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NFL Offseason Thread |OT3| The Long Wait


In addition to being a meth dealer, Pete Carroll is also a 9/11 Truther


Is Seahawks coach Pete Carroll a 9/11 truther? That all depends: Does badgering a former four-star general about whether 9/11 was real make one a truther?

Here's what happened, according to a couple sources: Late last spring, retired general Peter Chiarelli, who had just finished his term as the Army's vice chief of staff, visited Carroll at the Seattle Seahawks headquarters. Chiarelli was expecting a pleasant meeting. After all, the pair had what important businesspeople tend to call synergies: Chiarelli—who grew up in Seattle—is a big Seahawks fan. His post-military work concerns traumatic brain injury research, a cause of some significance to the NFL. And both have plenty of experience leading groups of men on grand American stages.

The sit-down between Chiarelli and Carroll started off normally enough. They talked about the team, and then about head trauma. Chiarelli, who commanded the American forces in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom II, talked about the brain injuries he had seen there. But Chiarelli's mention of Iraq sent Carroll in another direction: He wanted to know if the September 11 attacks had been planned or faked by the United States government.

In particular, Carroll wanted to know whether the attack on the Pentagon had really happened. Chiarelli—who was the top-ranking Army official inside the Pentagon when American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into its western side—explained that it had. He said he had lost many colleagues. But Carroll didn't stop there. He ran through the whole 9/11 truther litany.

"Every 9/11 conspiracy theory you can think of, Pete asked about," said Riki Ellison, the former NFL linebacker who now runs the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance and introduced Carroll to Chiarelli. Ellison, along with Seahawks offensive line coach Pat Ruel, was at the meeting as well. "And he didn't stop at 9/11—he had lots of questions about the role of the military today." (Carroll does seem to have some fondness for the military. He lectured at a military-sponsored "conference on small unit excellence" in 2009, and last year Ellison connected him with Army soldiers at Camp Carroll in Korea.)

Carroll isn't crazy, Ellison said. He's just skeptical. "Pete grew up in California during Vietnam, and during Watergate. That's just the perspective he brings to the table."

So did the discussion last year turn hostile? A source close to Chiarelli, one who wasn't present when he spoke to Carroll, told us that it did. He said the general had to leave the room because Carroll had rankled him so thoroughly. Ellison told us that that wasn't true, that the discussion had remained friendly and "fun" throughout. A spokesman for Chiarelli at his foundation, One Mind for Research, did not respond to repeated phone and email requests.

Ellison said Carroll did only what anyone else would do: "Pete had a four-star general in the room, one of the army's top guys. Why wouldn't you push the envelope?"


good ol cheatin' pete. nothing is surprising anymore! cheats on the field, cheats off the field and believes in wild conspiracy theories

Maybe Harbs should do more cheating if he wants to stop losing to Pete by 30!

If you had the President alone in a room you wouldn't ask him about some crazy shit? Who killed Kennedy? Where is Osama's body actually at? He probably wouldn't answer but worth a shot, right?


Jesus I get that he is your coach but I dont see how anyone can defend such disgusting behavior. Even Steelers fans didnt stick up for their RB who is a member of Al Qaeda.

All we got is an anonymous source saying that. If we don't believe anonymous sources when they say players tested positive for adderall, why are we believing them now? ;)


that's just one example and maybe it's not apples to apples but the point is a game doesn't need to cost $150 mil to turn a profit. when a game that sells 6 million copies (RE6) DOESNT MEET EXPECTATIONS, then there is something wrong with what you're expecting. dark souls is a great example of a game that did not have cutting edge graphics but sold millions, turned a profit and gained a lot of fans.

there is room for AAA games. there is room for a game or two to have $150-$200 mil budget (GTA 5, for instance). but there needs to be a middle ground. There should not be tons of these situations where a game has sold 3-6 million copies and the publisher is unhappy because the game didn't turn a profit or enough of a profit. absolutely ridiculous
The amount of single player content seems to be going down dramatically as result of these out of control costs as well. Last gen their "solution" to that was to just slap multiplayer onto everything.

