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NFL Offseason Thread |OT4| Cheaters Cheat.


Persecution Complex
It's funny because you basically picked the one game on current Nintendo consoles that's actually longer than Xenoblade.

So I've heard but it's a pick up and play musou game. Having fun with it so far. Lots of Zelda fan service too and somewhat of a "story".

Whereas with Xenoblade (which is a great game) I have to get involved with the characters and story. There's been plenty of times I'll get 20 hours or so in an RPG, go back a few months later and completely forget what quest I'm supposed to do or what just happened in the story.
wait im confused, is shenmue in danger of not being funded now?

It was already funded, except Yu Suzuki came out like a day later and said that if you want something close to the original Shenmue experience (for maximum boredom) he would need $10 million whereas the original $2.5 million might just get some type of narrative closure (which people speculate to be something akin to a Telltale game, and people have to speculate because there is nothing concrete to go off of from the people actually asking for money). Shemnue fans are now freaking out because it's not going to make it to $10 million, and really never had any chance of making it to $10 million. Not sure why people had it in their head that this project would somehow have any chance in hell to make 2 or 3 times as much as the most successful gaming kickstarters around, especially when most of those didn't come with the baggage of having to have played and loved the first two games in a series.


It was already funded, except Yu Suzuki came out like a day later and said that if you want something close to the original Shenmue experience (for maximum boredom) he would need $10 million whereas the original $2.5 million might just get some type of narrative closure (which people speculate to be something akin to a Telltale game, and people have to speculate because there is nothing concrete to go off of from the people actually asking for money). Shemnue fans are now freaking out because it's not going to make it to $10 million, and really never had any chance of making it to $10 million. Not sure why people had it in their head that this project would somehow have any chance in hell to make 2 or 3 times as much as the most successful gaming kickstarters around, especially when most of those didn't come with the baggage of having to have played and loved the first two games in a series.

This is exactly why I wouldnt fund it even if I wanted the game. The cost to produce a game worthy of the kind of attention and care the original games had in an HD environment and time schedule would be prohibitively expensive. 2 million wouldnt even come close. Unless Sony pulls a Nintendo here it wont do justice to the name.


It was already funded, except Yu Suzuki came out like a day later and said that if you want something close to the original Shenmue experience (for maximum boredom) he would need $10 million whereas the original $2.5 million might just get some type of narrative closure (which people speculate to be something akin to a Telltale game, and people have to speculate because there is nothing concrete to go off of from the people actually asking for money). Shemnue fans are now freaking out because it's not going to make it to $10 million, and really never had any chance of making it to $10 million. Not sure why people had it in their head that this project would somehow have any chance in hell to make 2 or 3 times as much as the most successful gaming kickstarters around, especially when most of those didn't come with the baggage of having to have played and loved the first two games in a series.
it's ridiculous that sony put them on the stage without funding the game whatsoever.


It was already funded, except Yu Suzuki came out like a day later and said that if you want something close to the original Shenmue experience (for maximum boredom) he would need $10 million whereas the original $2.5 million might just get some type of narrative closure (which people speculate to be something akin to a Telltale game, and people have to speculate because there is nothing concrete to go off of from the people actually asking for money). Shemnue fans are now freaking out because it's not going to make it to $10 million, and really never had any chance of making it to $10 million. Not sure why people had it in their head that this project would somehow have any chance in hell to make 2 or 3 times as much as the most successful gaming kickstarters around, especially when most of those didn't come with the baggage of having to have played and loved the first two games in a series.

So what you're telling me is that Shenmue fans are now experiencing what it was like for Sega executives when Yu ripped them off for millions of dollars 15 years ago?

They really are getting the full Shenmue experience.


It was already funded, except Yu Suzuki came out like a day later and said that if you want something close to the original Shenmue experience (for maximum boredom) he would need $10 million whereas the original $2.5 million might just get some type of narrative closure (which people speculate to be something akin to a Telltale game, and people have to speculate because there is nothing concrete to go off of from the people actually asking for money). Shemnue fans are now freaking out because it's not going to make it to $10 million, and really never had any chance of making it to $10 million. Not sure why people had it in their head that this project would somehow have any chance in hell to make 2 or 3 times as much as the most successful gaming kickstarters around, especially when most of those didn't come with the baggage of having to have played and loved the first two games in a series.

My favorite part is the conspiracy theories about how it was the negative reaction that killed the Kickstarter. People on GAF pointed out that once all the articles questioning the kickstarter started coming out, the money dried up. And now the fans are upset that "gotcha" journalists ruined this game and they'll never have a full Shenmue. Never mind the fact that Kickstarters usually slow down after the initial wave. And they just can't believe that maybe the Shenmue fanbase isn't that big
Home on a Friday night doing math....



Shenmue 1 cost $70 million to make at a time when games were cheaper to create and in 1999 dollars.

What exactly did people think they were going to get for $3 million?


Shenmue 1 cost $70 million to make at a time when games were cheaper to create and in 1999 dollars.

