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NFL Offseason Thread |OT3| The Long Wait

There's always hyperbole around OTAs, but if you pay attention you know what actually matters. Wilson clearly impressed at rookie camp and changed reps schedule last year. Eventually Kelly is going to start giving one of his QBs the reps with the first team. Seems like Vick will get every chance to win that job

Yeah Vick will definitely get the first shot but if he cant do the things Chip wants his QB to do, get the ball out fast and dont turn it over, it will be Barkley getting the next chance I believe.


Wallace was running a wide variety of routes including the Go, Fly, Up, Vert, and Straight Fucking line.

There'll be more suicide talk when Jets fans find out Sanchez is still their starting QB.


This whole "tempo" thing is weird to me. Oklahoma ran more plays in '08 than Chip Kelly ever did at Oregon. And Sam Wyche and Marv Levy were using it in the 80s and 90s. That Pats do now as well. I'm not sure what Kelly is doing that is so novel except he's going to try it with shitty quarterbacks

Chip had Nike money. That's the difference!


Seems the Packers are going to have a big competition over the RT spot and possibly Center as well. Going to presume TJ Lang has no worries about losing out at RG.

I'm wondering if Barclay with his visible effect on the run game will win over RT.

RB is an obvious position of drastic competition. Assuming we keep 4 I'll presume Lacy, Franklin, Harris, Starks. No particular order other than Starks. Though at that point on the depth chart and his injury problems, they might just give that to the guy that seems healthiest. I'm sure some will stick on practice squad as well.
I really liked Harris and hope he isn't just pushed out of starting chances due to draft picks.

D-line doesn't seem like a huge competition as they all will just rotate anyways, but hopefully someone will start to shine.

OLB should be interesting opposite of Matthews and his depth.

Looking forward to all those battles.

We could also use a diamond in the rough to show up at MLB, wish we made a splash there.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
This whole "tempo" thing is weird to me. Oklahoma ran more plays in '08 than Chip Kelly ever did at Oregon. And Sam Wyche and Marv Levy were using it in the 80s and 90s. That Pats do now as well. I'm not sure what Kelly is doing that is so novel except he's going to try it with shitty quarterbacks

What part of NAVY SEALS conditioning didn't you get???



I always thought "up-tempo" for Oregon just meant their defense sucked.

It means their QBs couldn't hit the broad side of the barn so all those incompletions gave them time to run extra plays.

PAC-12 defense is an oxymoron.

Except for Run CM3 and Datone Jones of course.

Stanford had a pretty good D this year. Going by NFL players the conference isn't bad at all. They just usually aren't concentrated on the same team(s) like they are in the SEC, particularly the linemen.


I don't like the sound of this, though Tavon was pretty frank about all the people trying to get at him in media interviews

7. I think, regarding Tavon Austin saying everyone from his life is asking for money, there's a reason more than one team was afraid of him entering draft weekend. Austin, from all accounts, avoided the pitfalls that have befallen lots of inner-city draftees over the years. But some around the league think acquaintances from Austin's past (he is from one of the toughest neighborhoods in the country, in Baltimore) could follow him into the NFL.

Read More: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/nf...ing-monday-morning-quarterback/#ixzz2TC1ifM35

Anyone else getting Metro Last Light?

I don't like scary games :( Condemned and the first Metro were great, but wrecked my fragile nerves


Steve Tisch trollin

“You know, I feel badly for the guy,” Tisch said. “Had another team picked him up after the Broncos, maybe he’d have a career. I think him going from the Broncos to the Jets was not in anybody’s best interest. So I do feel badly for him. I hope he plays football. I think he’s got talent, I think he’s probably a decent guy and not a bad quarterback. So I wish him all the best. I sincerely wish him all the best.”


Get Olivia for one battle:

Have one turn left before winning battle against Gangrel

Stupid "Hero" kills Olivia

me: rage like no one's business



"Like the national media, you are making the mistake of discounting the influence of coaches Rob Chudzinski and Norv Turner on the process. I promise you this: If Weeden is at the throttle of a winning season in 2013, he will not be replaced in 2014. That doesn't mean the Browns won't draft a quarterback -- Weeden will be 30, after all -- but Banner is not going to replace him simply out of ego.

"Also, I believe Lombardi's influence on the QB position is greatly exaggerated. Banner is calling the shots, not Lombardi."


Get Olivia for one battle:

Have one turn left before winning battle against Gangrel

Stupid "Hero" kills Olivia

me: rage like no one's business

Ayup, good old fire emblem. Best is when you get a character killed when an enemy crits with a 1% chance.
I don't like the sound of this, though Tavon was pretty frank about all the people trying to get at him in media interviews

I don't like scary games :( Condemned and the first Metro were great, but wrecked my fragile nerves

The first thing Tavon needs to do is cut everybody off, EVERYBODY, including his immediate family because they're going to bleed him dry with fast cars, big houses and stupid investment decisions and he will not be able to say no to his own mother, give her a mil and then cut her off completely.


Sad to see Buddy go, the guy gave me a shitload of laughs. Any Bills fan that truly follows knew this was coming, even though Nix was denying it as much as possible. He cleaned house last year, put new people in charge of running the scouting and personnel dept, and made a young guy AGM. Personally, I knew it would happen, it was clear as day.

Lets see what Whaley's got, he's one impressive dude when he sits down and talks players.


Lots of alumni from that Dunbar HS. Tupac and Sam Cassell the two biggest

The first thing Tavon needs to do is cut everybody off, EVERYBODY, including his immediate family because they're going to bleed him dry with fast cars, big houses and stupid investment decision and he will not be able to say no to his own mother, give her a mil and then cut her off completely.