Honestly I don't give a fuck about graphics. I find 3DS graphics good enough and they are shit compared to even last gen consoles. I want games that are fun with perfect controls and kickass gameplay. Fire Emblems graphics were so cheap they couldn't even render the feet and yet every rational person will conclude that that was the game of the year!

edit: Mendy should have gone to Seattle. Him and Pete would have hit it off! And if anyone needed fucking Adderol he does.


harbs is 3-1 against cheatin' pete in the NFL and 5-2 all-time. ain't no confusion here

Easy to beat a team with very little talent on the roster when you fall into one of the most talented rosters in the league. Pete finally had NFL-worthy talent this past season and look what happened. Only reason we lost in SF was because they were holding Russell back and you were still starting a good QB.

bahahahahahaha seriously!?

Pats fan.
I know people in this thread were asking about GT6 on PS4 well it was basically confirmed today:

A PlayStation 4 version of Gran Turismo 6 will likely appear, according to series creator Kazunori Yamauchi.

Speaking with 4Gamer.net at E3, Yamauchi said, “I think a PlayStation 4 version will appear naturally.”

He teased, “We won’t keep you waiting too long, but it won’t be too soon either.”
Easy to beat a team with very little talent on the roster when you fall into one of the most talented rosters in the league. Pete finally had NFL-worthy talent this past season and look what happened. Only reason we lost in SF was because they were holding Russell back and you were still starting a good QB.

49ers record the season before harbs: 6-10
Seahawks record the season before harbs: 7-9

So you've already admitted jim harbaugh is the best coach in the league. He took a downtrodden 6-10 team and propelled them to 13-3 and a division title. Cheatin' pete wouldn't know anything about being division champs with a winning record!

and yeah, i'm sure the coaching staff held wussle back so he only had FOUR YARDS PASSING in the second half (before a declined penalty on the last play of the game that would have resulted in a safety if accepted). i mean 4 yards? honestly i think just about any member of neogaf could have 4 yards passing in 1 half of an NFL game. you figure you throw a 2 yard dump off to a RB in the flats and he could probably get 4 yards

wussle is a joke, cheatin' pete is a joke and the seachickens are full of cheaters. don't hold it against the niners that we were flying back from the east coast after a grueling matchup with the pats where our defense was on the field for 70+ plays in the 2nd half alone to play a team that had all of its players juiced up and were playing for THEIR superbowl. you'll see what you get in week 2


Setec Astronomer
Stick to football, Pete. Harbaugh is who you should be trolling. By this time next year Harbs will be whining about alien technology in Seattle.


FMT stop hating on the Seahawks.

You can only hate on cheaters if their cheating leads to titles (see Patriots, Ravens, USC, etc.).

If you cheat and still fail then the correct response is to point and laugh.
I know people in this thread were asking about GT6 on PS4 well it was basically confirmed today:

A PlayStation 4 version of Gran Turismo 6 will likely appear, according to series creator Kazunori Yamauchi.

Speaking with 4Gamer.net at E3, Yamauchi said, “I think a PlayStation 4 version will appear naturally.”

He teased, “We won’t keep you waiting too long, but it won’t be too soon either.”


PS4 day one confirmed.
Man that Wonderful 101 game looks amazing.

That and Donkey Kong looked like must haves on the Wii U.

GAF tell me what I should be looking at on the 3DS, Vita and PS4 from e3?

I have no idea what your taste in games are but for 3DS, I'm most excited for Mario and Luigi Dream Team Bros and Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. Mario and Luigi comes out August 11th and Zelda at the end of the year. As far as next gen launch, Watch Dogs is the only sure purchase for me.


Setec Astronomer
FMT stop hating on the Seahawks.

You can only hate on cheaters if their cheating leads to titles (see Patriots, Ravens, USC, etc.).

If you cheat and still fail then the correct response is to point and laugh.
He can't though, because we handed Harbaugh his worst loss in the NFL. FMT and Harbs both have that wide-eyed refusal to accept inadequacy. Obviously we must be cheating.