What exactly did people think they were going to get for $3 million?
everyone told me that sony just wanted to be sure that people were out there who wanted the game...gaf pls


lol. I need to see gameplay in realtime game environments.
We have seen basically nothing yet except a few possible game mechanics videos.
Im starving for even one more video.

I'm really hoping for a re-reveal at TGS/Gamescom/Direct later this year. Even a teaser with a title. Delaying Zelda out of 2015 I'm fine with, but if the year ends with no new footage I'll be severely disappointed


I will be at the horse Farm/Farmers market tomorrow with my Dad for a ham radio related "field day" emergency preparedness event. Its kind of fun to watch them set up the barebones rig equipment out in the middle of a field and successfully communicate with it.
This is basically the first line of civilian communication when a natural disaster occurs and power/telephone lines/internet is down. Also Skywarn.
Well could be worse...I was home setting up for my girlfriends baby shower. I even helped bake because I'm nice. Picked up a lot of alcohol though so the guys who are coming can drink and eat BBQ.

But at least you get that, I just have more hw tomorrow :( I wish dutch was here already so we could hang out.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I have a date tomorrow afternoon so brace yourselves for the possibility of an emo post later this week should things go sour.

At least I met this chick on match and not on tinder this time tho.
wait im confused, is shenmue in danger of not being funded now?
It's going to clear $5m, but between gaming journalism FUD ("why don't we know the exact financial details of project that barely exists yet? Clearly there is mischief and Sony is secretly bankrolling this 3rd party game, don't give them your money!") and a hilariously badly run kickstarter page, it's been... kinda rough. Feels like a lot of money left on the table.

Shenmue 1 cost $70 million to make at a time when games were cheaper to create and in 1999 dollars.

What exactly did people think they were going to get for $3 million?
1. It was $47 million for both games
2. and the Saturn version that was thrown out.
3. there's no way it was cheaper to make that game in 1997 when they had to invent a bunch of technology compared to now when things like Unreal Engine exist. And for that matter, fucking version control systems.

Anyway, that's something like $20m per game, taking a wild ass guess at how much was burned off on the Saturn version. Which sounds plausible, as opposed to some marketing lie like $70m.

So... $3 million would be a pretty bare-bones continuation of the story. Luckily it will have a bigger budget than that. Unluckily, it probably won't have a large enough budget to give Yu Suzuki free reign again. I care way more about seeing him back in the game (finally!!) than I do about Shenmue in particular.

My favorite part is the conspiracy theories about how it was the negative reaction that killed the Kickstarter. People on GAF pointed out that once all the articles questioning the kickstarter started coming out, the money dried up. And now the fans are upset that "gotcha" journalists ruined this game and they'll never have a full Shenmue. Never mind the fact that Kickstarters usually slow down after the initial wave. And they just can't believe that maybe the Shenmue fanbase isn't that big
Call it a conspiracy theory if you like! It's what happened.


Sony stop being fucking cheap and fund the Shenmue game. Why even bother showing it? Just to add to press conference hype? This whole debacle has been ridiculous lol.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I think at the end of the day, Sony will throw in a bunch of cash and publish a phsyical PS4 edition because regardless of their E3 message of specifying that it's not their thing, it's totally their thing in mindshare.

I don't think they want the game to turn out to be a giant dog turd.
Sony stop being fucking cheap and fund the Shenmue game. Why even bother showing it? Just to add to press conference hype? This whole debacle has been ridiculous lol.

From their standpoint, why not? Gives the kickstarter some publicity (= money, conscience is clear!), gives them another notch in the E3 belt.

As for why they won't fund it -- I mean, it's not as if "don't fund Shenmue 3" is a new or unusual executive decision.


Call it a conspiracy theory if you like! It's what happened.

So you're saying a huge surge in funding for shenmue followed by a steep drop off in the following days was caused by the negativity? So wouldn't it then stand to reason that a graph of daily funding other kickstarters received would be different than the shenmue graph? In other words, the initial surge following a drop off would only be unique to shenmue?
Shenmue fans are the worst.
I would want any brilliant, legendary artist to have a chance to finish his/her unfinished, final(?) work as it was intended. Would you not?

The fanaticism is entirely reasonable!

So you're saying a huge surge in funding for shenmue followed by a steep drop off in the following days was caused by the negativity? So wouldn't it then stand to reason that a graph of daily funding kickstarters excluding shenmue receive would be different than the shenmue graph? In other words, the initial surge following a drop off would only be unique to shenmue?
Not at all, I'm saying that the drop was uniquely precipitous, and that it coincidentally jibes with the widespread (incorrect) understanding that the kickstarter was a marketing trial balloon and that Sony would pick up the rest of the tab.

It's not possible to quantify the effect, since our sample size is too small. But it seems obtuse to discard the effect of entire every gaming blog papering the campaign with "should you fund this kickstarter? [subtext: no, you shouldn't]"


Should have gotten the Xbox version. You would probably just abandon me like Bread did
the game gets boring and you knew it yet you still bought the expansions. this is your fault!

halo doesn't get boring and it works so that's the game for me!
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