southern states do southern food betterall that weed and aint shit to eat for the munchies
northern states do literally everything else better
have fun with your digusting excuses for pizza you swine
southern states do southern food betterall that weed and aint shit to eat for the munchies
southern states do southern food better
northern states do literally everything else better
have fun with your digusting excuses for pizza you swine
southern states do southern food better
northern states do literally everything else better
have fun with your digusting excuses for pizza you swine
Abraham Lincoln disagrees.
We also do some pretty awesome festivals. I dont think anywhere up north has something comparable to Festival International and especially not free to attend.
Texas isnt the south. Its Texas.
Exactly! Better than the north and the south!
Have our own electrical grid and the east and west can "share". In the words of Davy Crocket: You can all go to hell! I'm goin to Texas!
My other family lives in Texas, in Dallas. So im part Texan. But I dont claim it.
id rather live in a developed civilized world
instead of a third world state with festivals
WTF?? and Dallas? You have a Romo jersey don't you?
enjoy the one good thing you can get in the southHave fun with your lousy BBQ. Go eat some chowdah.
Id rather live where people dont have to spend 2,500 a month for a crumbling pillbox room with no air conditioning.
enjoy the one good thing you can get in the south
even california has better food than you
enjoy the one good thing you can get in the south
even california has better food than you
enjoy the one good thing you can get in the south
even california has better food than you
you can live for 2$ a day in papua new guinea too, move there
its probably better louisiana, and you wont have to worry about the levies every august either
O' Canada!
i pay for my food with east coast money, dont care where its madeCalifornia has better food than 99% of the country. Ask yourselves if your produce isn't from some foreign country, where's it from? California bitches.
I do enjoy all the other ethnic food around here. Just got a new Filipino restaurant. More stuff to try out.
my dad pays for my food with east coast money, dont care where its made
all you midwest and worst coast states and your produce are interchangeable to us. if you start charging more we can go to another third world source
I still have no fuckin clue what Filipino food is. It's like a cross between Spanish and Asian cuisine gone wrong, horribly wrong.
Dinuguan, its basically meat stewed in pigs blood. It looks absolutely fuckin disgusting. I'll eat it though.
Goddamn Sconis living out their Hernandez fantasies.
Man, I would love to set your American Eagle boxers on fire.i pay for my food with east coast money, dont care where its made
all you midwest and worst coast states and your produce are interchangeable to us. if you start charging more we can go to another third world source
But I'm Mexican.I love you too.
You're a German.
California has better food than 99% of the country. Ask yourselves if your produce isn't from some foreign country, where's it from? California bitches.
how many superbowls did that pass win?
oh nevermind, THAT was your superbowl
Why are you posting photoshopped images? At least my .gif actually happened.
And beating some scrub AFC team that gets blown out at home by the Jets in the playoffs is hardly our Super Bowl.
unlike your swamp team, we never lost to a rapist in the postseason
Actually the pacific literally has a garbage dump in the middle:
basically humans fucking suck and are ruining the planet
Related to the Eagles, but I am so happy Arizona hired Todd Bowles. Ray Horton is probably the best DC in football right now, and the Cards defense was amazing last year. His blitzes baffled everyone. So Bowles switching to a 4-3, and being awful in Philly, is just fantastic.
I feel like this is the year that Arians is finally exposed since he doesn't have a QB that can buy time in the pocket. Palmer is very good at avoiding sacks. When Kolb was confused, he ate the ball and took the sack. Palmer just throws it. The pass offense will be better, but I can't see Palmer lasting a full season if they feature as much 7 step drops as Arians did in Indy and Pittsburgh.
Lunchbox does your dad go with you to pay for food or does he give you an allowance?
I don't know specifically what part of Denver he lives in, but I lived pretty much right downtown somewhat by the Governor's Mansion and roughly by a place called Cheeseman Park. There were all kinds of people down there.
Growing up though I lived on the North side, somewhat near North High School. I could hear the old Mile High from my house when that baby was rocking. Same story, maybe more Mexicans there than anything else. My uncle lives in Littleton, and it's nothing but white people. So there are parts where you don't see a lot of minorities.
Congrats on the newborn fanto!
That life story is very compelling and all, but we're going to need to see a Colorado birth certificate to definitively certify your True Fan status.
Fuck you I hate the Cowboys. But Dallas is nice. Probably nicer than Houston.