49ers record the season before harbs: 6-10
Seahawks record the season before harbs: 7-9

So you've already admitted jim harbaugh is the best coach in the league. He took a downtrodden 6-10 team and propelled them to 13-3 and a division title. Cheatin' pete wouldn't know anything about being division champs with a winning record!

and yeah, i'm sure the coaching staff held wussle back so he only had FOUR YARDS PASSING in the second half (before a declined penalty on the last play of the game that would have resulted in a safety if accepted). i mean 4 yards? honestly i think just about any member of neogaf could have 4 yards passing in 1 half of an NFL game. you figure you throw a 2 yard dump off to a RB in the flats and he could probably get 4 yards

wussle is a joke, cheatin' pete is a joke and the seachickens are full of cheaters. don't hold it against the niners that we were flying back from the east coast after a grueling matchup with the pats where our defense was on the field for 70+ plays in the 2nd half alone to play a team that had all of its players juiced up and were playing for THEIR superbowl. you'll see what you get in week 2

Niners were 6-10 because they had one of the worst coaching staffs in the league. A coach with a pulse comes in and they immediately improved. Harbs isn't a bad coach, he's just overrated. He also has had players suspended for PED use that were on his rosters, so you have no leg to stand on there.

Finally, the game in SF was on a Thursday after OUR game against the Pats, so you can't make that excuse either!

Russell would've had more than 4 yards passing if anyone could catch passes in that game, and they weren't even letting him loose.

You go to bed every night thanking your lucky stars that you didn't have to play us in the NFCCG.


come in my shame circle
I have no idea what your taste in games are but for 3DS, I'm most excited for Mario and Luigi Dream Team Bros and Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. Mario and Luigi comes out August 11th and Zelda at the end of the year. As far as next gen launch, Watch Dogs is the only sure purchase for me.

What's this? A new Zelda game on 3DS? I may try that out as I haven't actually owned a Zelda since Link's Awakening.

edit: NM I remember this game now.


I have no idea what your taste in games are but for 3DS, I'm most excited for Mario and Luigi Dream Team Bros and Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. Mario and Luigi comes out August 11th and Zelda at the end of the year. As far as next gen launch, Watch Dogs is the only sure purchase for me.
Everything bionic plays has to be playable in 10 minute sessions on the loo so the wife doesn't notice and doesn't demand another purse.

PS4 day one confirmed.

Yeah this is great news for me. I have bought every GT games so far, even GT5P, but no fucking way was I buying GT6 on PS3. It literally looks like a new car pack for GT5. Hopefully they really kick up the graphics on PS4, and for the love of all that is good change up the UI. Man playing GT5 was so frustrating with the terrible menus that game had.


Everything bionic plays has to be playable in 10 minute sessions on the loo so the wife doesn't notice and doesn't demand another purse.

She is going to demand a new purse and expensive shoes regardless of what I do. I try to avoid gaming in front of the kids, not her. I don't want them to really get into videogames until they are are like 7 or 8. Supposedly it is not good for your brain to spend too much time in front of a screen before the age of 5. I want my kids to be scholars and good citizens, not grow up to be a degenerate Patriot fan like you did.

I have no idea what your taste in games are but for 3DS, I'm most excited for Mario and Luigi Dream Team Bros and Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. Mario and Luigi comes out August 11th and Zelda at the end of the year. As far as next gen launch, Watch Dogs is the only sure purchase for me.
I am all about the 3DS. Been saying it for a long time here now. Mario and Luigi and Zelda both look fantastic. Loved the Mario and Luigi games on DS and GBA.

I will probably get on board the PS4 next year. At this point all I care about on next gen consoles is the sports games. Some of the games did look great though but I have no time to play that shit so I am going to wait a bit.

If the Wii U ever gets any good games I will probably bite if the system is 200 or less. Fuck the Bone. No interest in that whatsoever.


WiiU and PS4 for me.

And a big fuck you to Peters for getting arrested. The sheer stupidity of these guys never ceases to amaze. Even then he was the last guy I expected to do something so stupid.

Wonder how the team responds now. Suspension? What's the protocol in a situation like this?


WiiU and PS4 for me.

And a big fuck you to Peters for getting arrested. The sheer stupidity of these guys never ceases to amaze. Even then he was the last guy I expected to do something so stupid.

Wonder how the team responds now. Suspension? What's the protocol in a situation like this?

That criminal Trent Cole didn't get punished after he thugged it up on Russell Okung, so Cheatin' Chip and your criminal organization will probably give Peters a raise.