That's my worry. He said he is letting his Mom take care of all the people coming at him, and he has changed his phone number, but family can get a player worse than friends. Dez Bryant's mom extorted money from him
Totally non-football related but boy am I struggling with the 3D on the XL. It's utter shit. I already mentioned some issues with it before but goodness this thing is so much worse than the original 3DS in that regard. The slightest movement and the ghosting/double image is killer (and I'm holding the thing a good distance away from my face).

I know, I know just turn it off but it's pretty integral to something like Mario 3D Land for instance. It's too bad cause the rest of the XL design is so much better than the OG unit.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Totally non-football related but boy am I struggling with the 3D on the XL. It's utter shit. I already mentioned some issues with it before but goodness this thing is so much worse than the original 3DS in that regard. The slightest movement and the ghosting/double image is killer (and I'm holding the thing a good distance away from my face).

I know, I know just turn it off but it's pretty integral to something like Mario 3D Land for instance. It's too bad cause the rest of the XL design is so much better than the OG unit.

I'm kind of hoping Nintendo backs away from using the 3D in most of their games.

It's sad but a slightly more powerful "DS 2" would have done better.
Receiver Mike Wallace was running routes recently when Tannehill – impressed by his blazing speed - told him he should go only half speed. "I am going half speed," Wallace responded, according to Tannehill. "Everything I heard about him coming in has proved to be true – he’s as advertised," Tannehill said. "He’s the fastest guy I’ve ever thrown to. It’s exciting."

Now if he can learn how to run routes, get off the line on outs and catch we will be set.
Mike Wallace's peak velocity is probably about 3.6 Hartlines/second.

Totally non-football related but boy am I struggling with the 3D on the XL. It's utter shit. I already mentioned some issues with it before but goodness this thing is so much worse than the original 3DS in that regard. The slightest movement and the ghosting/double image is killer (and I'm holding the thing a good distance away from my face).

I know, I know just turn it off but it's pretty integral to something like Mario 3D Land for instance. It's too bad cause the rest of the XL design is so much better than the OG unit.
You're getting ghosting in 3D Land? That's weird, I was just playing that a few days ago and I thought the 3D looked great on the XL (played through the game the first time on the OG 3DS). Maybe I forgot that the angle was better on the original but they seem pretty similar as far as I can recall (neither is very good, though). Ghosting was always more of an issue with whatever game I was playing and that's been the same with the XL.


Quinten Patton=AJ Jenkins

After one day of rookie camp, I can tell you that Quinton Patton is nowhere close to being ready. (But that can be said for all of the rookies.) However, there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic about Patton's future.

Based on one two-hour practice, the thing that he most needs to improve -- aside from just learning the system -- is his route-running. What makes Michael Crabtree so successful is that every route looks the same at the beginning. Crabtree is able to get deep because, for instance, a slant-and-go looks just like a slant until he turns it upfield. He does not tip anything at the top of a route.

Patton looked predictable Friday, and on a couple of deep routes, undrafted rookie cornerback Darryl Morris had no problem keeping up with him.


This whole "tempo" thing is weird to me. Oklahoma ran more plays in '08 than Chip Kelly ever did at Oregon. And Sam Wyche and Marv Levy were using it in the 80s and 90s. That Pats do now as well. I'm not sure what Kelly is doing that is so novel except he's going to try it with shitty quarterbacks

Well its more than just uptempo offense. He wants everything fast. The work outs, practices, and even film study. More emphasis on repetition accuracy which according to him and his experience works better to "install" a system in a player's brain.

And even if it has been used in the past, its still relatively rare in the NFL. Brady and the Pats took some of these concepts but of course with Brady at the helm its tailored for his skill set and works beautifully.

Chip does have to find his QB but a lot of what he is doing isn't just the offense, its the whole football program from the ground up. It is new and unique. Either it blows up in the Eagles's faces big time or the Navy Seals trainers, the odd ball moves of the locker assignments, the personalized shakes, the one word play calling, the music blasting at practices, and versatility required from each player works to eventually win them a SB.

Everything is just so different already from the last 14 years and I couldn't be more excited for a rebuilding season where realistically I only expect 5-7 wins.

There's always hyperbole around OTAs, but if you pay attention you know what actually matters. Wilson clearly impressed at rookie camp and changed reps schedule last year. Eventually Kelly is going to start giving one of his QBs the reps with the first team. Seems like Vick will get every chance to win that job

My personal theory is that despite Vick's age, poor play the last 2 seasons, and injury prone body, Chip himself hasn't decided which version of what offense he will run. So he needed to keep Vick and Foles.

He brought in Pat Shurmur because he knows the WCO. Chip doesn't. He doesn't want to define himself too narrowly and then be stuck if it doesn't work. Love the fact that he isn't stubborn about schemes and having it his way only. He says he constructed his coaching staff with people who have expertise in things he might not. Won't force players and coaches to do things they can't.

With all that said obviously the most explosive offense he has run was his Oregon offense (which was different than what he did at New Hampshire). He has to be at least intrigued to see what Vick can do in that type of offense. If he can run the most explosive version of his offense which Vick's skill set would allow, he will at least experiment to see how it works in the NFL.

If it doesn't, then well Vick is only on a 1 year contract and will be gone either through injury or FA. Even if Vick pulls it off well he might be gone due to his age but at least Chip will have figured out what he himself wants to run in the NFL.


I think Chip Kelly might run into an issue with his "everything fast" once he realizes he has some veterans on the team that probably won't or can't go that fast all the time.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Hard to be that mad when the Daft Punk album is so glorious and flittering on to my eardrums.

You should save it for the season when the Trent Truck drives off a cliff on the way to dropping Weeden off at the old folks home.

Even though I hope you guys do well, I'm not feeling your team this season.
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