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NFL Offseason Thread |OT3| The Long Wait


I just take issue with the hate for it on here. I guess you guys would rather slam one system and pretend I'm not interested in the other than actually answer my question.
That's because the question doesn't have an answer if you're basing your decision on exclusives. I've always been a fan of what Sony's first-party developers have put out, so I have nothing else to go on but faith they'll continue to deliver.

And on GT7 when it comes out in 2018.


Work has sucked almost all of my life force away. One of the few things I have left is buying tech products that I don't need and will never use enough to justify what I pay for them


After thinking it through Im going to wait out the new consoles.

MS showed me the games I would be most interested in but Sony showed me the no DRM/better price. Stick with my 360 until next year.


Work has sucked almost all of my life force away. One of the few things I have left is buying tech products that I don't need and will never use enough to justify what I pay for them
I don't understand preorders. PS4 will have a much better lineup than Wii U (for example), but not at launch!

I'll buy one next year. I'll play an XBox One when someone figures out a way to do a timeshare. Console + games for a week, ship it back!

For me, it's more precautionary than anything. Preordering from Amazon now means that I have it there for me at launch, and if I later decide to change my mind, I can cancel anytime without any charge.

No risk, so why not?


No difference on Sony's end. Like BG just posted, it only separates which ones they can guarantee for launch. The XB1 is a limited edition thing with different packaging and controller


"The standard version of the PlayStation 4 is identical to the Launch Edition. Due to high demand, we cannot guarantee Release-Date Delivery on the standard version of the PlayStation 4. We will deliver the standard version of PlayStation 4 as close to its release date as possible. "

Seems like the preorders last night/this morning exceeded their quota for launch availability, so they made another "SKU" for folks who still wanted to preorder.

EDIT:Twice beaten
Well poo. I should of jumped on the gravy train earlier. Oh well.

I've never purchased a console on the actual launch day. If I can't get it right away, it's not the biggest of deals, but I'm not likely to go to a store and pick one up, Amazon prime all the way! I think both MS and Sony learned from some hardware/firmware mistakes. I actually have a bit of faith in the launch consoles for some stupid reason.
Looks like everyone used Amazon to pre-order cept the gata

This gen will be so weird not owning all consoles. First time since I was a kid and my mom would only buy me a SuperNES


I think the point of your original question was just to get that comment which you could have just made without the pretense.

To answer your question (for shits and giggles cause it's not like you actually seem to care), no it's not just DRM but that's certainly a bullet point that's worth supporting. I have far greater faith in Sony's first part studios than anything Microsoft brings to the table. They can go on about spending 1 billion dollars on "new IP" but what happens 4 year from now? 5? They have no legacy or history off cultivating that type of game production and have consistently depended on third parties to fill in the gaps in their line-up. They can't even be bothered to produce titles for that bullshit camera they keep trying to pimp and yet I'm supposed to shell out $100 extra for it? Yeah, that's a bit disconcerting and I don't like and have never liked the direction of motion gaming. Period.

What released for the PS3 may not have been to your liking but I'll vehemently disagree with you that Sony faltered with its first party library on the console. There's a slew of titles that I'll take over 90% of the titles that Microsoft releases from their studios. Bar none. Subjectivity for the win.

I also appreciate that Sony has an actual plan when it comes to backwards compatibility. Gaikai is not perfect but they've chosen to invest in it and mature the technology and with that they have the ability to continually add their back gaming catalog the service when the PS5/PS6 etc. are on the horizon. You may have negative opinions on cloud gaming but the fact is they a roadmap for how to handle that as we move to a more digital future. Microsoft has nothing. They have used game limitations, 24 hour online check and no roadmap whatosever to tell me what happens to my digital purchases when they decide to shut off Xbox One authentication servers 5-8 years from now. That happens to be important to me, yes.

Considering that 90% of third party titles are releasing for both platforms, the DRM stance for both companies and a $100 cheaper price point? Yeah it's an utter no brainer for me to pick up an PS4 at launch over an Xbox One. That's me. Do what you like.

Does that mean I detest Microsoft and will never own the Xbox One? No, that's hyperbolic bullshit but then that seems to be the sentiment your driving at. That we're all Sony shills incapable of "seeing the light". Ok, whatever.

Wait, you aren't going crazy for Killer Instict, the greatest RARE IP FROM THE 1990's.

What's wrong with you!

Seriously, though even if you don't like Naughty Dog, there track record destroys anything from Microsoft first party, and I'm a nintendo fanboy at heart.
Oh please. I have bought every console each generation, I'm the furthest thing from a fanboy. I was simply disappointed in the PS3 after enjoying the PS1 and 2 and that's the only reason I have concerns. Everything else about PS4 looks great, it's just that exclusive games are what it really comes down to for buying a system unless one truly outshines the other on third party games which didn't happen this gen. I was asking for some optimism but after a vague comment or two it turned into more slamming Xbox than providing reasons to get the PS4. I like both but was then forced into a defensive point that I guess made me look like an xbot. I just take issue with the hate for it on here. I guess you guys would rather slam one system and pretend I'm not interested in the other than actually answer my question.

Who gives a shit if some random people on the net hate the Xbone and you don't? This is the thing I'll never be able to wrap my head around. Anyway, I'm not slamming anything. Well, except maybe the industry in general as I'm a jaded, crusty, old fuck. It's just that over the years I've seen your post a hundred times and it always ends the same way, where the poster just winds up defending his initial stance, most of the time rather loudly and kind of crazily. Whether it was intended as flame bait or not, that's usually what it turns into.
atleast we can all be sad together if something goes wrong

what launch games that we know of are you people getting?

Did they release the full launch list yet?

I'll grab Knack for sure and probably Killzone though I'm not really that excited for it. Launch is a weird time. You always end up buying games you would never normally get lol
The early impressions have been pretty fucking dire on it.:( I'm about as silly a Panzer Dragoon fan as there is *huge copy of Saga* and I want it to be great.


Well it did switch development to XB1 recently so hopefully it is just really early. Panzer Dragoon is one of my all time favorite franchises, I own ever game on the Saturn and Orta on the Xbox and I have very high hopes for CD.


Did they release the full launch list yet?

I'll grab Knack for sure and probably Killzone though I'm not really that excited for it. Launch is a weird time. You always end up buying games you would never normally get lol

I spend the first night scrolling through menus and setting up accounts anyway. Hope they get HBOGO. I'm just gonna hold off on old gen stuff and get the PS4 versions. I imagine GTA5 will get a port, hopefully for PC and PS4/XB1 launch
I spend the first night scrolling through menus and setting up accounts anyway. Hope they get HBOGO. I'm just gonna hold off on old gen stuff and get the PS4 versions. I imagine GTA5 will get a port, hopefully for PC and PS4/XB1 launch

Yeah They have basically said GT6 will be on PS4 at some point.


Setec Astronomer
If you're not a shareholder, don't act like one.

Unless the business involves moving an oblong ball pointed at opposite ends.


Unless you're making money like Bionic, I would never recommend getting a console at launch. The droughts are unbearable. And then you find yourself being the guy that is pressuring all your friends to get one so you aren't playing by yourself. Oh and RROD.


For all the talk of limited allocations at Gamestop, you can still get a guaranteed launch day XB1 from the MS Store. Wonder if there is just a lack of interest, or they are being really conservative after the disaster last time?
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