to shell out $100 extra for it? Yeah, that's a bit disconcerting and I don't like and have never liked the direction the industry has taken towards motion gaming. Period.

What released for the PS3 may not have been to your liking but I'll vehemently disagree with you that Sony faltered with its first party library on the console. There's a slew of titles that I'll take over 90% of the titles that Microsoft releases from their studios. Bar none. Subjectivity for the win.

I also appreciate that Sony has an actual plan when it comes to backwards compatibility. Gaikai is not perfect but they've chosen to invest in it and mature the technology and with that they have the ability to continually add their back gaming catalog to the service when the PS5/PS6 etc. are on the horizon. You may have negative opinions on cloud gaming but the fact is they have a roadmap for how to handle that as we move to a more digital future. Microsoft has nothing. They have used game limitations, 24 hour online checks and no roadmap whatsoever to tell me what happens to my digital purchases when they decide to shut off Xbox One authentication servers 5-8 years from now. That happens to be important to me, yes.

Considering that 90% of third party titles are releasing for both platforms, the DRM stance for both companies and a $100 cheaper price point? Yeah it's an utter no brainer for me to pick up an PS4 at launch over an Xbox One. That's me. Do what you like.

Does that mean I detest Microsoft and will never own the Xbox One? No, that's hyperbolic bullshit but then that seems to be the sentiment your driving at. That we're all Sony shills incapable of "seeing the light". Ok, whatever.
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