She is going to demand a new purse and expensive shoes regardless of what I do. I try to avoid gaming in front of the kids, not her. I don't want them to really get into videogames until they are are like 7 or 8. Supposedly it is not good for your brain to spend too much time in front of a screen before the age of 5. I want my kids to be scholars and good citizens, not grow up to be a degenerate Patriot fan like you did.

I told you before, that's exactly what my parents did.

Which is why I actually applaud your parenting skills. I can witness the greatness those strategies produce everytime I look in the mirror.

I suck.

Hunter S.



Funny you would mention this when Brady is going through menopause, having hot flashes and mood swings.


I told you before, that's exactly what my parents did.

Which is why I actually applaud your parenting skills. I can witness the greatness those strategies produce everytime I look in the mirror.

I suck.
You can be a good parent and your kid can still become a turd.

It comes down to them in the end. But I will be damned if I let my kids become Pats fans. If they do it won't be from lack of effort on my part!


All we got is an anonymous source saying that. If we don't believe anonymous sources when they say players tested positive for adderall, why are we believing them now? ;)

It wasn't all anonymous sourcing. One of Pete's dealers and an ex-player was there. The ex-player is on record about the meeting and Pete being a truther. Sucks that your coach is such a scum bag but that's the way it goes.

As far as Cheatin' Pete vs Harbs ...



You can be a good parent and your kid can still become a turd.

It comes down to them in the end. But I will be damned if I let my kids become Pats fans. If they do it won't be from lack of effort on my part!

Why are you so mean?

You sound like someone who's parents let them sit in front of 3 TVs from the moment you could lift your head.

There is a lot of hate in this page, and the Big Headed cambodian isn't even around. he probably looks like a Goron from Zelda.



Sorry Chan, but that's hilarious.


It wasn't all anonymous sourcing. One of Pete's dealers and an ex-player was there. The ex-player is on record about the meeting and Pete being a truther. Sucks that your coach is such a scum bag but that's the way it goes.

As far as Cheatin' Pete vs Harbs ...


You are the worst Rams fan ever with your love affairs with the Seahawks and Niners.
Guy on Twitter said:
Bruce Arians on why #azcardinals don't stretch before practice: "If a guy starts chasing you with a gun, you're not going to stretch."

Randy Moss to sign with the Cardinals confirmed. 84 don't stretch!
Niners were 6-10 because they had one of the worst coaching staffs in the league. A coach with a pulse comes in and they immediately improved. Harbs isn't a bad coach, he's just overrated. He also has had players suspended for PED use that were on his rosters, so you have no leg to stand on there.

Finally, the game in SF was on a Thursday after OUR game against the Pats, so you can't make that excuse either!

Russell would've had more than 4 yards passing if anyone could catch passes in that game, and they weren't even letting him loose.

You go to bed every night thanking your lucky stars that you didn't have to play us in the NFCCG.

1. awww! you had to travel from seattle to san francisco!? how did you manage!

2. excuses. that's all you ever get with wussle! well if the receivers didn't drop passes! well if the defense held! well!

3. we would have fucking smashed you in the NFC title game just like we will twice this year


You are the worst Rams fan ever with your love affairs with the Seahawks and Niners.

I think James Lauranitis is a good football player. He's also the 5th best middle linebacker in his own division. Sometimes you are up against a stacked deck, and you have to respect that. Pete is a good coach with a good eye for talent, but Harbs is better


Why are you so mean?

You sound like someone who's parents let them sit in front of 3 TVs from the moment you could lift your head.
I did grow up watching a lot of tv.

Why do you think I am mean? I thought I was known as the wise old nice guy around here whose opinions on football, videogames and life were treasured by all?


1. awww! you had to travel from seattle to san francisco!? how did you manage!

2. excuses. that's all you ever get with wussle! well if the receivers didn't drop passes! well if the defense held! well!

3. we would have fucking smashed you in the NFC title game just like we will twice this year

Poor Niners players can't even handle a 5 hour plane ride! No wonder they can't beat us or the Flaccos! And no chance you would have beat us unless you started Tinyhands. The Harbs era was destined to be ringless as soon as he benched Alex!
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